A spark-ignited Rapid Compression Machine (RCM) has been used to investigate the influences of the different proportions of methane-propane mixtures on the combustion characteristics at knock threshold operating condition. First, the threshold operating points of the mixtures have been obtained and the results indicated that the piston driving pressure reduces from 142 bars to 90 bars as the propane content in the mixture increases. As a spark plug was fitted in this RCM, the optimum spark timing was also investigated. It was established that spark timing should be set synchronize with the piston at TDC, due to the free movement of the piston. In most RCMs, piston can move toward TDC following the equilibria of forces due to the absence of con-rod. Finally, knock intensity of the different mixtures has been studied. Pre-heating system in RCM with and without trace heating system; effects of flow-rate and lambda variations on peak pressure, ignition delay time and ARR; threshold operating conditions of pure methane, 90% methane and 10% propane, 80% methane and 20% propane, 70% methane and 30% propane; effect of driving pressure on the knocking intensity for mixture of methane and propane for heavy and light knockings are presented in the article.
Basing on many years of experience in fuelling large stationary engines with palm oil Wärtsilä has started investigation into using other types of liquid biofuels (LBF) as an engine fuel for power generation. As a part of this investigation many engine tests using rapeseed oil, soybean oil, and animal fat were done. The tests described in this paper were done in parallel at two different locations. The first one was the research power plant located in Pieksämäki and the other one was the laboratory at VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland). During the tests selected data required for evaluation whether the engine can handle investigated fuels and whether the emissions meet strict requirements have been collected analyzed and presented in this paper. Two different types of engines were used for investigation. The Wärtsilä 6L20 was used in Pieksämäki and the 4R32LN at VTT. Engines were run at different load but as for the engines for power generation the most important were parameters at full load. Therefore the study was focused on emissions at full load. As a reference the results from the LFO test were used. Results for selected fuels were compared with the reference test results. Following this comparison conclusions concerning each fuel were made.
W oparciu o wieloletnie doświadczenia z wykorzystaniem oleju palmowego jako paliwa do dużych stacjonarnych silników tłokowych firma Wärtsilä rozpoczęła badania dotyczące możliwości użycia innych ciekłych bio-paliw jako paliwa do silników przeznaczonych do małych elektrowni. Częścią tych badań były testy silnikowe z wykorzystaniem oleju rzepakowego, sojowego, oraz tłuszczu zwierzęcego. Badania opisane w tym artykule zostały przeprowadzone równolegle w dwóch różnych miejscach, w laboratorium VTT (Fińskie Techniczne Centrum Badawcze). Podczas badań wybrane parametry niezbędne do oszacowania czy silnik dobrze znosi badane paliwo i czy emisje spełniają przepisy, zostały zebrane, przeanalizowane i przedstawione w artykule. Do badań wykorzystano dwa różne silniki, silnik 6L20 w Pieksämäki oraz silnik 4R32LN w VTT. Silniki pracowały pod różnym obciążeniem, jednak głównie skupiono się na parametrach przy pełnym obciążeniu. Jako odniesienie przeprowadzony został test z użyciem oleju napędowego. Wyniki dla wybranych paliw zostały porównane z testem referencyjnym. Opierając się na tym porównaniu zostały wyciągnięte i przedstawione wnioski.
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