Wprowadzenie obowiązku stosowania systemu HACPP w produkcji żywności zapewnia przestrzeganie odpowiednich procedur postępowania dotyczących higieny, a także przy zakupie i dystrybucji produktów żywnościowych. Podstawowym celem wprowadzenia tego systemu jest zagwarantowanie bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego konsumenta poprzez zidentyfikowanie i ocenę zagrożeń fizycznych, chemicznych, mikrobiologicznych. W ten sposób przedsiębiorstwo buduje zaufanie klientów. Prawidłowo funkcjonujący system HACCP umożliwia poprawę wyników jakościowych, koordynację i produktywność w firmie.
Obligatory introduction of HACPP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) system into food production ensures obeying hygiene procedures during the food production process as well as at the purchase and the food products distribution. The main goal for introducing this system is a guarantee of the customers' health safety through identifying and the assessment of physical, chemical and micro chemical danger. It enables the company to build the consumers' trust. Correctly applied and functioning HACCP system builds up the quality results, co-ordination and efficiency within the company.
Biopaliwa, jako element odnawialnych źródeł energii, pozwalają na wykorzystanie nadprodukcji rolnej, mogą uzupełnić rynek paliw płynnych i nie stanowią zagrożenia dla środowiska naturalnego. Jednak rozwój rynku biopaliw w Polsce uwarunkowany jest wieloma barierami. Celem artykułu jest próba przedstawienia rynku biopaliw w Polsce, jako alternatywy dla paliw pochodzących z ropy naftowej z uwzględnieniem barier jego rozwoju.
Biofuels, as an element of renewable energy sources, allow the use of agricultural overproduction, may make the market for liquid fuels and does not constitute a threat to the environment. However, the development of the biofuel market in Poland is subject to many barriers. The article attempts to present a biofuels market in Poland, as an alternative fuel derived from crude oil, taking into account barriers to its development.
The objective of carrying out an audit in the company is to help the management in introducing necessary changes. This, in turn, is to improve the company's working system and to raise the clients' satisfaction. In order to make it happen the facts given in the report should be well collected and correctly interpreted. It is also essential that the auditor works according to the rule of law and the quality standards. What is import_ant is the right attitude of the management towards the audit. The audit should not be treated as the inspection but as a source of valuable information, basis of taking correct decisions that will improve the work of the company. Employing the auditor inside the company would result in his or her greater objectivity and reliability as well as pointing out failures that exist in the business.
Quality management is connected with continuous improvement of organization, which shall be based on facts gathered during direct researches of real situations. Internal audit is a complex, continuous research and evaluation of processes. It is described in the article the run of internal audit in three different types of organizations (commercial enterprise, public administration unit and automotive enterprise). There is also mentioned a matter of internal controlling and outsourcing of quality function.