Operatorzy transportu ładunków chcąc działać według wytycznych Białej Księgi 2011 muszą rozwijać się w sposób zgodny z koncepcją zrównoważonego rozwoju. Oznacza to konieczność wdrożenia programu technicznej i technologicznej wymiany potencjału transportowego, który ma na celu minimalizację negatywnych skutków dla środowiska. Przedsiębiorstwa transportu regionalnego stają więc przed problemem polegającym na doborze sposobu finansowania działalności w taki sposób, aby wytworzyć produkcję transportową zgodnie z oczekiwaniami rynku. Jednak trudna sytuacja finansowa wielu przedsiębiorstw transportowych powoduje, że nie są one zdolne do osiągnięcia takiego poziomu akumulacji finansowej, który pozwolił by na sfinansowanie inwestycji zapewniających rozwój wymagany przez koncepcję zrównoważonego rozwoju. Dlatego też przedsiębiorstwa te zmuszone są do poszukiwania alternatywnych źródeł finansowania przedsięwzięć inwestycyjnych.
Sustainable grow this widely accepted, one of the of European socio-economic policy directions. In the spirit of the concept of sustainable growth is also place for formula ting rules for the growth of a regional freight transport companies. Growth of requirements bound on operators of transport, is forcing the companies to perform their services move to implemental comprehensive program of technical and technological change of transport capacity, adapted to the requirements of sustainable growth, thus aiming to ensure an adequate level of mobile cargo, at the lowest possible environmental burden. However, the difficult financial situation of many transport companies means that they are notable to achieve this level of financial accumulation, which allows the financing of investment, which is required to ensure the sustainable development concept. Therefore, companies are forced to seek alternative sources of financing investment projects, such as leasing or venture capital.
Warunkiem skutecznej realizacji zadań transportowych jest dobrze zorganizowany, niezakłócony przepływ informacji. Poprawna organizacja systemu informacyjnego operatorów transportu ma wpływ na efektywne i sprawne funkcjonowanie wszystkich procesów transportowych realizowanych w przedsiębiorstwach przetwórstwa rybnego. Zatem, system wspomagania decyzji operatorów transportu ma za zadanie tak wspomóc decydenta, aby miał on możliwość, pobierając informacje z różnych baz danych, zawierających zbiory różnorodnych informacji, zapewnić najbardziej skuteczny i efektywny przebieg procesu transportowego realizowanego na rzecz przedsiębiorstw przetwórstwa rybnego w określonych warunkach działania.
The information system is responsible for collecting, processing and keeping information, which can help to make decision and help to select the most optimal model of transport service. Therefore information systems collects the biggest number of the necessary information relating to the internal areas of enterprise like operational, motivational, marketing and financial and changes in the environment. Then information systems gives this information to decision systems which is responsible for making decision. That’s the reason why information and decision systems should be properly arranged, that means to collect maximum number of information concerned transportation problems in due time. Systems’ structruralization arrange information to match the information needs of transport operators. Appropriate organization information will shorten the time to make decision and has an influence on choosing the best variant of transport service which in turn determines the smooth functioning of the company. Structuralization of information-decision systems should provide an access to information which are necessary for planning, executing and control transportation tasks. So I created a functional model of information systems used by transport operators providing services to fish processing enterprises.
A recent growth in the fish processing industry comes together with a quick growth of international exchange which leads to a rising demand for the formalisation of organizational aspects in fish processing enterprises. In particular, basic processes and transport processes tend to grow. That is why those enterprises should focus on their main process of production and outsource supporting processes, such as haulage. The outsourcing of transport processes should lead to an effective and efficient management of the complex carriage process and allow the enterprise to reach new customers and new markets. However, the specification of fish processing market often makes it impossible for the enterprises to offer a complex transport service. The transport operators encounter a number of barriers of operational, marketing, efficiency and information character. At the same time, the growing production scale and market exchange suggests that a rising number of fish processing enterprises will outsource transport tasks by signing contracts with the best transport operators. The manufacturing of groceries, including the fish processing, is connected with the demand for storage and transport. The overall quantity of haulage realised for the fish processing enterprise is dominated by the carriage of raw fish material which, due to its lack of durability and sensitivity to high temperature creates a demand for the use specialised means of transport and reaching the safety of groceries throughout the shipping process. In order to offer the customer a valuable fish product, enterprises need to carry out the shipping process in an efficient and quick manner, with the use of appropriate means of transport, that is to coordinate the work of transport operator throughout the manufacturing, transport and distribution processes. The system of outsourcing of transport processes seems to be optimal, however the transport operators encounter barriers of operational, marketing, efficiency and information character, which makes it impossible for them to carry out the whole complex transport process. The objective of the article is to identify those system barriers of the development of transport operators of fish processing industry.
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In 2002, 2005 and 2007 vegetation and physicochemical properties of pelagial water were investigated in a shallow mid-forest lake. In 2002, the highest phytocoenotic diversity was recorded; charophytes and vascular submerged macrophytes formed their own extensive communities. After stocking with grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.) in 2002, reduction of water transparency, as well as changes in qualitative and quantitative composition of macrophyte communities were observed. Submerged vegetation declined during subsequent growing seasons. Charophyte meadows vanished first. The introduction of grass carp appeared to be a potential trigger for the rapid changes observed in the vegetation.
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