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So far in Poland, the Asian clam Corbicula fluminea has been reported from the Oder (Odra) and Vistula River. Its new population has been discovered in the Warta-Gopło Canal in Konin (central Poland), where water temperature can reach 34°C, as the canal is a part of a power plant lake cooling system. The spatial distribution of C. fluminea was found to be very uneven and that is probably why this species was not found during earlier research. The highest density of C. fluminea was 78 ind.·m-2 at the site where water flow was the fastest (2.49 m·s-1), providing sufficient oxygenation of the water. The results suggest that existing information about the distribution of C. fluminea may be far from complete because the clam can be present also in the habitats that were not regarded as suitable for the species according to earlier reports, and therefore have not been monitored for its presence.
Oxbow lakes are typical elements of meandering watercourses and are considered to be key components of floodplains of natural rivers. A permanent connection with the river promotes the use of these water bodies by ichthyofauna as spawning grounds, shelter for fry, feeding and wintering grounds. The aim of this study was to determine which rheophilic species inhabit oxbow lakes and how environmental conditions affect habitat selection and fish behavior. Analyses were conducted on six oxbow lakes of the Warta River in the Koło-Poznań section. Fish and water samples were collected for three years, in spring, summer and late autumn. Variation in environmental conditions in the analyzed water bodies results in a considerable diversity of the ichthyofauna, including rheophilic species, in individual seasons of the year. In the course of the study, nine rheophilic fish species were recorded, including four from the lithophilic reproductive guild having the highest environmental requirements. Relative abundance of rheophilic species in the dominance structure ranged from 0 to 100%, depending on the reservoir and seasons, with an average of 7% for all catches. For comparison, their relative abundance in the adjacent parts of the river was 12 and 23%.
Content available remote Co-occurrence of Sinanodonta woodiana with native Unionidae in the lower Oder
The Asiatic bivalve Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834), which is more and more widespread in all parts of Europe, in Poland has been mostly reported from lentic waters, especially fish ponds. In contrast to some other European countries, no data have been published on its presence in rivers of Poland. In 2015, monitoring was carried out in the lower Oder River and in the mouth of the Warta River, as a result of which S. woodiana was recorded there for the first time. This was possible due to prolonged drought, which led to extremely low water levels in most of the inland water bodies and watercourses, so that other research methods could be used. The presented results confirm that the species spreads easily by colonizing waters of various types, which in the future may lead to the formation of large populations.
Results presented in this study were collected within the framework of a project aiming at the determination of potential for vendace colonisation and production in lakes of western Poland and as such they are a continuation of previously published studies. The objective of studies carried out in 2011 was to investigate the most important biological traits of the population of the vendace from Lake Chłop lying in the Lubuskie Lakeland and to compare the results to the literature data, including those from the previously described Lake Śremskie. To achieve the objective of the research the following parameters were studied: sex structure, growth rate, fish condition, fertility as well as biometric and meristic traits of the studied vendance. At the same time, the most important physicochemical water indices were determined to provide a characteristic of the environmental conditions. The status of water was classified as moderate, with the deterioration of the water status caused by the low oxygen saturation of the hypolimnion and high contents of chlorophyll a. The vendace from the investigated water body may be classified to the fish group of very good growth rate and condition, only slightly inferior to the vendace from Lake Śremskie. In the third year of life this species reaches on average the total length of 22.0 cm, while Fulton’s index of fish condition ranged from 0.68 to 1.10 with a mean value of 0.82. We need to stress here markedly lower fecundity of the vendace population from Lake Chłop in comparison to the population from Lake Śremskie. Considering the quantitative traits, the fish population of Lake Chłop differs non-significantly regarding the body depth in the populations with a good growth rate described by Bernatowicz. The meristic traits of the studied population do not significantly deviate from the values reported by other researchers, except for filtration processes.
Przedstawione w pracy wyniki zgromadzono w ramach projektu, mającego na celu rozpoznanie możliwości bytowania i produkcji sielawy w jeziorach zachodniej Polski, są zatem kontynuacją opublikowanych wcześniej badań. Celem przeprowadzonych w 2011 roku badań było poznanie najważniejszych parametrów biologicznych populacji sielawy z jeziora Chłop, leżącego na Pojezierzu Lubuskim oraz porównanie uzyskanych wyników do danych literaturowych, w tym do wyników z opisywanego wcześniej jeziora Śremskiego. Aby zrealizować cel badań określono strukturę płci, wiek, tempo wzrostu, kondycję, płodność, a także cechy populacyjne (mierzalne i policzalne) badanych sielaw. Równocześnie oznaczono najważ- niejsze wskaźniki fizykochemiczne oraz biologiczne wody, pozwalające scharakteryzować warunki środowiskowe. Stan ekologiczny wód jeziora uznano jako umiarkowany, parametrami zaniżającymi ocenę były niskie nasycenie hypolimnionu tlenem oraz wysoka zawartość chlorofilu a. Sielawa z badanego zbiornika należy do grupy o bardzo dobrym wzroście i kondycji, nieznacznie tylko ustępując sielawie z jeziora Śremskiego. W trzecim roku życia osiąga średnio 22,0 cm długości całkowitej, wartość wskaźnika kondycji Fultona dla całej próby wahała się od 0,68 do 1,1, przy średniej 0,82. Uwagę zwraca znacznie niższa płodność sielawy z jeziora Chłop, w stosunku do populacji z jeziora Śremskiego. Pod względem cech mierzalnych badana populacja nieznacznie różni się pod względem wygrzbiecenia od innych populacji o bardzo dobrym wzroście, opisanych przez Bernatowicza. Cechy policzalne badanej populacji nie odstają od wartości podanych przez innych badaczy, z wyjątkiem liczby wyrostków filtracyjnych.
Celem przedstawionych badań było określenie stanu ekologicznego Strugi Dormowskiej na podstawie struktury jakościowej i ilościowej bentosu oraz ichtiofauny, a także porównanie wyników otrzymanych na bazie wskaźników i indeksów biologicznych w ciągu kilkudziesięciu lat. Warunki środowiskowe cieku na odcinkach wytypowanych do badań różniły się między sobą pod względem morfometrii koryta, substratu dennego, temperatury i zawartości tlenu, a także wartości wskaźników i indeksów biologicznych. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań należy przyjąć, że wody Strugi Dormowskiej kwalifikują się do trzeciej klasy jakości wód. Niewątpliwy wpływ na stan ekologiczny rozpatrywanego cieku ma położenie zlewni, która obejmuje głównie obszary o charakterze rolniczym. Rzeka przepływa także przez tereny o wysokim potencjale turystyczno-rekreacyjnym, co może oddziaływać na strukturę jakościową i ilościową organizmów wskaźnikowych.
The aim of this study was to determine the ecological status of Struga Dormowska stream, based on qualitative and quantitative structure of benthic macroinvertebrates and ichthyofauna. The obtained results were compared to other studies, conducted for several decades. Based on the environmental conditions, research sites were varied due to riverbed morphometry, bottom substrate, temperature, dissolved oxygen and values of biological indicators and indices. Based on the obtained results, Struga Dormowska stream represent a third, sufficient class of water quality. The undoubted impact on ecological status of Struga Dormowska stream, has a location of catchment, which mainly covers the agricultural areas. The river also flows through areas with high potential for tourism and recreation, which may affect the species composition of benthic macroinvertebrates and fish.
The objective of studies carried out in 2011 was to investigate the most important biological traits of the spawning population of the vendace from Lake Lake Śremskie lying in the Międzychód-Sieraków Lakeland and to compare the results to the literature data. The biological material was obtained in the autumn, immediately before spawning. To achieve the objective of the research the following features were studied: sex structure, growth rate, fish condition, fertility as well as biometric and meristic traits of the studied vendance. At the same time, the most important physico-chemical water indices were determined to provide a characteristic of the environmental conditions. On the basis of physical and chemical indicators the status of water was classified as good. The vendace from the investigated water body may be classified to the group of very good growth rate (significantly above the average), reaching in the third year of life on average the total length of 22.4 cm. Fulton’s index of fish condition ranged from 0.78 to 1.25 with a mean value of 0.89. The mean absolute fertility was 12714 eggs, while relative fertility was 11994 eggs per 100 g of body mass. Considering the quantitative traits, the fish population of Lake Śremskie differs non-significantly regarding the greatest and the smallest body height from the populations with a good growth rate described by Bernatowicz. The meristic traits of the studied population do not significantly deviate from the values reported by other researchers, except for filtration processes.
Celem przeprowadzonych w 2011 roku badań było poznanie najważniejszych parametrów biologicznych populacji sielawy z jeziora Śremskiego, leżącego na pojezierzu Międzychodzko-Sierakowskim oraz porównanie uzyskanych wyników do danych literaturowych. Materiał biologiczny pozyskano w okresie jesiennym, tuż przed rozpoczęciem tarła. Aby zrealizować cel badań określono strukturę płci, wiek, tempo wzrostu, kondycję, płodność, a także cechy populacyjne (mierzalne i policzalne) badanych sielaw. Równocześnie oznaczono najważniejsze wskaźniki fizykochemiczne wody, pozwalające scharakteryzować warunki środowiskowe jeziora. Na podstawie wskaźników fizykochemicznych stan wód zbiornika uznano jako dobry. Sielawa z badanego zbiornika należy do grupy o bardzo dobrym wzroście (znacznie powyżej średniej krajowej), osiągając w trzecim roku życia średnio 22,4 cm długości całkowitej. Wartość wskaźnika kondycji Fultona wahała się od 0,78 do 1,25, przy średniej 0,89. Średnia płodność absolutna wyniosła 12714 szt. jaj, natomiast płodność względna 11994 szt. jaj na 100 g masy ciała. Biorąc pod uwagę cechy mierzalne populacja śremska nieznacznie różni się pod względem wysokości ciała od innych populacji o dobrym wzroście, opisanych przez Bernatowicza. Cechy policzalne badanej populacji nie odstają od wartości podanych przez innych badaczy, z wyjątkiem liczby wyrostków filtracyjnych.
Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea 1834) is a new component of malacofauna and this condition enhances a new adaptation of predators preying on it. In 2010, during the autumn bird migration, an oystercatcher was observed feeding on this clam species alien to European fauna in the area of drained fish ponds (western Poland). The clams chosen by the oystercatcher were 64 to 98 mm long and 46 to 72 mm tall, whereby stabbing method was preferred to the hammering one. Theses sizes are greater than for other mussel species eaten by the oystercatcher. Mussels were typically collected in the depth of 7 cm, which reflects the maximum bill length in oystercatchers. Under some conditions, e.g. drained fish ponds, the population abundance of S. woodiana clam may significantly be affected by foraging birds, especially oystercatchers as suggested findings from our study.
The study of fish ponds have confirmed the presence of nine new locations of Anodonta woodiana in Poland, with strong and vital populations. These are examples of Chinese pond mussels accidentally introduced along with fish imports. Comparison of known localities shows that more mussels are in eastern Poland, from which the migration path of A. woodiana progresses. Most often mussels settle in larger water reservoirs with elongated shapes. Older and longer mussels occur in deeper fish ponds. Moreover, the further south the location, the higher biomass can be obtained. The average age of mussels in a fish pond depends on its bed type and depth; however the latter has less influence. New locations of this species are also to be expected due to deliberate introduction; cases of resettlement of individual specimens of the Chinese pond mussel to new locations have been recorded.
The Probability Density Function (PDF) is a key concept in statistics. Constructing the most adequate PDF from the observed data is still an important and interesting scientific problem, especially for large datasets. PDFs are often estimated using nonparametric data-driven methods. One of the most popular nonparametric method is the Kernel Density Estimator (KDE). However, a very serious drawback of using KDEs is the large number of calculations required to compute them, especially to find the optimal bandwidth parameter. In this paper we investigate the possibility of utilizing Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to accelerate the finding of the bandwidth. The contribution of this paper is threefold: (a) we propose algorithmic optimization to one of bandwidth finding algorithms, (b) we propose efficient GPU versions of three bandwidth finding algorithms and (c) we experimentally compare three of our GPU implementations with the ones which utilize only CPUs. Our experiments show orders of magnitude improvements over CPU implementations of classical algorithms.
W artykule przedstawiono metodę wyznaczenia częstości drgań własnych konstrukcji mostowej wyłącznie poprzez rejestrację drgań przejeżdżającego po niej pojazdu. Symulacje numeryczne przeprowadzono dla trzech schematów statycznych belek. W wyniku analiz zidentyfikowano częstości drgań własnych poprzez wykonanie transformaty Fouriera obliczonych sygnałów przyspieszeń.
The paper presents a method for identification of natural frequencies based on registration of passing vehicle vibrations. Numerical simulations were performed for three types of beam structures. The Fourier transform was used to extract frequencies form acceleration signals.
The discovery of a shell of the Chinese pond mussel in 1998 and further confirmation of this species indicate that a reservoir with natural thermal conditions is the oldest species location in Poland. Growth increments of an archival shell do not fall within the ranges obtained by this species in Konin lakes. They are, however, close to population ranges from Hungary. In contrast to other specimens found, the analyzed shell has a very high H/L ratio and is thicker. The observed features might result from the founder effect or they might point to a considerable plasticity of the species.
Bitmap indexes are data structures applied to index- ing attributes in databases and data warehouses. A drawback of a bitmap index is that its size increases when the domain of an indexed attribute increases. As a consequence, for wide domains, the size of a bitmap index is too large to be efficiently processed. Hence, various techniques of compressing bitmap indexes have been proposed. A compression technique incurs some system overhead (mainly CPU) for compression and decompression operations. For this reason, we propose to use additional processing power of graphical processing units (GPUs). In this paper, we present the GPU-PLWAH algorithm that is a parallel implementation of the recently developed PLWAH compression algorithm. GPU-PLWAH was experimentally compared to its traditional CPU version as well as to our previously developed parallel GPU implementation of the WAH compression algorithm. The experiments show that applying GPUs significantly reduces compression/decompression time.
Badania ichtiologiczne przeprowadzono w czterech ciekach: Jordance, Lubni, Krzemiennej i Rudziance, leżących na Pojezierzu Lubuskim, wchodzącym w skład Pojezierza Poznańskiego. Próby ryb pozyskiwano metodą elektropołowów na wyznaczonych stanowiskach. Ogółem na wszystkich rzekach odłowiono i oznaczono 175 osobników, reprezentujących 9 gatunków. Liczebność odłowionych ryb wyraźnie dzieliła badane cieki na: bardzo ubogie - Rudzianka (jeden gatunek), nieco zasobniejsze - Jordanka i Krzemienna, w których odnotowano po trzy gatunki ryb, osiągających niewielkie rozmiary ciała oraz najzasobniejszy - Lubnia, w której złowiono sześć gatunków ryb. Dominantami w biomasie ichtiofauny Lubni i Krzemiennej były szczupak (Esox lucius L.) i płoć (Rutilus rutilus L.), natomiast największy udział w biomasie ryb rzeki Jordanka miał śliz (Barbatula barbatula L.). Ichtiofauna badanych rzek była zdominowana przez gatunki fitofilne i psammofine, w warunkach jednoczesnego braku litofili. We wcześniejszych badaniach, przeprowadzonych przez SZABLIKOWSKIEGO i ZAPOLNIKA [1980], w ichtiofaunie Rudzianki oznaczono siedem gatunków ryb (w tym śliza i kozę - Cobitis taenia L.), w Krzemiennej pięć gatunków (w tym śliza), a w Jordance trzy gatunki: cierniczka (Pungitius pungitius L.), kozę i pstrąga potokowego (Salmo trutta m. fario L.). W Lubni skład ichtiofauny również uległ niekorzystnym zmianom: wśród odłowionych ryb nie występowały oznaczone we wcześniejszych badaniach koza czy kleń (Leuciscus cephalus L.) - gatunki typowo rzeczne. Zaobserwowane w ciągu ponad 20 lat niekorzystne zmiany w składzie i strukturze ichtiofauny badanych rzek wskazują na zubożenie siedlisk.
Ichthyobiological studies were carried out in four rivers: Jordanka, Lubnia, Krzemienna and Rudzianka in Lubuskie Lakeland - a part of Poznańskie Lakeland. Fish samples were obtained by the electrofishing method in selected sites. In total, 175 fish individuals representing 9 species were caught and identified in all water courses. The number of caught fish distinctly differentiated the studied water courses into the very poor river - Rudzianka (only one species caught), and the richest rivers like the Jordanka and Krzemienna where three fish species were found in each. In the Lubnia, river, six fish species were caught. In the Lubnia and Krzemienna, the dominants in fish biomass were pike (Esox lucius L.) and roach (Rutilus rutilus L.), while the greatest fish biomass in the Jordanka river was produced by the stone loach (Barbatula barbatula L.). In the earlier study carried out by SZABLIKOWSKI and ZAPOLNIK [1980] in the Rudzianka River, seven fish species were caught (including the stone loach and the spined loach Cobitis taenia L.); in the Krzemienna River five species (including the stone loach), and in the Jordanka River - only three species: the ten-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius L.), the spined loach and the brown trout (Salmo trutta m. fario L.). The ichthyofauna composition in the Lubnia River had also changed unfavourably: none of the rheopilic species, like the spined loach or chub (Leuciscus cephalus L.), caught earlier was found in the present study. The fish fauna of the studied rivers was dominated by phytophilous and psammophilous species with a complete absence of lithophilous species. This fact confirms the impoverishment and contamination of the studied habitats.
Content available remote Habitat variability and fish species structure in the Kończak stream
In the year 2008, studies on ichthyofauna were carried out in the Kończak stream. The stream was divided into four sections representing the variability of the water course. In each section, a research segment (100–150 meters long) was defined. In the ichthyofauna structure analysis, the indices of quantitative biocenotic domination and biomass were used. Furthermore, on the basis of the obtained data, the Shannon-Wiener indices of species diversity (H), as well as the abundance and the biomass (ABC index) were calculated. Altogether, in all research localities, 667 fish specimens were collected, with a total weight of 8,760 g and classified into 19 species. The caught fish were classified into 8 reproductive groups. Significant differences in the species composition and the number of fish were recorded between the particular sections. The number of species occurring in the studied sections oscillated between 2 and 17. The richest ichthyocenoses were recorded in the transitional and forest sections characterized by a comparatively small transformation of the habitats and good environmental conditions. In the remaining two sections, located in the middle and in the upper stream course, there was a distinct impoverishment of ichthyocenoses caused by the decreased attractiveness of the habitats.
In the Malta Reservoir a total of 16 fish species belonging to six families were recorded in 2008. In the Nordic multi-mesh gillnets 4528 fish belonging to 11 species, with the total weight of 149.5 kg, were caught. The total beach seine catch was 34348.9 kg, which in terms of the reservoir area of 64 ha amounted to biomass density 536.7 kg·ha-¹. Of 11 species caught with the beach seine roach (Rutilus rutilus) was the most abundant species (485031 fish, 7578 individuals·ha-¹) with the highest share in biomass (24283.4 kg, 70.7%). The average electric catch at two sampling sites in the Cybina River running in the reservoir bowl was 105 kg (which gave estimate of 2.6 ton in all), with a marked dominance of the roach, which constituted 65.4% of fish catch in weight and 93% in numbers. Taking under consideration the results of electrofishing the estimated fish density in the Malta Reservoir in 2008 could reach as much as 577.7 kg·ha-¹. The proportion of predatory fish in the fish assemblage biomass was 20.1%.
Badania ichtiofauny w Zbiorniku Maltańskim przeprowadzono w 2008 r. w trzech etapach: (1) we wrześniu i w październiku z wykorzystaniem palenowych wontonów badawczych (Nordic gillnets); (2) w październiku i listopadzie w trakcie kolejnego odwodnienia zbiornika ryby były odławiane przez brygadę rybacką za pomocą przywłoki; (3) w listopadzie, po całkowitym odwodnieniu zbiornika, na dwóch stanowiskach w korycie Cybiny, biegnącym w czaszy zbiornika przeprowadzono elektropołowy. W trakcie badań każdorazowo oznaczano gatunki ryb, ich liczbę i masę. W Zbiorniku Maltańskim w 2008 r. stwierdzono występowanie 16 gatunków ryb, należących do sześciu rodzin. W wontony nordyckie złowiono 4528 sztuk ryb, należących do 11 gatunków, o łącznej masie 149,5 kg. Udział płoci, gatunku dominującego w tych połowach, wyniósł 64,5% liczebności połowu i 38,8% jego masy. Udział kolejnych dwóch gatunków, tj. okonia i jazgarza, wyniósł odpowiednio 16,8 i 11,5% liczebności oraz 25,8 i 4,5% masy. W odłowach przywłoką łącznie pozyskano 34 348,9 kg ryb, co w przeliczeniu na hektar powierzchni zbiornika, wyniosło 536,7 kg·ha-¹ (powierzchnia 64 ha). Dominantem pod względem liczebności (485 031 szt., 7578 szt.·ha-¹) i biomasy (24 283,4 kg, 70,7%) była płoć. Udział drugiego pod względem liczebności i biomasy okonia wyniósł 8,9% (3062,5 kg), a jego zagęszczenie wyniosło 1590 szt.·ha-¹. Masa ryb z elektropołowów w korycie Cybiny wynosiła średnio 105 kg. W połowach dominowała płoć, stanowiąc 93% liczebności i 65,4% jego masy. Udział okonia i sandacza wyniósł odpowiednio 3% i 0,6% liczebności oraz 4,7% i 27,8% masy. Zagęszczenie biomasy ichtiofauny Zbiornika Maltańskiego podczas całkowitego odwodnienia w 2008 r. wyniosło 536,7 kg·ha-¹, a po uwzględnieniu wyników elektropołowów - 577,7 kg·ha-¹. Było ono znacznie większe, w stosunku do średniej ze wszystkich dotychczasowych odwodnień (362,2 kg·ha-¹). Udział ryb drapieżnych w biomasie ichtiofauny wyniósł 20,1%, natomiast gatunków niedrapieżnych - 79,9%.
Content available remote Fast Clustering on CUDA Platform
K-Medoids clustering is very expensive. The basic algorithm PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids) does not scale very well for bigger datasets. To cope with this problem many modifications of the PAM algorithm, have been developed (ie. CLARANS). Unfortunately larger datasets still need to be clustered on computers whose computing power exceeds those of the normal desktop PCs. In this paper we present modifications of K-Medoids clustering algorithms PAM and CLARANS (Clustering Large Applications based on RANdomized Search) which utilize the graphics processing units (GPUs) of the modern graphics cards through CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) platform to accelerate the most costly stages of these algorithms. We also present results of extensive performance experiments which show high improvements over old versions of these algorithms.
Content available remote Predicting access to materialized methods by means of hidden Markov model
Method materialization is a promising data access optimization technique for multiple applications, including, in particular object programming languages with persistence, object databases, distributed computing systems, object-relational data warehouses, multimedia data warehouses, and spatial data warehouses. A drawback of this technique is that the value of a materialized method becomes invalid when an object used for computing the value of the method is updated. As a consequence, a materialized value of the method has to be recomputed. The materialized value can be recomputed either immediately after updating the object or just before calling the method. The moment the method is recomputed bears a strong impact on the overall system performance. In this paper we propose a technique of predicting access to materialized methods and objects, for the purpose of selecting the most appropriate recomputation technique. The prediction technique is based on the Hidden Markov Model (HMM). The prediction technique was implemented and evaluated experimentally. Its performance characteristics were compared to: immediate recomputation, deferred recomputation, random recomputation, and to our previous prediction technique, called a PMAP.
Content available remote How to improve efficiency of analysis of sequential data?
Many of todays database applications, including market basket analysis, web log analysis, DNA and protein sequence analysis utilize databases to store and retrieve sequential data. Commercial database management systems allow to store sequential data, but they do not support efficient querying of such data. To increase the efficiency of analysis of sequential data new index structures need to be developed. In this paper we propose an indexing scheme for non-timestamped sequences of sets, which supports set subsequence queries. Our contribution is threefold. First, we describe the index logical and physical structure, second, we provide algorithms for set subsequence queries utilizing this structure, and finally we perform experimental evaluation of the index, which proves its feasibility and advantages in set subsequence query processing.
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono ocenę efektywności hierarchicznego indeksu bitmapowego, wspierającego wykonywanie zapytań eksploracyjnych. W ramach badań wykonano zakrojony na szeroką skalę zestaw eksperymentów, obejmujących przetwarzanie zapytań eksploracyjnych wszystkich klas do baz danych z atrybutami zawierającymi zbiory. Zapytania były realizowane z wykorzystaniem "naiwnego" algorytmu wykonującego pełny przegląd bazy danych, pliku odwróconego, RD drzewa, S drzewa oraz dwóch odmian hierarchicznego indeksu bitmapowego. Bazy danych wykorzystywane w trakcie eksperymentów różniły się liczbą przechowywanych zbiorów oraz średnimi rozmiarami zbiorów. Wyniki pomiarów wykazały, że w porównaniu z innymi technikami stosowanymi do tej pory, hierarchiczny indeks bitmapowy charakteryzuje się najwyższą efektywnością przetwarzania dla zapytań o podzbiory, zapytań równościowych, oraz zapytań przybliżonych. Dla zapytań o nadzbiory efektywność hierarchicznego indeksu bitmapowego jest niższa jedynie od plików odwróconych.
In this paper we paper we present performance evaluation of the hierarchical bitmap index supporting processing of data mining queries. Performance evaluation includes the results of several experiments on processing of various data mining queries against databases with set valued attributes. Data mining queries were processed using the following strategies: a "naive" approach consisting in full database scan, inverted files, RD trees, S trees, and two types of the hierarchical bitmap index. Databases used through-out the experiments differed in the number of sets and the average sizes of sets stored in the database. The results of the conducted experiments show that the hierarchical bitmap index outperforms other indexing techniques with respect to the processing of equality, superset, and similarity queries. For subset queries the hierarchical bitmap index was surpassed only by the inverted file index.
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