Niedowidzenie jest zaburzeniem dotyczącym najczęściej jednego oka, w którym dochodzi do obniżenia ostrości wzroku. Wśród metod mających na celu wyprowadzenie niedowidzenia, wyróżnić możemy terapie jednooczne oraz terapie dwuoczne. Najnowsze badania skupiają się na ocenie możliwości wykorzystania gier wideo w terapii niedowidzenia. Celem niniejszej publikacji jest przedstawienie wyników badań dotyczących efektywności rozwiązań gamingowych używanych w terapii niedowidzenia u dzieci i dorosłych.
Amblyopia is a decrease in visual acuity, which usually affects one eye. Monocular and dichoptic approaches are used to treat amblyopia. Recent studies try to use a video games as a possible treatment for amblyopia. Present article will review the effectiveness of gaming solutions used in the treatment of amblyopia in children and adults based on the latest research.
Vergence eye movements, movements executed in opposite directions, have a crucial role in depth perception and are necessary for maintaining proper binocular vision. Despite these facts, the neurophysiological studies of vergence eye movement on humans are rare and give ambiguous results. In the present study, the sensory event-related potentials (ERPs) related to the processing of stimuli called for convergence, divergence and saccade were explored. Sixteen healthy subjects (mean 23 years old) performed reflexive (visually-guided) eye movements and event-related potentials from 64 active electrodes were recorded. The significant preponderance of cortical activity for convergence among three conditions was revealed and it concerned both anterior (larger negativity) and posterior cortex (larger positivity). Here, we also reported the longest latency for convergence. These results may suggest larger cortical representation for stimuli presented in near visual space, thus the preponderance of near cells within cortex, which respond to cross retinal image disparity being a cue for convergence.
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