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The paper demonstrates the use of frequency reassignment for bearing estimation. For this task, signals derived from a linear equispaced passive array are used. The presented method makes use of Fourier transformation based spatial spectrum estimation. It is further developed through the application of two-dimensional reassignment, which leads to obtaining highly concentrated energy distributions in the joint frequency-angle domain and sharp graphical imaging. The introduced method can be used for analysing, a priori, unknown signals of broadband, nonstationary, and/or multicomponent type. For such signals, the direction of arrival is obtained based upon the marginal energy distribution in the angle domain, through searching for arguments of its maxima. In the paper, bearing estimation of three popular types of sonar pulses, including linear and hyperbolic frequency modulated pulses, as well as no frequency modulation at all, is considered. The results of numerical experiments performed in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise are presented and compared to conventional digital sum-delay beamforming performed in the time domain. The root-mean-square error and the peak-to-average power ratio, also known as the crest factor, are introduced in order to estimate, respectively, the accuracy of the methods and the sharpness of the obtained energy distributions in the angle domain.
The article presents an analysis of the possibilities of using modem surface engineering solutions to improve the durability of the tools used in the glass forming process. These tools are exposed to the simultaneous effects of several destructive factors in the operating process, i.e. cyclic thermal shocks, the corrosive effects of molten glass, and the friction caused by the presence of intensive sludge from molten glass remaining on the tool between the forming processes. The article presents the results of the materiał and tribological properties of selected multilayer coatings. The research methods presented in the article focused on the analysis of mechanical properties, surface topography, as well as the wear properties of selected coatings. The studies on mechanical properties included tests on hardness and Young modulus using the nanoindentation method, and tests on adhesion were conducted using the scratch-test method.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę możliwości wykorzystania nowoczesnych rozwiązań inżynierii powierzchni w celu poprawy trwałości eksploatacyjnej narzędzi wykorzystywanych w procesie formowania elementów szklanych, narażonych na jednoczesne działanie kilku czynników niszczących w procesie eksploatacyjnym, tj. cyklicznych szoków cieplnych, korozyjnego działania masy szklanej oraz intesywnego tarcia spowodowanego obecnością osadów z masy szklanej pozostających na narzędziu pomiędzy procesami formowania. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań właściwości materiałowych oraz właściwości tribologicznych wybranych powłok wielowarstwowych. Metody badawcze zaprezentowane w artykule koncentrowały się na analizie właściwości mechanicznych, topografii powierzchni, jak również właściwości tribologicznych wybranych warstw hybrydowych. Analiza właściwości mechanicznych obejmowała badania twardości modułu Younga oraz badania adhezji metodą zarysowania.
The article presents an analysis of the possibilities of using modem surface engineering solutions to improve the durability of the tools used in the glass forming process. The process of forming glass is carried out at an elevated temperature above 300°C, with the impact of chemically active masses of glass and periodically changing mechanical stress. These difficult process conditions significantly reduce the performance and reliability of glass-forming tools. A significant problem in maintammg the quality glass products is the phenomenon of the adhesion of the molten glass into the working surface. Due to the destruction of the forming tools, molten glass accumulates on the surface layer of materials that are increasingly used as solutions in the field of surface treatment. The article presents the research results of the properties of diff erent multilayer coatings based on Ti, Cr, Al, W, C, and Si, which are used to improve the durability of the tools used in the glass forming process. The studies presented in the article include an analysis of the surface morphology and microstructure of the produced coatings and an analysis of the contact angle of the molten glass. The analysis of the microstructure and surface morphology was carried out using scanning electron microscopy. The study on wettability was carried out using the droplet deposition technique.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę właściwości powłok PVD dedykowanych do poprawy trwałości eksploatacyjnej narzędzi wykorzystywanych w procesie formowania elementów szklanych. Proces formowania wyrobów szklanych realizowany jest w podwyższonej temperaturze powyżej 300°C przy jednoczesnym oddziaływaniu chemicznie aktywnych mas szklanych, oraz cyklicznie zmiennych obciążeń mechanicznych. Te trudne warunki procesowe znacznie zmniejszają wydajność, niezawodność narzędzi do formowania szkła. Istotny problemem w zachowaniu jakości wyrobów szklanych jest zjawisko przyczepiania się stopionego szkła do powierzchni roboczych .. Ze względu na fakt, że zniszczenia narzędzi formujących kumulują się w warstwie wierzchniej materiału coraz częściej poszukuje się rozwiązań w zakresie obróbki powierzchniowej, których zadaniem jest przeciwdziałanie tym zjawiskom. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań właściwości różnych powłok wieloskładnikowych na bazie takich pierwiastków jak Ti, Cr, Al, W, C, Si dedykowanych do zwiększania trwałości matryc do formowania szkła. Metody badawcze zaprezentowane w artykule koncentrowały się na analizie morfologii powierzchni oraz mikrostruktury wytwarzanych powłok, jak również na analizie kąta zwilżania ciekłym szkłem. Analizę morfologii powierzchni oraz mikrostruktury przeprowadzono przy wykorzystaniu skaningowej mikroskopii elektronowej. Natomiast badania zwilżalności przeprowadzono metodą osadzania kropli.
W ostatniej dekadzie tempo życia społeczeństwa ulegało systematycznej zmianie. Dostępność telefonii komórkowej, cyfryzacji i komputeryzacji spowodowały, że ludzie komunikują się częściej i szybciej. Oczekują również dostępnego, przyjaznego i skutecznego sposobu przemieszczania. Chcą się przemieszczać szybko, bezkolizyjnie i w rozsądnym, a najlepiej naj krótszym dla siebie czasie. W artykule przedstawiono rolę transportu publicznego dla poziomu jakości życia mieszkańców Szczecina i innych okresowych beneficjentów. Na podstawie badań przeprowadzonych wśród użytkowników komunikacji miejskiej opracowano wstępny profil szczecińskiego podróżnego oraz omówiono potrzeby i ukazano sposoby usprawniające osobowy transport miejski.
n the last decade, the pace of society life has changed systematically. The availability of cellular telephony, digitalisation and computerisation has caused that people communicate with each other more often and faster. They also expect available, user-friendly and efficient transport. They want to translocate quickly, collision-free and in reasonable, i.e. the shortest time. In the article, the role of public transport for the quality level of Szczecin citizens' and other periodic beneficiaries' life has been presented. On the basis of the research carried out among urban transport users, the initial profile of a Szczecin traveller has been worked out, and the needs and ways improving the passenger urban transport have been discussed.
In this paper, the usage of the GStreamer framework in applications of classical digital signal processing is discussed. Especially, its adaptation for the sonar technique is presented. Signal generation, analysis, processing, and visualization are implemented as GStreamer plugins. The new plugins and the structure of data transmitted through a GStreamer pipeline are briefly discussed. The introduced plugins are published as free software under the GROJ project.
In this paper a novel method of the bearing estimation in a passive sonar system with a towed array is introduced. The classical approach of the bearing estimation based on the spatial spectrum is extended by using the synchrosqeezing method that is a part of the reassignment method introduced by Kodera et al. The usage of this method leads to the precise bearing estimation. The proposed method requires a relatively small amount of computation, because of possibility of using the FFT algorithm. Moreover, method immunity against AWGN is tested for a selected sonar array having regard to the direction of arrival and the signal frequency.
The paper presents the results of examinations of the structure and tribological properties of nitrided layers produced on constructional steels with use of controlled gas nitriding. The nitriding layers structure, hardness, and tribological properties were determined. Tribological properties of the layers were performed by means of taper-three roll test. It has been proven that the application of the gas nitriding process to constructional steels significantly improved their resistance to friction wear.
W pracy omówiono wyniki badań dotyczących właściwości tribologicznych warstw azotowanych wytwarzanych na stalach konstrukcyjnych 18HGT i 38HMJ w procesie regulowanego azotowania gazowego. Tribologiczne właściwości otrzymanych warstw oceniano z wykorzystaniem testu trzy wałeczki–stożek. Badania właściwości tribologicznych próbek ze stali 18HGT i 38HMJ z warstwami azotowanymi wykazały, że zastosowanie azotowania gazowego wpływa w sposób istotny na zwiększenie ich odporności na zużycie przez tarcie.
In the article, the results of Szczecin railway connections analysis were depicted. Historical SST projects were also taken into consideration together with re-using existing railway facilities in SOM, and also with connecting different available means of transport in order to create an efficient transport system.
Novel dynamic representations of a complex signal in the time-frequency domain including: a channelized instantaneous complex frequency (CICF), a complex local group delay (CLGD) and a channelized instantaneous chirp-rate (CICR) are introduced. The proposed approach is based on the use of the gradient of the short-time Fourier transform complex phase. An interpretation of the newly-introduced distributions especially of the CICR is demonstrated by a chirp-rate estimation of mono- and multicomponent FM signals in the time-frequency domain. The paper corresponds to a part of the dissertation [1].
A novel precise method of time-frequency analysis is presented. In the algorithm, a new energy distribution is estimated by simultaneously discard or displacement of the classical spectrogram energy. A channelized instantaneous frequency and a local group delay are used in order to replacement in the same manner as formulated by Kodera et al. [1, 2]. Additionally, new representations: a channelized instantaneous bandwidth and a local group duration are used in order to remove some part of irrelevant energy. A newly obtained energy distribution called essential spectrogram is highly concentrated and signal mono-components are precisely localized in the time-frequency domain.
The paper presents results of time-frequency analysis of audio acoustic signals using the method of Concentrated Spectrograph also known as "Cross-spectral method" or "Reassignment method". Presented algorithm involves signal's local group delay and channelized instantaneous frequency to relevantly redistribute all Short-time Fourier transform lines in time-frequency plain. The main intention of the paper is to compare various guitar playing techniques including legato, staccato, vibrato, glissando, slide and bending. Additionally, the advantages of concentrated spectrograms especially high energy concentration in comparison with classical spectrogram based directly only on Short-time Fourier transform are presented. Moreover, the vibrato playing technique is considered also for another musical instruments: flute and violin.
The concept of spectrogram performance evaluation which exploits information on phase of short-term Fourier transform (STFT) is presented. A spectrograph which is a timefrequency analyzing tool, is compared to a filter bank that demultiplexes a signal. Local group delay (LGD) and channelized instantaneous frequency (CIF) is obtained for each filtered component signal. In presented solution the performance is evaluated using so-called length of weighted average of reassignment vectors (WARV length). Orthogonal components of each reassignment vector are calculated using above mentioned parameters.
W niniejszym artykule dokonano krótkiego przeglądu najpopularniejszych systemów operacyjnych dedykowanych dla szeroko pojętych urządzeń mobilnych. Następnie przedstawiono jednoukładowy zestaw uruchomieniowy DevKit8000 z procesorem OMAP3530 oraz z zainstalowaną dystrybucją systemu operacyjnego Linux o nazwie Angstrom. Taka konfiguracja stanowiła platformę mobilną dla implementacji algorytmów przetwarzania i rozpoznawania obrazów rastrowych, przechwytywanych ze strumienia wideo, rejestrowanego w czasie rzeczywistym. W ramach badań symulacyjnych dokonano porównania wydajności i obciążenia jednostek obliczeniowych platformy DevKit8000 i średniej klasy komputera osobistego. Głównymi zadaniami testowanych aplikacji była detekcja krawędzi i detekcja ruchu połączona z filtracją i dynamicznym progowaniem obrazu.
This article provides a brief overview of the most popular of existing operating systems dedicated for mobile electronic devices usage. The compact board, DevKit8000, using OMAP3530 microprocessor is investigated. The board is loaded with the GNU/Linux operating system - Angstrom. The abovementioned platform powered by Linux is used for implementation of real time Image Processing Algorithms. Efficiency and computational load between DevKit8000 platform and computer PC are compared. In applications the algorithms of extraction edges and motion detection based on filtering and dynamic pictures thresholding were implemented.
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia efekty prac nad stworzeniem oprogramowania dla mobilnego komunikatora multimedialnego. Projektowane urządzenie ma umożliwić użytkownikom swobodną komunikację (tekstową, głosową, wideo) oraz możliwość lokalizowania innych użytkowników dzięki działającej w tle wymianie informacji o pozycji. W referacie zaprezentowano architekturę systemu oraz oprogramowania stworzonego w środowisku Qt realizującego założoną funkcjonalność. W ramach testów oprogramowanie zostało uruchomione na platformach sprzętowych Adelaide/Jupiter 5.7 oraz DevKit8000 opartych o system operacyjny Embedded Linux.
This paper presents our work on software for a multimedia mobile communicator. The device should feature audio and video calls, multimedia messaging and location services. We present the architecture of proposed software and its implementation in Qt Environment. The software has been tested on two ARM-based development kits: Adelaide and DevKit8000 running embedded Linux.
W artykule omówiono koncepcję modulacji FMT (ang. Filtered Multi-Tone) z próbkowaniem krytycznym oraz niekrytycznym, a także porównano podstawowe właściwości sygnałów w ten sposób zmodulowanych. Szczegółowo omówiono efektywną implementację modulatora FMT z wykorzystaniem banku filtrów polifazowych oraz algorytmu overlap-add. Pokazano wpływ parametrów modulatora, w tym charakterystyk filtru oraz odstępów miedzy podnośnymi, na charakterystyki sygnału FMT.
The letter presents the techniques for generation of critically and non-critically sampled FMT (Filtered Multi-Tone) signals as well as comparison of their essential properties. Detailed implementations of the modulator based on the polyphase filter banks and the overlap-add algorithm are provided. Finally effects of the modulator parameter changes including a roll-off factor and subcarrier spaces adjustment are considered with respect to the FMT system properties.
Content available remote Testing of gravimetric quasigeoid by astronomical measurements
The current determination of quasigeoid is largely based on gravimetric observations, which in general do not cover areas equally. That causes decreasing in quality of quasigeoid determination in those areas that are sparsely covered (surveyed) by gravimetric measurements. This situation was occurred on territory of the Slovak Republic in the Tatra Mountains area where gravimetric observations were performed only in some valleys and crests and from Polish side were only applied average values of Bouguer gravity anomalies with a 5' x 7.5' grid spacing (10 km x 10 km) which were transformed to average free-air gravity anomalies. To testing precision of the determined gravimetric quasigeoid it's desirable to use independent method such as astronomical method. Essentially is concerned with comparison astronomical and gravimetric of vertical deflections in the given region and with modelling of the differences between astronomical and gravimetric vertical deflections.
The results or seven GPS observational campaigns have demonstrated mutual approaching trend or the Magura Nappe and the Podhale Flysh. Such a trend was disturbed during the period or 1995-2001 when the dam on the Dunajec-river was constructed and artificial lake was created. A hypothesis saying that the filling or the lake resulted in temporarily driving apart the Magura Nappe and Podhale Flysh has been presumed. After 2001 the tectonic structures "started to approach each other". The control points within the Iimits or the Pieniny Klippen Belt have demonstrated oscillatory changes or coordinates in the range of ±15 mm. The results or the last observation epoch show a disturbance or above mentioned trend. It would be due to earthquake in November 2004 that happened near the test field. This hypothesis should be verified next years by the following observational campaigns.
Content available remote Geodynamics of the Tatra Mountain. Report WP 10.5
The Report of WP 10.5 summarises the research activities in the period from 1.4.2003 to 31.3.2004. The research activities were concentrated to the determination of the preliminary relative velocity vectors and preliminary testing of gravimetric quasigeoid by astronomical measurements in the area of the Tatra Mountain.
Content available remote Geodynamics of the Tatra Mountain final report of WP10.5 CERGOP-2/Environment
The Final Report ofWP 10.5 - Geodynamic of the Tatra Mountains summarizes the research activities from 1.04.2003 to 31.07.2006 in the CERGOP-2/Environment Project. The research activities have been concentrated into two parts. The first part is oriented to: a) realization of GPS measurements in TATRA geodetic network for determination of relative horizontal and vertical velocity vectors relative to the Euroasian platform; b) absolute gravity measurements for testing of the vertical movements. The second part is oriented to: c) densification of relative gravity measurements in the Tatra Mountain for determination of the gravimetric quasigeoid model; d) astronomic measurements for testing of gravimetric quasigeoid model.
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