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Artykuł określa wpływ lokalizacji i znaczenia węzłów transportowych, przebiegu sieci drogowej na rozmieszczenie centrów logistycznych. Analiza oparta była na danych dotyczących istniejącej i aktualnie rozwijanej sieci drogowej o znaczeniu regionalnym, krajowym i międzynarodowym. Dzięki zrealizowanym badaniom możliwe było wskazanie, w jakim zakresie rzeczywiście uwzględniono wagę węzłów sieci transportowej oraz międzynarodową i lokalną politykę transportową w dotychczasowych decyzjach lokalizacyjnych. Pod względem metodycznym udało się wskazać lokalizacje optymalne. Przede wszystkim udało się jednak ocenić podjęte dotąd decyzje lokalizacyjne, w tym wskazać znaczenie różnych determinant owych decyzji. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników autorzy sformułowali uniwersalne rekomendacje dotyczące rozwoju regionalnej sieci transportowej. Realizacja tematu wynikała z badań podjętych przez autorów na zlecenie Urzędu Miasta Łodzi. Badania dotyczyły charakterystyki i kierunków rozwoju intermodalnych centrów logistycznych w kontekście funkcjonowania Transeuropejskich Sieci Transportowych (TEN-T) w województwie łódzkim, a w szczególności w Łódzkim Obszarze Metropolitalnym.
The main focus of the paper is to indicate the impact and significance of the location of transport hubs and road’s network for the location of logistics centres. The analysis was based on existing and constructed roads’ (regional, national and international level) data. Therefore, it was possible to determine the influence of the transport hubs, international and local transport policy on previous location decisions. Authors identified optimal locations of logistic centres in the Łódź region. Furthermore, authors assessed the location decisions and their determinants. Finally, universal recommendations for the development of the regional transport network have been formulated. This work was partially founded by the Municipality of Łódź. The study focused on the characteristics and trends of development of intermodal logistics centres in the context of the operation of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) in the Łódź region, particularly in the Łódź Metropolitan Area.
Content available Problems of quality of tourist space management
Presented collection of articles constitutes the summary of research undertaken by the editor and the authors within the scope of the project entitled “Tourism for the Region Integrated Program of Development for Doctoral Students”, financed from European Union funds within the scope of the European Social Fund. Articles present conclusions from research on the quality of tourism management in the region of Lodz. They were confronted with the assessment of the effectiveness of the process in the Norwegian Oppland County, performed during the execution of the aforementioned project, and mainly during a studio visit conducted in the first week of May 2012.
In this paper, the authors determined the specific features of the construction of budgets in Poland and Norway and showed areas of tourism occurrence in the budget classifications of both countries. Then, thoroughly analysed the expenditures made by municipalities and counties of the Lodz region, booked in the financial accounts which content was strongly connected with tourism. Authors had focused on direct relationship, as well as indirect effects on the development of tourism through promotion, development of culture and sport. The obtained results were compared with corresponding values observed in the Norwegian county of Oppland and its municipalities. It should be emphasized that by completing the research project, authors gained knowledge to identify strengths and weaknesses of the of local budgets in Poland and Norway. Flexibility of classification and the high comparability of local government units\\\' budgets at all levels are the main advantages of Polish budgets. On the other hand, the precise description of budgets and high quality of official statistics are undoubtedly advantages of Norwegian local government budgets. The fact is that the resources available to the Norwegian local authorities, even after taking into account the difference between purchasing power of the Norwegian krone and Polish zloty, are objectively higher. It is worth noting that the amount of funds allocated to finance specific activities, such as those related to the development of tourism, cannot be equated with the efficiency of their spending. However this question was not the subject of research undertaken by the authors. Described research project gives the authors the ability to assess the position of tourism in the Polish and Norwegian budget classification. Although the Polish classification revealed a dedicated account that was directly connected with tourism, at the same time it was diagnosed to have minor importance in planning and constructing local budgets. Therefore, the problem with both Polish and Norwegian budgets is the lack of possibilities to perform simple estimations of the amount of resources assigned to the areas of tourism development. The authors suggest to perform a specific study within this range and develop a diagnosis of individual tasks financed by the government and determine the degree of their impact on the development of tourism in the municipalities or counties. Therefore they hope that this article will be a contribution to make further research on the importance of tourism in local government budgets.
Content available Badanie narażeń mechanicznych armaty S-60M
W artykule omówiono modernizację systemów sterowania powszechnie stosowanych w wojsku polskim armat przeciwlotniczych S-60. Opisano sposób przeprowadzenia badań poligonowych w celu wyznaczenia wartości przyspieszeń i czasów w dwunastu punktach na armacie, podczas strzelania ogniem pojedynczym i seriami. Podano wyniki pomiarów. Omówiono charakter przebiegu drgań.
Control systems modernizing S-60 anti-aircraft cannons, generally used in the Polish Army, are discussed in this paper. A method of military field tests to determine accelerations in twelve points of cannon, during single and series shooting fire is described. Measurement results are presented. Character of the vibrations process is discussed.
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