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This article deals with the design of slewing rings (slewing bearings). A fully parametric, 3D virtual model of a ball slewing ring with four-point contact was created in the PTC/Creo Parametric CAD system. This model was subsequently used for finite-element analysis using Ansys/Workbench CAE
software. The purpose of the FEM analysis was to determine the axial stiffness characteristics. Results of FEM analysis were experimentally verified using a test bench. At the end of the article, we present the nomograms of the deformation constant for different pitch diameters, rolling element diameters and contact angles.
Content available remote The mixed FEM for analysis of quantum-dot systems based on gradient theory
The QD nanostructures are analyzed under a thermal load. The dimensions of the QDs are of the same order as the material length scale. Therefore, the gradient elasticity theory should be applied to account for the size-dependent behavior of such nano-sized QDs. Since governing equations
contain higher order derivatives than in conventional approaches the C1-elements are required for approximation of primary fields in the FEM. The mixed FEM are developed here, where C0 continuous interpolation is applied independently for displacement and displacement gradients. The kinematic constraints between strains and displacements are satisfied by collocation at some cleverly chosen internal points in elements. A unit cell of Indium Arsenide QD in a finite sized Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) substrate is analysed.
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