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Estimation of energy consumption of low-power devices is not widely discussed in the scientific literature, but this topic is getting more and more popular. Evaluation process of newly developed methods and instrumentation requires carefull treatment. In order to fulfill this niche, the set of micro-power microcontroller based devices was proposed. The devices represent typical energy consuption profiles and allow experimental verification of newly developed methods for energy estimation.
Estymacja poboru energii układów mikromocowych nie jest zbyt obszernie opisywana w literaturze, choć temat ten staje się coraz bardziej popularny. Testowanie metod i urządzeń pomiarowych małych energii wymaga zastosowania odpowiedniego podejścia, w tym celu zaproponowano i przebadano zestaw urządzeń reprezentujących typowe profile poboru energii i pozwalających praktycznie weryfikować metody estymacji poboru małych energii.
The utmost limit performance of interband cascade detectors optimized for the longwave range ofinfrared radiation is investigated in this work. Currently, materials from the III–V group are character-ized by short carrier lifetimes limited by Shockley-Read-Hall generation and recombination processes.The maximum carrier lifetime values reported at 77 K for the type-II superlattices InAs/GaSb andInAs/InAsSb in a longwave range correspond to ∼200 and ∼400 ns. We estimated theoretical detectivityof interband cascade detectors assuming above carrier lifetimes and a value of ∼1–50μs reported for awell-known HgCdTe material. It has been shown that for room temperature the limit value of detctivityis of ∼3–4×10¹⁰cmHz½/W for the optimized detector operating at the wavelength range ∼10μm couldbe reached.
The article discusses selected issues of front loader modelling for the needs of FEM calculations. Particular attention was paid to the necessity of correct modelling clevis pin connections and hydraulic cylinders. In the case of hydraulic actuators, the effects of a different approach in modelling the actuators on the quality of the structure under operating load were demonstrated. Differences in the modelling cylinders equipped with a hydraulic lock and cylinders connected in parallel without locks were taken into account. The results of calculations obtained on the examples are discussed and the methodology of self-control of the results of FEM computations is presented. Some examples of various machines and possible errors during strength analyzes were also presented.
W artykule omówiono wybrane zagadnienia modelowania ładowacza czołowego dla potrzeb realizacji obliczeń MES. Zwrócono szczególną uwagę na konieczność prawidłowego modelowania połączeń sworzniowych oraz siłowników hydraulicznych. W przypadku siłowników hydraulicznych wykazano skutki różnego podejścia w modelowaniu siłowników na jakość pracy konstrukcji pod obciążeniem eksploatacyjnym. Uwzględniono różnice w modelowaniu siłowników, wyposażonych w zamek hydrauliczny i siłowników połączonych równolegle bez zamków. Omówiono wyniki uzyskanych obliczeń na przykładach oraz przedstawiono metodykę samokontroli wyników obliczeń MES. Przedstawiono także kilka przykładów różnych maszyn i możliwych do popełnienia błędów podczas analiz wytrzymałościowych.
The notion of yarn is understood as a continuous textile product of theoretically endless length and circle-like cross-section, made of staple or continuous fibres. A yarn leaves the spinning mill in a raw state and is used to produce some fabrics, but mostly it is subjected to the process of finishing. The yarn undergoes preparatory processes, such as winding, doubling, twisting, paraffin treatment, singeing and dyeing, depending of the final fabric type. Yarns are rewound on winding frames, and computers control operation of the rewinding frames and systematically monitor the yarn parameters. An electronic cleaner removes yarn defects, whose size has been saved in the computer memory. The purification of yarn improves its quality, resulting in a decrease in the number of breaks in further technological processes. A lower number of yarn breaks contribute to an increase in machine efficiency (weaving and knitting machines).The experimental section of the study is divided into two parts. The first includes tests of yarn strength parameters before and after the rewinding process. It was established in the process of cleaning that the yarn during rewinding affects the strength of wool and blended yarns. In the second part, the strength parameters of yarn doubling points after the rewinding process for various variants of the splicer setting were tested. The blowing time in the doubling chamber was changed and the importance of using the thermosplicer for the yarn joint strength was established.
W pracy przedstawiono badania dotyczące wyznaczenia parametrów wytrzymałościowych przędz wełnianych i mieszankowych przed i po procesie przewijania oraz zbadano wytrzymałości miejsc łączenia bezwęzłowego tych przędz. Przędze zostały przewinięte na stendzie badawczym przewijarki Autoconer 338. Podczas badań został wyznaczony współczynnik wykorzystania wytrzymałości właściwej miejsca łączenia przędzy w stosunku do wytrzymałości właściwej przędzy przewiniętej. Badania zostały wykonane dla dwóch przędz klasycznych o różnym składzie surowcowym i różnych masach liniowych, jednej prędkości przewijania, czterech nastawień splajsera oraz z włączonym i wyłączonym Thermosplicer’em.
We present an investigation of optical and electrical properties of mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) detectors based on InAs/GaSb strained layer superlattices (SLs) with nBnN and pBnN design. The temperature-dependent behavior of the bandgap was investigated on the basis of absorption measurements. A 50% cut-off wavelength of around 4.5 μm at 80 K and increase of up to 5.6 μm at 290 K was found. Values of Varshni parameters, zero temperature bandgap E0 and empirical coefficients α and β were extracted. Arrhenius plots of dark currents of nBnN and pBnN detectors were compared with the p-i-n design. Dark current density reduction in nBnN and pBnN detectors is observed in comparison to the p-i-n device. This shows a suppression of Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) processes by means of introducing barrier architecture.
The paper reports on a long-wave infrared (cut-off wavelength ~ 9 μm) HgCdTe detector operating under nbiased condition and room temperature (300 K) for both short response time and high detectivity operation. The ptimal structure in terms of the response time and detectivity versus device architecture was shown. The response time of the long-wave (active layer Cd composition, xCd = 0.19) HgCdTe detector for 300 K was calculated at a level of τs ~ 1 ns for zero bias condition, while the detectivity - at a level of D* ~ 109 cmHz1/2/W assuming immersion. It was presented that parameters of the active layer and P+ barrier layer play a critical role in order to reach τs ≤ 1 ns. An extra series resistance related to the processing (RS+ in a range 5-10 Ω) increased the response time more than two times (τs ~ 2.3 ns).
Today, computerization of the Assessment Program is a norm, numerous advantages of Computer-Assisted Assessment (CAA), both formative and summative, can be enlisted. Motivating students to systematic work and Self-Regulated Learning seems to be the biggest challenge faced by the teacher. This motivation can be reached by providing students with clear information that shows an evident effectiveness of formative quizzes, undisputable correlation between student engagement in taking formative quizzes and the final exam result. It is proposed to evaluate this effectiveness quantitatively in the field of Information Theory, using the Discrete Memoryless Channel description of relationship between the set of quizzes taken and the set of exam results. The Case Study is presented and if proves high correlation between these two sets.
Content available Zintegrowana opieka zdrowotna. Zarys problematyki
Opieka zintegrowana jest jedną z najistotniejszych koncepcji związanych z zarządzaniem i organizacją systemów ochrony zdrowia. Według tej koncepcji podniesienie jakości i racjonalizację kosztów usług medycznych można osiągnąć przez koordynację procesu świadczenia usług oraz współdziałanie pomiędzy jednostkami ochrony zdrowia. W nowych modelach opieki zintegrowanej uwypukla się również rolę współpracy pomiędzy opiekami zdrowotną a socjalną. Artykuł ten zarysowuje mechanizmy integracji oraz wytyczne WHO w zakresie opieki zintegrowanej.
Integrated care is one of the most important concepts related to management and organization of healthcare systems. According to this concept, improvement in the quality and rationalization of costs of medical services can be achieved through coordination of the provision of care and a cooperation between health care units. The role of relationship between health and social care is being increasingly highlighted. This article outlines the mechanisms of integration and the WHO guidelines in the field of integrated care.
W artykule, po przypomnieniu wcześniejszych, pochodzących z XIX i początku XX wieku map drogowych, głównie z terenu Królestwa Polskiego, omówiono Atlas Polski Continental dla automobilistów, wydany przez Continental Caoutchouc Compagnie Sp. z o.o. Warszawa. Był on pierwszą publikacją tego typu po odzyskaniu przez Polskę niepodległości w 1918 roku. W atlasie nie podano daty wydania, dlatego w artykule przeprowadzono próbę jej ustalenia na podstawie treści: linii kolejowych, sieci osadniczej i granic administracyjnych. Można szacunkowo przyjąć, że atlas wydano na początku roku 1926, jednak na jednoznaczne określenie daty nie pozwalają niedociągnięcia dotyczące aktualności treści map. Atlas, wydany w nakładzie 10 000 egzemplarzy, składa się z 20 jednostronnie drukowanych arkuszy mapy w skali 1:1 000 000 pokrywających całą Polskę i fragmenty państw ościennych oraz mapy ogólnej pokazującej podział na arkusze. Zasadniczą treść map stanowi pięć kategorii dróg. Tłem dla obrazu dróg są linie kolejowe, miasta i wsie, sieć wodna oraz nieliczne szczyty i przełęcze. Objaśnienie znaków w legendzie dano w pięciu językach: polskim, rosyjskim, niemieckim, francuskimi i angielskim. W atlas wyraźnie widać zróżnicowanie gęstości i jakości dróg między obszarami dawnych zaborów pruskiego i austriackiego, a zaniedbanym pod względem infrastruktury drogowej zaborem rosyjskim.
The 90th anniversary of the appearance of Atlas Polski Continental dla automobilistów ( Continental Atlas of Poland for Automobilists) published by Continental Caoutchouc Compagnie Ltd Warsaw is nearing. The Atlas was the first publication of its kind after Poland had regained its independence in 1918. After mentioning the earlier 19th and the beginning of 20th century road maps, mainly from the region known as the Kingdom of Poland being at the time under the rule of the Russian Empire, the author of the article discusses the Continental road atlas. The date of publishing the Continental road atlas is not known, nevertheless, the date may be estimated as the beginning of the year 1926. The atlas consists of 20 single-sided map sheets (foldouts) at the scale of 1:1,000,000, which cover the whole territory of Poland as well as some parts of neighboring countries, and a general map showing the division into sheets. The maps’ main contents consists of five categories of roads marked in red. Their background is composed of railroad lines, towns and villages in seven size classes according to the number of inhabitants, water network, some peaks and passes as well as mountain range names. Explanations of map symbols in the legend are given in Polish, Russian, German, French, English. The atlas very clearly shows the differences in the density and quality of roads between the regions of the Prussian and Austrian partitions and the road infrastructure- wise neglected Russian partition, especially its eastern part. Apart from mileage information for roads, the maps do not contain additional information specifically for motorists. They do not even show petrol stations or auto repair shops. What is really worth praise is the sole idea of creating such an automobile atlas and publishing it in 10,000 copies, a copy for every other Polish driver at the time! The fact speaks for the publisher’s, Continental Caoutchouc Compagnie’s, perspective. Despite numerous shortcomings discussed in the article, the Continental Atlas of Poland for Automobilists remains an unique work, which gave a beginning to a new kind of maps in Poland.
The 90th anniversary of the appearance of Atlas Polski Continental dla automobilistów (Continental Atlas of Poland for Automobilists) published by Continental Caoutchouc Compagnie Ltd Warsaw is nearing. The Atlas was the first publication of its kind after Poland had regained its independence in 1918. After mentioning the earlier 19th and the beginning of 20th century road maps, mainly from the region known as the Kingdom of Poland being at the time under the rule of the Russian Empire, the author of the article discusses the Continental road atlas. The date of publishing the Continental road atlas is not known, therefore in the article the author makes an attempt at establishing it on the basis of the map’s contents: railroad lines, settlement network and administrative borders. Unfortunately, the study does not allow one to unequivocally state the date of publication due to numerous shortcomings in the map’s contents. Nevertheless, the date may be estimated as the beginning of the year 1926. The atlas consists of 20 single-sided map sheets (foldouts) at the scale of 1:1,000,000, which cover the whole territory of Poland as well as some parts of neighboring countries, and a general map showing the division into sheets. The maps’ main contents consists of five categories of roads marked in red. Their background is composed of railroad lines, towns and villages in seven size classes according to the number of inhabitants, water network, some peaks and passes as well as mountain range names. Explanations of map symbols in the legend are given in five languages: Polish, Russian, German, French, English. The atlas very clearly shows the differences in the density and quality of roads between the regions of the Prussian and Austrian partitions and the road infrastructure-wise neglected Russian partition, especially its eastern part. Apart from mileage information for roads, the maps do not contain additional information specifically for motorists. They do not even show petrol stations or auto repair shops. What is really worth praise is the sole idea of creating such an automobile atlas and publishing it in 10,000 copies, a copy for every other Polish driver at the time! The fact speaks for the publisher’s, Continental Caoutchouc Compagnie’s, perspective. Despite numerous shortcomings discussed in the article, the Continental Atlas of Poland for Automobilists remains an unique work, which gave a beginning to a new kind of maps in Poland.
The basis of the new technology for watercourses is to use a new range of tools developed by the Industrial Institute of Agricultural Engineering for the maintenance and regeneration of drainage ditches. The tools are used to desilt and shape the bottom, profile existing ditches, as well as to create new watercourses.
Podstawą nowej technologii kształtowania cieków wodnych jest wykorzystanie nowej gamy narzędzi opracowanych w Przemysłowym Instytucie Maszyn Rolniczych do konserwacji i regeneracji rowów melioracji szczegółowej. Powstałe narzędzia służą do odmulania dna oraz kształtowania i profilowania istniejących skarp, jak również do wykonywania nowych cieków.
In this paper possibilities of precise quantity surveying and work planning in mechanized technologies for regenerative shaping the water courses were presented. Survey needs of melioration objects for newest technologies were described. Method of creating spatial map of ditches based on RTK GPS survey, and rating of ditch destruction based on this map were presented. Use of spatial maps for planning and cost calculation of maintenance works were described.
W pracy przedstawiono możliwości dokonywania precyzyjnego obmiaru i planowania operacji w technologii kształtowania otwartych cieków wodnych. Omówiono potrzeby obmiaru obiektów melioracyjnych dla nowoczesnych technologii. Przestawiono metodę tworzenia przestrzennych map rowów przy wykorzystaniu obmiaru RTK GPS oraz możliwości oceny ich stanu drożności na podstawie tych map. Omówiono wykorzystanie przestrzennych map na potrzeby planowania i kosztorysowania prac konserwacyjnych obiektów melioracyjnych.
Correct and secure position of a multitasking device inside watercourse is the basis of regenerative technology to shape the open watercourses. The article describes the ways to drive a device when performing basic operations related to holistic treatment of reclamation, beginning from the placing the device into the watercourse through the work and avoidance of the obstacles inside the watercourse, and ending with the removal of the device beyond the watercourse.
Podstawą nowej technologii regeneracyjnego kształtowania otwartych cieków wodnych jest prawidłowe i bezpieczne umiejscowienie urządzenia wielozadaniowego wewnątrz cieku wodnego. W artykule przedstawiono sposoby prowadzenia urządzenia podczas wykonywania podstawowych operacji związanych z całościowym zabiegiem melioracji, od wprowadzania urządzenia do cieku wodnego, pracę i omijanie przeszkód wewnątrz cieku, aż do wyprowadzania urządzenia poza ciek wodny.
Extension of the method of analog circuit parameter identification for the specified design performances, originally presented by the same author in 1982, is described. These parameters are designated by means of PSpice simulation of the adjoint circuit to the original one. In this adjoint circuit, elements of the original circuit, described by the sized parameters, are replaced by controlled sources. Each such source is controlled by the differential voltage or current, difference between the calculated voltage or current and the specified one, with infinitely large gain. The method is applicable to both linear and nonlinear DC circuits and AC circuits and can be used in many fields of analog circuit design, such as: finding of acceptability region, analog fault diagnosis, postproduction identification and tuning. In the later cases, design performances are replaced by measurements of Circuit Under Test (CUT). Simplicity, extremely low computational complexity and high accuracy are the main benefits of the proposed, basic Circuit Theory based, approach - the solution is found after a single PSpice simulation. For better understanding of the presented methodology, five practical examples are discussed.
In the paper the problems of building a mechatronics systems for steering a work machines was presented. There is included in the first part the short discussion about differences in build of traditional and mechatronic steering systems. Next – as the example – there is presented new machine for ditches renovation, which was elaborated in European research project. The characteristics of the machine concentrates only on steering problems, and there are showed schemas of electrical system of this machine.
W artykule przedstawiono problemy przy budowie mechatronicznych systemów sterowania maszynami roboczymi. W pierwszej części zawarto opis różnic między konstrukcją tradycyjnych i mechatronicznych systemów sterowania. Następnie - jako przykład - zaprezentowano nową maszynę do renowacji rowów melioracyjnych, zaprojektowaną w ramach Europejskiego projektu badawczego. Scharakteryzowano maszynę w odniesieniu do problemów sterowania i pokazano jej schematy elektryczne.
This paper addresses the issue of the control system of a precision seeder. This seeder is to be used to dispose seeds in one field in such way that the plants originated from those seeds resemble the pixels of a digital image, thus acting as a "garden printer". The seeder is developed to be used for seeding public gardens with complex images and shapes, but the knowledge obtained on its development is to be used as well in other fields of precision agriculture. After a brief description of the components of he seeder, the control algorithm will be presented, as well as the mathematical principles behind it. At the end of this document a field test, where the logo of the Industrial Institute of Agricultural Engineering was seeded (printed) on the snow, is shown.
W artykule zaprezentowano system sterowania siewnika precyzyjnego. Siewnik ten będzie wykorzystywany do rozmieszczania nasion na polu w taki sposób, że wschodzące rośliny przypominają piksele z cyfrowego obrazu, stąd działa on jako „drukarka ogrodowa”. Siewnik został opracowany do wykorzystania na obszarach zielni miejskiej ze skomplikowanymi obrazami i kształtami, ale wiedza uzyskana w trakcie badań będzie wykorzystana również w innych dziedzinach rolnictwa precyzyjnego. Po krótkim opisie komponentów siewnika, został przedstawiony algorytm sterowania, jak również matematyczne reguły. Na końcu przedstawiono badania, gdzie zostało wysiane (wydrukowane) na śniegu logo Przemysłowego Instytutu Maszyn Rolniczych.
Artykuł jest drugim z serii artykułów poświęconych tematyce kształtowania koncepcji konstrukcji urządzenia wielozadaniowego do pracy w rowach melioracyjnych. Artykuł poświęcono zagadnieniu wyboru metody wprowadzania maszyny do rowu – zgodnie z podstawowym założeniem projektu, tj. pracy maszyny wewnątrz przestrzeni rowu. Przedstawiono krótką analizę rozważanych rozwiązań w tym zakresie. W badaniach zaproponowano rozwiązanie, które spełniało najwięcej funkcji roboczych jednocześnie.
The paper is the second one in series of articles on the problems of design conception of the melioration machine. This paper concerns a putting machine inside the ditch – as the mine basics of the project, i.e. machine work inside the ditch. In this range, in the paper the short analysis of considered solutions was presented as a result of research.
Artykuł jest trzecim z serii artykułów poświęconych tematyce kształtowania koncepcji konstrukcji urządzenia wielozadaniowego. W pierwszym artykule opisano budowę topologiczną ramy głównej, w drugim omówiono zasadę wprowadzania maszyny do rowu, a w niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano i omówiono problemy bezpiecznego manipulowania ramionami bocznymi i przednim wysięgnikiem.
This is the third article in the series dedicated to the problems of the melioration machine conception. This paper is set in the problem of multitask machine stability. In the first paper the issue of the build of the main frame was described. In the second, the way of putting the machine into the ditch was discussed. And now, the problems of safe steering and manipulation with the side arms and front manipulator are presented and discussed.
Content available Control algorithm of a precision seeder
This paper addresses the issue of the control system of a precision seeder. This seeder is to be used to dispose seeds in one field in such way that the plants originated from those seeds resemble the pixels of a digital image, thus acting as a "garden printer". The seeder is developed to be used for seeding public gardens with complex images and shapes, but the knowledge obtained on its development is to be used as well in other fields of precision agriculture. After a brief description of the components of the seeder, the control algorithm will be presented, as well as the mathematical principles behind it. At the end of this document a field test, where the logo of the Industrial Institute of Agricultural Engineering was seeded/"printed" on the snow (in order to be visible), is shown.
The paper presents an analogue circuit testing method that engages the analysis of the time response to a nonperiodic stimulus specialized for the verification of selected specifications. The decision about the current circuit diagnostic state depends on an amplitude spectrum decomposition of the time response measured during the test. A shape of the test excitation spectrum is optimized with the use of a differential evolution algorithm and it allows for achieving maximum fault coverage and the optimal conditions for fault isolation. Genotypes of the evolutionary system encode the amplitude spectrum of candidates for testing stimuli by means of rectangle frequency windows with amplitudes determined evolutionarily.
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