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Zasoby kruszyw naturalnych o dobrych parametrach zagęszczalności coraz bardziej się kurczą. Dlatego też niezwykle istotne wydają się badania nad możliwością zagęszczania gruntów uznanych powszechnie za słabo zagęszczalne, a nawet niezagęszczalne, jakimi są w powszechnej teorii np. piaski eoliczne. Temat jest ważny w kontekście racjonalnego i zrównoważonego wykorzystania zasobów naturalnych. Celem badań było przeanalizowanie wpływu cech genetycznych utworów piaszczystych na zagęszczalność kruszyw naturalnych. Przebadano dwa rodzaje gruntów – piaski eoliczne oraz fluwioglacjalne. Wykazano, że kruszywo pochodzenia wodnolodowcowego jest lepiej zagęszczalne, zwłaszcza ze względu na zawartość ziarn kanciastych i słabo obtoczonych we frakcji drobnopiaszczystej.
Resources of natural aggregates with good compaction parameters are increasingly shrinking. Therefore, research on the possibility of compacting soils that are generally considered to be poorly compactable or even non-compactable, such as eolian sands, seems to be extremely important. The topic is important in the context of rational and sustainable use of natural resources. The aim of the research was to analyze the influence of genetic features of sandy formations on the compaction of natural aggregates. Two types of soil were examined – aeolian and fluvioglacial sands. It has been shown that aggregate of glacial-water origin is better compacted, especially due to the content of angular and poorly embedded grains in the fine-sand fraction.
The article presents the possibility of using the knowledge of the stone building material of castles of the Kaczawa Belt for an easily accessible reconstruction of the regional geological history. The authors' idea can be used in the form of educational geosites. Selected castles: Wleń (Lenno), Bolków, Świny and Grodziec are widely known, situated not far from each other and built of various types of local building material. Visiting them, the tourist may realize that they are usually built of rocks on which they are founded or, for practical reasons, of rocks obtained in the direct vicinity. Taking a walk along geosites the potential tourist will see rocks of different ages and different lithologies in the walls of the castles, e.g. pillow lavas (now greenstones), sandstones, ignimbrites, rhyolithoids, breccias and basaltoids. This relative diversity, the presence of various volcanic forms and types of volcanites (e.g. related to submarine and terrestrial volcanism, alkaline, and felsic volcanism, etc.), makes it possible to present the lithostratigraphic evolution of the Kaczawa Belt, starting with the rifting of Gondwana and the oldest metavolcanic series, through uplift, magmatism and metamorphism, Rotliegend deposition, and accompanying volcanism, to erosion, Cenozoic re-uplift and accompanying young basaltic volcanism.
The landslide is located in Wronki. It covers the southern side on the bank of the Warta River and occupy an area of 500 m in length. The landslide was once again activated on August 22-23, 2018, causing numerous failures. The Warta River slope in the area of mass movements is built by non-construction embankments, under which the Poznań Miocene-Pliocene of quasi-layered structure lie. There are horizontal interlayers of sandy silts in these clays. The Warta drains water from a large area, and the runoff takes place mainly on the roof of clays. The slide surface of the landslide was precisely the roof of the Poznań clays. Bearing in mind the properties of the Poznań clays, such as relaxation, block disintegration, expansiveness features, the following were considered the direct causes of the failure: heavy rainfall that occurred after a drought, loading of the slope with indiscriminate cubature buildings, construction of a linear sewage system and periodically repeated vibrations caused by the implementation of neighboring investments. In order to identify the area, test boreholes were made, samples were taken for laboratory tests, and geodetic measurements were taken. Based on the obtained results, slope stability calculations were made and a measurement network was developed for systematic monitoring of geodetic displacements of control points. It was recommended to perform drainage to drain the slope and side of the Warta River, plant bushes, and make changes to the land development plan in order to prohibit further development of the area in the endangered zone.
Opisywane osuwisko znajduje się w miejscowości Wronki, powiecie szamotulskim, województwie wielkopolskim. Obejmuje ono zbocze południowe, po lewej stronie rzeki Warty i zajmuje teren o rozciągłości ok. 500 m. Osuwisko po raz kolejny uaktywniło się w dniach 22-23 sierpnia 2018 r. powodując liczne awarie i zniszczenia. Skarpę Warty w obszarze występujących ruchów masowych budują nasypy niekontrolowane (o zróżnicowanym składzie), pod którymi zalegają mioceńsko-plioceńskie iły serii poznańskiej o quasi-warstwowej budowie - w iłach występują horyzontalne wkładki pyłów piaszczystych. Rzeka Warta drenuje wody z dużego obszaru, a spływ wód odbywa się głównie po stropie iłów. Strefę poślizgu stanowił właśnie strop iłów serii poznańskiej. Mając na uwadze właściwości iłów serii poznańskiej takie jak odprężenie (powstanie powierzchni zlustrzeń), dezintegracja blokowa, cechy ekspansywności (pęcznienie i skurcz), za bezpośrednią przyczynę awarii uznano: obfite opady, które wystąpiły po długotrwałej suszy, wieloletnie dociążanie skarpy nieprzemyślaną zabudową kubaturową, budowę liniowej instalacji kanalizacyjnej w obrębie skarpy oraz okresowo powtarzające się drgania spowodowane realizacją sąsiednich inwestycji ( wbijanie pali czy mikrowybuchy). W celu rozpoznania terenu wykonano liczne otwory badawcze, pobrano próbki do badań laboratoryjnych, wykonano pomiary geodezyjne. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników, dokonano obliczeń stateczności skarpy i opracowano sieć pomiarową do systematycznego monitoringu przemieszczeń geodezyjnych punków kontrolnych. Zalecono wykonanie drenażu w celu odwodnienia skarpy i zbocza Warty, posadzenie krzewów, dokonanie zmian w planie zagospodarowania przestrzennego w celu wprowadzenia zakazu dalszej zabudowy terenu w strefie zagrożonej.
In the Variscan Bohemian Massif, orthogneiss complexes of different sizes, derived from early Palaeozoic granitoids, are accompanied by metavolcano-sedimentary successions. They are common in the Sudetes, SW Poland, and belong mainly to the Saxothuringian Terrane. In order to better characterize the evolution of the latter, new U-Pb and O isotopic zircon analyses, combined with zircon typology and new U-Th-Pb isotopic monazite analyses, were performed. The present data show that the S-type granitic precursors of the Doboszowice orthogneisses (Fore-Sudetic Block) and the Śnieżnik gneisses (Sudetes) were formed at ca. 495 Ma from differently evolved magmas. Protoliths of the Doboszowice orthogneisses developed entirely in the crust, whereas the precursors to the Śnieżnik gneisses received some mantle input. Metasediments that accompany the Doboszowice orthogneisses reveal zircon spectra, which point to a late Cambrian-Early Ordovician sedimentary age. These spectra, in addition to predominant grains with Ediacaran ages, contain up to 10% of zircons dated at ca. 1.0 Ga. Therefore, it is suggested that the parent basin was supplied with detritus coming from areas, located in the Libyan-Nubian part of North Africa. Using also earlier published data, such a provenance is assigned to the units that now occur in the eastern part of the Fore-Sudetic Block. Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician granite intrusions and the concurrent accumulation of sediments originated in an extensional setting of the peri-Gondwana rifted continental margin or a back-arc setting. The Pb/U and Pb/Th monazite data constrain the ca. 346–341-Ma peak of the Variscan regional metamorphism in the eastern Saxothuringian Terrane and the prolonged juxtaposition of now adjacent tectonic units at least until 330 Ma.
The Environmental Protection Law (Act of 27 April 2001, Journal of Laws 2020.1219) requires Poviat Starosty to observe areas endangered by mass movements of the earth and areas where such movements occur. The Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment on information on mass movements of the earth of 4 December 2020 (Journal of Laws 2020.2270) introduces a less demanding method of observation, which is the so-called field vision method (§ 3, 1). This article provides a detailed procedure for inspecting mass movements. It can be widely used as part of local government geology tasks in lowland areas. Theresultoftheworkon the above-mentioned procedure is the “mass movement observation protocol (field vision method)”, which was tested on mass movements registered within the Września poviat.
The depositional conditions of kame terraces in a mountain valley were analysed sedimentologically and petrologically through a series of kame terraces in the Rudawy Janowickie mountains. The kame terraces comprise five lithofacies associations. Lithofacies association GRt, Sp originates from deposition in the high-energy, deep gravel-bed channel of a braided river. Lithofacies association GC represents a washed out glacial till. Probably a thin layer of till was washed out by sandy braided rivers (Sp). The fourth association (Fh, Fm) indicates a shallow and quite small glaciomarginal lake. The last association (GRt, GRp) indicates the return of deposition in a sandy-bed braided channel. The petrography of the Janowice Wiekie pit and measurements of cross-stratified beds indicate a palaeocurrent direction from N to S. The Janowice Wielkie sedimentary succession accumulated most probably during the Saalian (Odranian, Saale I, Drenthe) as the first phase of ice-sheet melting, because the kame terrace under study is the highest one, 25-27 m above the Bóbr river level. The deposits under study are dominated by local components. The proglacial streams flowed along the margin of the ice sheet and deposited the kame terrace. The majority of the sedimentary succession was deposited in a confined braided-river system in quite deep channels.
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