The article presents a new discretization method of a continuous-time linear model of sensor dynamics. It can be useful to reduce measuring errors related to the inertia of the sensor. For example it is important in the measurement of rapid processes as temperature changes in combustion chambers, or for shortening the time needed to establish the sensor readings in a transition state. There is assumed that sensor dynamics can be approximated by linear differential equation or transfer function. The searched coefficients of equivalent difference equation or discrete transfer function are obtained from Taylor expansion of a sensor output signal and then on the solution of the linear set of equations. The method does not require decomposition of sensor transfer function for zeros and poles and can be applied to the case of transfer function with zeros equal to zero. The method was used to compensate the dynamics of sensor measuring fast signals. The Bode characteristics of a compensator were compared with others derived using classical methods of discretization of linear models. Additionally, signals in time were presented to show the dynamic error before and after compensation.
The paper presents an experimental stand for testing the front car camera S-CAM with embedded image recognition systems. The camera sends CAN messages these are converted to USART messages by microprocessor based system. The messages are interpreted by MATLAB script on the basis of database of traffic signs in accordance with Polish Road Code. The testing stand is mainly aimed for educating students interested in the fields of electronics and technologies related to automotive branch, as well. The second objective is a research on efficiency of traffic sign recognition system being one of functionalities of S-CAM camera. The technical specification of testing stand, its functionality and limitations were also discussed. The bench operation was illustrated with examples of stiff images, animation and real movies.
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Przeanalizowano źródła zaburzeń zjawisk fizycznych powstające podczas pracy plazmotronu gliding arc. Podano uzasadnienie stosowania zmodyfikowanego modelu Woronina łuku elektrycznego do symulacji procesów elektrycznych w obwodzie z plazmotronem. Ze względu na wprowadzoną postać hybrydową modelu możliwe było odwzorowywanie charakterystyk dynamicznych kolumny plazmowej w warunkach szerokiego zakresu zmian prądu zasilającego. W symulacjach uwzględniono dynamikę zmian długości kolumny i działające na nią zaburzenia losowe. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych symulacji wykazano efektywność stosowania opracowanych makromodeli łuku z wykorzystaniem postaci różniczkowej i całkowej. Zbadano wpływ plazmotronu na sieć zasilającą w warunkach stosowania różnego rzędu filtrów biernych LC.
The sources of disturbances of physical phenomena arising during the operation of the gliding arc plasmotron were analyzed. The rationale for using a modified Voronin model of an electric arc to simulate electrical processes in a circuit with a plasmotron is given. Due to the introduced hybrid form of the model, it was possible to consider the dynamic characteristics of the plasma column in conditions of a wide range of supply current changes. The simulations took into account the dynamics of column length changes and random disturbances acting on it. Based on the simulations carried out, the effectiveness of using the developed macromodels of the arc with the use of differential and integral forms was demonstrated. The effect of the plasmotron on the power supply network was tested under the conditions of using a different order of passive LC filters.
Artykuł dotyczy wpływu beznawiasowej notacji polskiej na rozwój współczesnej informatyki i innych, pokrewnych dyscyplin naukowych korzystających z technik informatycznych, matematyki, elektroniki, automatyki czy robotyki. W niniejszym artykule podano przykłady współczesnych zastosowań ONP w informatyce, w językach Forth, Postscript i parserach języków wysokiego poziomu. Rozważania zilustrowano przykładami konwersji wyrażeń z klasycznej notacji do notacji przyrostkowej oraz ich przetwarzania przez komputer z użyciem modelu zarządzania pamięcią zorganizowaną w stos, dzięki czemu uzyskuje się skrócenie czasu wykonania algorytmu i mniejszą zajętość pamięci. Celem tej publikacji było także upamiętnienie osiągnięć polskich naukowców w zakresie współczesnych technik komputerowych, a w szczególności Jana Łukasiewicza – twórcy znanej na całym świecie Odwrotnej Notacji Polskiej. Stworzona obecnie w Polsce sieć badawcza obejmująca wiodące krajowe instytuty naukowo-badawcze przyjęła patronat innego badacza: Ignacego Łukasiewicza - znanego głównie z wynalezienia lampy naftowej i rozwoju polskiego przemysłu naftowego. Warto pamiętać, że są to różni naukowcy zasłużeni w różnych obszarach badawczych.
This paper is focused on the impact of polish notation on the development of modern computer science and other related scientific disciplines using IT techniques, including mathematics, electronics, automation and robotics. Reverse Polish Notation was developed and disseminated by Australian scientist Charles Hamblin as a “reversal” of the prefix notation, developed around 1920 by the Polish mathematician Jan Łukasiewicz. According to knowledge of the authors of this article, the discovery and its fundamental importance for the development of digital technology is not common in the consciousness, even of people with academic education. Operation of all devices containing processors, e.g. calculators, computers, network and telecommunications devices, cell phones, household appliances, digital terrestrial and satellite television and other devices would be very difficult without applying this notation. Its significance was appreciated only after many decades, in the era of electronic computers, equipped with a programmable processor and high-level languages. The advantage of this notation is the lack of parentheses and the need for a preliminary analysis of the entire expression to determine the order of operations. It makes easier to prepare the result code for the computer. Notation can be used to write any of the expressions composed of symbols representing input variables and operators, i.e. in sentence logic, set theory, algebra, two-state logic used by digital systems and being the basis of computers, high-level language compilers and interpreters. In this article, examples of contemporary RPN applications are given, such as: Forth language, Postscript, high-level language parsers. The considerations are illustrated by examples of the conversion of an expression from classical notation to postfix notation and its processing by a computer using a stack memory management model to reduce time of algorithm execution and memory occupation. The purpose of this publication was also to commemorate the achievements of Polish technical thought in the field of contemporary computer techniques and closely associated with the name of Jan Łukasiewicz – the creator of the world-famous Reverse Polish Notation. This is also due to the fact that the currently created research network including leading national scientific and research institutes in Poland, which is a showcase of Polish technical thought, has assumed the patronage of Ignacy Łukasiewicz – known mainly for the invention of the kerosene lamp and the development of the Polish oil industry. They are two different people distinguished in other areas, which are worth remembering.
Na podstawie analizy warunków pracy plazmotronu gliding arc zaproponowano zastosowanie zmodyfikowanego modelu Woronina łuku elektrycznego do symulacji procesów w układzie zasilania łuku. Postać hybrydowa modelu umożliwia jego wykorzystanie w szerokim zakresie prądu roboczego. Ponadto model ten uwzględnia dynamikę zmian długości kolumny plazmowej. Przeprowadzone symulacje wykazały efektywność stosowania opracowanego makromodelu oraz umożliwiły zbadanie wpływu plazmotronu na sieć zasilającą w warunkach braku i stosowania różnego rzędu filtrów biernych.
Based on the analysis of the operating conditions of the gliding arc plasmotron, a modified Voronin model of the electric arc was proposed to simulate processes in the arc power supply system. The hybrid form of the model allows its use in a wide range of supply current. In addition, this model takes into account the dynamics of length changes of the arc column. The simulations showed the effectiveness of using the developed macromodel and allowed the study of the impact of the plasmotron on the power supply network under the conditions of using different passive LC filters inserted before transformer. The main conclusions are as follows: higher filter rank increases the device's on-off current and at the same time reduces the start voltage on the filter; the higher the filter rank, the greater the attenuation of voltage changes - the waveform has a milder shape by reducing fighter frequencies. The possible future work can be quantitative analysis of energy quality for results of simulations and real measurements with experimental stand including filter, transformer and gliding plasmotron.
This paper presents a method of wireless measurement of pressure and temperature of air in a car wheel with Tire Pressure Monitoring System - one of the modern safety systems used in the automotive industry. The readings were performed on a specially designed test bench. It was described a construction and operating principle of key elements of this test bench allowing work with sensors, TPMS module, reference instruments, and the format of data and correctness of data transmission between TPMS and host computer. The created software for embedded system emulating real on-board computer let to observe the uncorrected sensor readings and the effect of calibration in two points of characteristic.
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