The study examined influence of steam sterilization and the raster angle (0°, 90°) on the deflection of polymer shapes obtained by 3D printing. In the case of PEEK and PLA, the FDM/FFF method was used, in the case of photocurable resin, DLP technology, and in the case of MED610, PolyJet technology. It was shown that the raster angle, type of material and sterilization have a significant impact on the strength and deformation of the tested polymers. A model of a facial bone implant was also developed and the suitability of the tested materials for obtaining this type of implants was examined. The dimensional accuracy of the implant models was highest for the MED610 model. However, due to the significant deflection of this polymer under load, its use is only possible in areas of low stress. In the case of UV resin printed in the vertical direction (90°), the samples showed the least deflection and the printed model had no visible defects. The greatest deformations occurred at the ends and narrowing’s of the model.
W pracy zbadano wpływ sterylizacji parą wodną oraz kąta rastra (0°, 90°) na ugięcie kształtek polimerowych uzyskanych metodą druku 3D. W przypadku PEEK i PLA zastosowano metodę FDM/FFF, dla żywicy fotoutwardzalnej technologię DLP, a MED610 technologię PolyJet. Wykazano, że kąt rastra, rodzaj materiału oraz sterylizacja mają istotny wpływ na wytrzymałość i odkształcenie badanych polimerów. Opracowano także model implantu kostnego twarzoczaszki i zbadano przydatność badanych materiałów do otrzymywania tego typu implantów. Dokładność wymiarowa modeli implantów była najwyższa dla modelu MED610. Jednak ze względu na znaczne ugięcie tego polimeru pod obciążeniem jego zastosowanie jest możliwe jedynie w obszarach o małych naprężeniach. W przypadku żywicy UV drukowanej w kierunku pionowym (90°) próbki wykazywały najmniejsze ugięcie, a otrzymany model nie miał widocznych wad. Największe odkształcenia wystąpiły na końcach i zwężeniach modelu.
Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the safety of unmanned transport in armed conflicts, with a particular focus on the Russo-Ukrainian war. Methodology: The authors employ a multidimensional comparative analysis of selected Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) used for reconnaissance, combat, and transport tasks. Various sources such as scientific literature, military reviews, historical facts, technical specifications, and illustrations support the arguments and compare different types of UAVs. Results: The authors confirm their research thesis that in current geopolitical conditions, UAVs will become one of the equipment elements of the armed forces of individual European countries. They highlight their diverse functionality, positive impact on safety, and technological progress. Theoretical Contribution: This paper contributes to the field of military technology by providing a comprehensive analysis of the role and impact of UAVs in modern warfare. It offers valuable insights into the evolving nature of conflict and the increasing reliance on unmanned technologies. Practical Implications: The findings of this research have significant practical implications. They suggest that the use of UAVs in future military technologies will become increasingly common, and their combat capabilities and electro-optical equipment will continue to improve. This underscores the need for ongoing research and development in this area to ensure these technologies' safe and effective use in the context of armed conflict.
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