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Geodetic network GNSS receivers are more commonly associated with positioning systems used in maritime hydrography. In terms of positioning accuracy when no terrain obstacles are present, they meet international hydrographic surveys standards (S‐44) fully. Those standards are defined as 1m (0.95) for Exclusive Order and 2m (0.95) for Special Order. It is equally as important to ensure access to position which error is not higher than above mentioned maximum values. This is most often determined by the density of port infrastructure. This article presents the results of analysis of availability of hydrographic system that operates based on geodetic GNSS networks. Hydrographic surveys in question were undertaken in inner basins with diverse infrastructure. Three representative types of ports were selected for this reason: fishing type (Hel), medium sized, modern commercial type (Gdynia) and highly congested, narrow canal type (Gdansk – Motlawa). A nonpublic, geodetic GNSS network was used for all surveys. It is worth mentioning that the above network is at the moment the only available network that provides both GPS and GLONASS corrections. The surveys provided evidence that geodetic GNSS networks can be successfully utilised to determine position of hydrographic vessel in low and moderately developed ports as well as in Exclusive and Special Orders. In highly congested ports however, the availability of the above mentioned method of measurement can be insufficient to realise a survey.
Content available The sea bottom surface described by Coons pieces
In this paper, a method of mathematical description of a surface, which can be used for modeling the sea bottom and detecting underwater objects using sonar (a side scan sonar or a front one) or a multibeam echosounder, is presented. The method is based on Coons plates and is described in four steps, which can be used for determination of the sea bottom for spatial presentation and volume calculation. A new sounding vessel and its equipment were used for the collection of geospatial data, and the results of a geospatial model of the sea bottom on the basis of the collected data are shown. The sea bottom is presented using Coons surfaces and a triangulated irregular network.
W artykule przedstawiono problematykę wyznaczania położenia obiektów podwodnych stanowiących podwodną infrastrukturę nawigacyjną służącą do zabezpieczenia pozycjonowania obiektów poruszających się w toni wodnej oraz modułów rozpoznania podwodnego. Przyjęto założenie, że pozycjonowanie odbywa się na podstawie współrzędnych jednostki pływającej, a istotnym zagadnieniem jest wyznaczenie przesunięcia punktu odbicia fali akustycznej w wyniku występowania zjawiska refrakcji.
In the paper the issues of determination of localisation of underwater objects as the underwater navigational infrastructure for positioning of underwater moving objects and underwater detection modules have been presented. There have been assumed, that positioning is realized on the basis of the position of the vessel and the essential issue is to determine the displacement of the reflection point of the acoustic wave as a result of refraction phenomenon.
W artykule omówione zostały serwisy precyzyjnych systemów pozycyjnych stosowanych w geodezji, które mogą być zastosowane w hydrografii w pomiarach dynamicznych oraz w pracach badawczych, takich jak wystawianie oraz podejmowanie systemów podwodnych. Takimi systemami mogą być systemy aktywne i pasywne, akustyczne, termiczne, hydrodynamiczne oraz ich kompilacje tworzące systemy zintegrowane. Takim zintegrowanym systemem jest prezentowany system rozpoznania podwodnego do wykrywania i śledzenia obiektów w toni wodnej na podstawie odebranych sygnałów przez wielosensorowy układ pomiarowy realizujący pomiary kilku pól fizycznych.
In the paper services of precise positioning systems used in geodesy have been presented. These services can also be used in hydrography in dynamic surveys and research such as positioning of underwater objects/systems. These systems can be active and passive one, acoustic, thermal, hydrodynamic and their compilations creating integrated systems. Integrated system is presented module of underwater detection and recognizing objects on the basis of received signals by multisensor system measuring physical fields.
W artykule przedstawiono proces związany z przygotowaniem geoTIFF-ów oraz określeniem wytycznych do przeprowadzenia pomiarów przekrojów korytowych rzeki. Na potrzeby prowadzenia prac geodezyjnych dokonano wyboru aparatury pomiarowej i dokonano charakterystyki terenu, przez który płynie rzeka, w celu przeprowadzenia badania w charakterystycznych miejscach kanału.
In the paper the process connected with geoTIFF files preparation and guidelines determination for river cross sections’ realization have been presented. For realization geodetic measurements geodetic equipment have been selected and the area, where the river flows, for realization measurements in individual positions has been characterized.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów geodezyjnych rzeki - cieku wodnego, jako źródła niebezpieczeństwa przejazdu oraz przewozu transportem lądowym, w tym szynowym, ludzi oraz mienia. Scharakteryzowano założenia do realizacji pomiarów na podstawie dokumentów formalnoprawnych, przedstawiono proces realizacji pomiarów przekrojów korytowych mokrych oraz wyniki pomiarów.
In this paper results of geodetic river’s measurements as the source of danger ride and land transport, among other things rail one people and goods have been presented. There are characterized background for measurements on the basis of formal and low documents. Also realization of measurement process of cross sections and results have been shown.
In the paper theoretical basics of interpolation method of one variable using basis Hermite’s polynomials have been presented. There have been described local Hermite’s bases and polynomial interpolation relationship. The metgod has been used for description the vertical distribution of the sound speed in water in Five Whistles Corner area in the Motlawa estuary in Gdansk Nowy Port.
Modeling of one variable and two variables functions can be used in hydroacoustics and hydrography i.e. for modeling the vertical distribution of the sound speed in water (one variable functions) or sea bottom (two variable functions). There are many mathematics methods of modeling one variable functions. In the paper modeling of the one variable function for the vertical distribution of the sound speed in water using rational Bézier functions have been shown.
In the article the essence of uniform rectangular Bézier pieces have been shown. These issues are essential during creation the digital terrain model DTM. For creation the bottom model bathymetric surveys of Motlawa River have been used. The visualization of the bottom using uniform rectangular Bézier pieces has been presented.
In the paper the methods to generate Numerical Models of Terrain for spatial visualization have been shown. For spatial visualization the application has been created, uses TIN, GRID methods: inverse distance to a power, nearest neighbour and natural one and NURBS (Non- Uniform Rational B-Splines). Methods have been used for spatial presentation of ENC data.
In the article basis of modeling the surface for spatial presentation of sea bottom hale been included. There have been shown typical, well known, method for generating TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network), GRID and mathematical methods using C++ environment. For presentation the sea bottom ENC (Electronic Navigational Charts) encoded in S-57 Standard have been used.
Heat field emitted by moving object may be used to localize the object by means of applied thermo-vision cameras making a passive optonavigation system of appropriate configuration. Attempts of determining a zone of such a system operation have been made in this article — operation of the referred system is based on application of one thermo-vision camera making a one-sensor azimuth-stadiometric system. Factors having impact on extend of the zone operation and their influence on the zone’s size itself and on the system’s operation are presented here.
Pole cieplne emitowane przez poruszający się obiekt może być wykorzystywane do jego lokalizowania za pomocą kamer termowizyjnych tworzących system optonawigacyjny o odpowiedniej konfiguracji. W artykule podjęto próby określenia strefy działania takiego systemu — działanie systemu jest oparte na zastosowaniu jednej kamery termowizyjnej tworzącej jednosensorowy system azymuto-stadiometryczny. Przedstawiono czynniki wywierające wpływ na zakres strefy działania oraz wielkość samej strefy i funkcjonowanie systemu.
Content available The concept of passive optonavigational system
Thermovision is known physical phenomenon based on emission of electromagnetic fields by each body with temperature above than absolute zero. This emission is called, for the sake of the wave, infrared emission and for the sake of its property - thermoemission. Intensity of thermoemission is proportional to the temperature of the body. So, during measurement of infrared emission of the body there is possible to indirect measure its temperature. Characteristic application of the thermovision can be usage of thermoemission radiated by moving object for its localization. In this paper the concept of passive navigational system working on the basis of thermovision cameras placed on the land are used for detection and tracking objects emitting infrared waves.
The Słupsk Bank, formerly knows as the Stolpe Bank (after the former German name Stolp of the now Polish city of Slupsk) is a bank situated 16 miles northward of Ustka, is about 24 miles long east and west and 10 miles broad. It has on the greater partof it general depths of 10 to 18 m, sand; the shoalest part is the northwestern, where there are several patches with from 8 to 9 m water, and at the western end, where there is a depth of 10 m. On the southeastern edge of the bank the water deepens suddenly to 29 and 33 m and on the other edges gradually. Because of long distance to the coast and large area, hydrographic surveys are carried out by large hydrographic vessels in 24H system. Results of hydrographic surveys of the part of Slupsk Bank have been presented.
Content available Hydrographic surveys of Wisłoujście fortress area
In the close vicinity of the Westerplatte peninsula lies a unique fortification monument - the Wisłoujscie Fortress. The name Wisłoujście (the mouth of the Vistula) dates back to the time when the Vistula had its estuary north of the Wisłoujście Fortress. The site was an area of strategic importance as it gave control of ships moving into and out of Gdańsk. The Fortress is surrounded by shallow water. Hydrographic surveys are important because of navigation safety of small ships and yachts and they are difficult because of limited maneuverability of sounding vessel and limitations in positioning. Results of hydrographic surveys of Wisłoujście Fortress have been presented.
Modeling of the vertical distribution of the sound speed in water is essential problem of hydroacoustics. There are many mathematics methods of modeling one variable functions. In the paper modeling of the one variable function for the vertical distribution of the sound speed in water using Bezier functions have been shown.
Content available Modeling of sea bottom using bézier pieces
In the article the essence of creating Bézier piece, determination its points, degree elevation and division have been shown. These issues are essential during creation the digital terrain model DTM. For creation the sea bottom model bathymetric surveys of Slupsk Bank have been used. The visualization of sea bottom with detected underwater object recorded by multibeam echosounder using Bézier pieces has been presented.
Content available Spatial Presentation of Sea Bottom Using EMIF Format
In the paper, there is presented a problem of search object drift during SAR operation. Presented method of conducting search takes into account probability of containment (POC) of searched object inside search area. Its also consider available endurance of SAR unit. Described method allows for achieving as good as possible average POC.
Determination of spatial orientation of sounding vessel is an essential problem from determination of acoustic wave reflection points in geodesic bathymetric surveys radiated by an echosounder point of view. Pitching, rolling and yawing as a result of wind, wavy motion and vessel movement determine the outlet angle of acoustic wave, trajectory of acoustic ray as a result of refraction, location of reflection point and determined depth on the basis of the distance between the transducer and reflection point measured by the echosounder. In the paper possibilities analyse of floating core fluxgate's application for determination of spatial orientation of sounding vessel have been presented. Compensation of pitching and rolling have only been presented because of sensor limitation.
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