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The electrochemical reduction mechanism of novel ligand N,N'-bis(_-phenylcinnamaldehyde) phenylenediimine has been investigated in the potential range -1.1 V to -2.7Von glassy carbon (GC) and mercury (Hg) electrodes. Reduction of >C=N bonds was studied in dimethylformamide using direct current (DC) voltammetry, differential pulse (DP) voltammetry, cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronoamperometry, chronocoulometry and coulometry. The studied process consists of two irreversible 2-electron transfers attributable to the reduction of azomethine bonds. The diffusion and transfer coefficients are reported. Adsorption characteristics of the molecule on a mercury electrode were studied and the maximum surface excess was found to be about 1.8x10-10 mol cm-2.
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