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Remaining useful life (RUL) prediction plays a crucial role in decision-making in conditionbased maintenance for preventing catastrophic field failure. For degradation-failed products, the data of performance deterioration process are the key for lifetime estimation. Deep learning has been proved to have excellent performance in RUL prediction given that the degradation data are sufficiently large. However, in some applications, the degradation data are insufficient, under which how to improve the prediction accuracy is yet a challenging problem. To tackle such a challenge, we propose a novel deep learning-based RUL prediction framework by amplifying the degradation dataset. Specifically, we leverage the cycle-consistent generative adversarial network to generate the synthetic data, based on which the original degradation dataset is amplified so that the data characteristics hidden in the sample space could be captured. Moreover, the sliding time window strategy and deep bidirectional long short-term memory network are employed to complete the RUL prediction framework. We show the effectiveness of the proposed method by running it on the turbine engine data set from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The comparative experiments show that our method outperforms a case without the use of the synthetically generated data.
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