Purpose: The primary objective of this article is to illustrate the strategic goals outlined in the European Union's cohesion policy PO1, "A more competitive and smarter Europe" in the context of Poland for the period 2021-2027, and provide an overview of the initial experiences of Poland in implementing these goals. A secondary objective is to present the features and evaluate the European Union's cohesion policy concerning support for research and innovation (R&I), particularly within the programming period of 2021-2027. Design/methodology/approach: The research employed various methods, including a literature analysis focusing on EU funds, cohesion policy and innovation, an analysis of EU strategic and programming documents for the period 2021-2027, as well as analysis of the financial data contained therein, mainly relating to the area of "A more competitive and smarter Europe". This specific area, constituting a key aspect of the EU cohesion policy, serves as the primary focus of the study, with particular attention given to its application in Poland. The deductive method was employed for reasoning, and the research findings were presented using graphical methods. Findings: The funding allocated to R&I in the EU has been progressively increasing. In the period from 2000 to 2006, the allocation was approximately EUR 26 billion, and for the years 2021-2027, there is a planned investment of EUR 137.5 billion in this area. These funds are designated to be utilized under one of the five objectives of the EU cohesion policy for 2021-2027, specifically PO1, known as "A more competitive and smarter Europe". The implementation of the PO1 objective aims to bridge the innovation and digital divide across the EU. In Poland, a substantial investment of EUR 16,046 billion is earmarked to achieve this goal. The initial competition organized in Poland under the SMART path has demonstrated significant interest in these funds, presenting an opportunity to enhance the country's innovativeness. Research limitations/implications: The research faced limitations, particularly in maintaining the consistency of homogeneous financial data. The primary source utilized was the Cohesion Data Platform, chosen for its up-to-date information. Another constraint was the nascent stage of competitions for EU funding under SMART paths, which significantly restricted the availability of research material. Practical implications: The research can be used by potential beneficiaries of EU funds to create innovative projects that can be submitted to subsequent SMART competitions in the future. Originality/value: Considering that the topic revolves around a relatively recent subject, namely Smarter Europe in the 2021-2027 perspective, and is grounded in the most current data available as of the end of 2023, the article contributes to both domestic and foreign literature on the subject of subsidy support instruments directed towards enterprises through state institutions.
This study aimed to assess the opinion of the inhabitants of protected areas in the Polish--German borderland on the development of tourism using the concept of sustainable tourism. It was examined whether the type of protected area and the country of residence were determinants of sustain-able tourism development. In 2019-2020, a questionnaire survey was conducted among residents near 14 protected areas in the Pomerania Euroregion. Multinomial and ordinal logit models were used in the data analysis. The main limitations of the survey were the inability to refer to similar surveys from previ-ous years and for other protected areas in Poland and Germany. This prevented a complete spatial-tem-poral analysis. The study carried out on the acceptance by inhabitants of the neighbourhood of protected areas in the Pomerania Euroregion is unique. The Polish protected regions of the Pomerania Euroregion were shown to have more significant potential for sustainable tourism development than the German ones. The results also show some differences in the perception of tourism by the Poles and the Germans.
Celem pracy była ocena opinii mieszkańców obszarów chronionych na pograniczu polsko-niemieckim na temat rozwoju turystyki z wykorzystaniem koncepcji turystyki zrównoważonej. Badano, czy rodzaj obszaru chronionego i kraj zamieszkania były determinantami rozwoju turystyki zrównoważonej. W latach 2019-2020 przeprowadzono badanie ankietowe wśród mieszkańców obszarów położonych w pobliżu 14 obszarów chronionych Euroregionu Pomerania. W analizie danych wykorzystano wielomianowe i porządkowe modele logitowe. Podstawowymi ograniczeniami badania był brak możliwości odniesienia się do podobnych badań z lat wcześniejszych oraz dla innych obszarów chronionych w Polsce i w Niemczech. Uniemożliwiło to przeprowadzenie pełnej analizy przestrzenno--czasowej. Przeprowadzone badanie dotyczące akceptacji przez mieszkańców okolic obszarów chronionych w Euroregionie Pomerania ma charakter unikatowy. Wykazano, że regiony polskich obszarów chronionych w Euroregionie Pomerania mają większy potencjał do rozwoju turystyki zrównoważonej niż regiony niemieckie. Wyniki badania pokazują również, że istnieją pewne różnice w postrzeganiu turystyki przez Polaków i Niemców.
Purpose: The subject matter of the article results from the growing importance of innovation both in the development of enterprises and the entire economy. Design/methodology/approach: This paper is based on research conducted in 104 small and medium-sized industrial companies operating in the West Pomeranian province. For purposes of the research, the author applied the documentary research method and CATI survey. Findings: The findings clearly indicate that efforts taken to create environments conducive to employee innovation in industrial companies in the West Pomerania are not sufficient. The surveyed business environments did not adequately encourage employees to, in particular, expand knowledge, seek novel solutions and did not provide them with access to innovation generating tools. It is the company’s innovation culture and environment that fuels growth and fosters innovation which allows to compete successfully on national and international markets. The paper also brings to light the low level of innovation of Polish economy resulting from the fact that only ca. 17% of the small enterprises and ca. 37% of the medium-sized enterprises can be considered innovative. Research limitations/implications: As part of the article, research was carried out in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. It is planned to conduct research throughout Poland. Originality/value: The article highlights the need for a comprehensive approach to the innovation generation system in enterprises.
The progressing globalization process and the accompanying changes in the approach to the role of borders influence the perception of border areas. For decades, borderlands were treated as peripheral. In many cases it resulted in impeding the processes of socio-economic development, which further deepened the isolation and peripherality of those areas. The article presents selected results of research conducted by the author in the area of the Polish-Ukrainian borderland, related to shopping tourism. Shopping tourism is a significant factor in the development of peripheral areas. According to official statistics, as many as 94% of foreigners visiting Poland in 2017 declared shopping as the purpose of their visit. It was the Ukrainian citizens who spent the most on shopping in Poland in 2017. They spent over PLN 750 on the purchase of products and services per one person crossing the border. In the same period, Belarusians spent PLN 624 on purchases in Poland, Lithuanians PLN 532, Russians PLN 455, Germans PLN 461, Slovaks PLN 315, and Czechs PLN 285 per person. In the Polish-Ukrainian border area, 91% of expenses of Ukrainian citizens in Poland are incurred at a distance of less than 50 km from the border (89% in an area up to 30 km). This means that in an area within 50 km from the border with Ukraine, revenues related only to the shopping of Ukrainian citizens travelling to Poland amount to over PLN 6 billion. Expenses related to shopping tourism affect the development of entrepreneurship on the Polish-Ukrainian border.
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