New air traffic control ideas are sought. Many studies point out the delegation of the responsibility for ensuring separation from air traffic controllers to the aircraft crews, but it should be assumed that the transition from centralized to decentralized air traffic control will occur in stages. It is, therefore, necessary to ensure effective communication between conflicting aircraft and to define the negotiation process between aircraft. The concept of the process of negotiation and communication between aircraft in conflict using a monotonic concession protocol is presented. The proposed solution was modeled using a Petri Net, which allowed us to analyze all the dependencies present in the system. The analysis allowed us to evaluate the method in the context of safety. The conducted research showed that, under the assumed conditions, the negotiation method allows obtaining the desired effect of negotiations while maintaining an adequate level of safety.
Air transportation is one of the safest means of transport, but carrying out activities in the area of aviation incident analysis still remains necessary. Proper assessment and analyses of incidents must be based on identification of hazards in the area. Safety hazards can occur in the airspace, on the airport premises, and in the area of aircraft ground handling. The development of unmanned aircraft is also associated with the emergence of further safety hazards. Therefore, it is of great importance that available methods and tools be used to assess risks in each area. To this end, there are a lot of available quantitative and qualitative methods for analysing air transport incidents. An important aspect is the analysis of aviation incidents, which can contribute to proactive measures aimed at improving air transport safety. The paper presents selected aviation incident analysis methods and risk assessment tools.
Transport lotniczy należy do najbardziej bezpiecznych środków transportu, ale w dalszym ciągu konieczne jest prowadzenie działań w obszarze analizy zdarzeń lotniczych. Prawidłowa ocena i analiza zdarzeń musi opierać na identyfikacji zagrożeń w danym obszarze. Zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa mogą pojawić się zarówno w przestrzeni powietrznej, na terenie lotniska, ale także w obszarze obsługi naziemnej statków powietrznych. Rozwój bezzałogowych statków powietrznych również związany jest z pojawianiem się zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa. Dlatego ważne jest zastosowanie dostępnych metod i narzędzi oceniających ryzyko w każdym obszarze. W tym celu występuje dużo metod ilościowych i jakościowych analizy zdarzeń w transporcie lotniczym. Ważnym aspektem jest analiza incydentów lotniczych, które mogą przyczynić się do proaktywnych działań zmierzających do poprawy bezpieczeństwa transportu lotniczego. W artykule przedstawiono wybrane metody analizy zdarzeń lotniczych oraz narzędzia służące do oceny ryzyka.
Analyses of cargo transport in 2021 show that despite the increased volume of cargo transported by all types of transport compared to 2020, road transport is still dominant compared to rail transport. Therefore, all actions aimed at improving these unfavorable relations (rail transport vs. road transport) in transport, particularly cargo transport, should be considered purposeful and justified. One such activity is the ongoing work on the design and construction of freight wagons for specialized transport. Unlike universal wagons, specialized wagons are characterized by a limited ability to transport a wide range of material groups. An example is the transport of timber. However, the development of new transport technologies, and above all, technical and organizational progress, force the organizers of these transport modes to look for new logistic and rolling stock solutions. The aforementioned transport of timber is an example of this. The transport of wood does not constitute a large volume of transport, but taking into account its transport issues (transport with large truck tractors, high axle loads, and high risks for other road users), it is a classic example of the fact that it should not be carried out by road over long distances. Therefore, all actions aimed at reducing these issues and improving efficiency by using rail transport are desirable and even necessary. The article presents an innovative design solution in the form of a stanchion basket installed on flat wagons, allowing the use of standard wagons of this type to transport both containers and timber as well as loads such as beams and pipes. Such a solution will allow the use of empty runs of these wagons after unloading wood at the destination station for further transport of containers and vice versa. The considerations described in the article show the research process at the construction stage and testing the prototype of the built basket and the wagon with the stanchion basket structure placed on it.
The current concept of air traffic control based on human work was created many years ago and is now approaching the limit of its performance. Therefore, new concepts for air traffic control are being sought. One of the ideas is to delegate the responsibility for ensuring separation between aircraft to aircraft crews. The issue of self-separation is quite a difficult task. Analysis of the literature concludes that the transition from one phase to another will occur in stages. This paper focuses on the transition period. The concept of a method of ensuring separation when changing traffic organization was proposed. A vital element of the separation method in the transition period is to define the negotiation and communication process between aircraft, which was presented in this paper.
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This article presents the safety management issue in rail transport in the context of the principles defined in the European Union regulations, i.e., the Common Safety Methods (CSM) dedicated to risk assessment. It describes regulations applicable to the process of risk assessment process including risk analysis and evaluation. The most important challenges related to the application of risk assessment methods are also presented in the article. The regulations of the European Union do not precisely define the way in which risk assessment should be carried out in an organisation. Furthermore, the legislation only requires a risk assessment process to be carried out following a change to the railway system if such a change is assessed as a 'significant change'. This aspect remains problematic in the railway system, due to the considerable discretion left to the railway companies in their approach to conducting assessments of the significance of a change and the low percentage of so-called “significant changes”. As shown by some railway accidents and reports of the State Commission for Investigation of Railway Accidents, omissions in the process of risk assessment and inconsistency of approach of various undertakings to analogous situations may lead to an uncontrolled increase in the level of risk in railway transport.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie zarządzania bezpieczeństwem w transporcie kolejowym w kontekście zasad określonych na poziomie Unii Europejskiej określających Wspólne Metody Bezpieczeństwa (CSM) dedykowane realizatorom procesu transportowego w systemie kolei. Opisano regulacje mające zastosowanie w procesie przeprowadzania analizy i wyceny ryzyka, składających się na ocenę ryzyka. Przedstawiono również najważniejsze wyzwania związane ze stosowaniem metod oceny ryzyka. Przepisy prawa Unii Europejskiej nie określają precyzyjnie sposobu w jaki należy przeprowadzać ocenę ryzyka w organizacji. Ponadto, przepisy te wymagają przeprowadzenia procesu oceny ryzyka po wprowadzeniu zmiany w systemie kolei jedynie w przypadku ocenienia takiej zmiany jako „zmiany znaczącej”. Ze względu na pozostawienie realizatorom procesu transportowego znacznej swobody w podejściu do przeprowadzania ocen znaczenia zmiany i niskiego odsetka tzw. „zmian znaczących” obszar ten w dalszym ciągu pozostaje problematyczny w systemie kolei. Jak pokazują niektóre zdarzenia kolejowe oraz raporty Państwowej Komisji Badania Wypadków Kolejowych, zaniechania w procesie oceny ryzyka i niejednolitość podejścia różnych przedsiębiorców do analogicznych stanów faktycznych, mogą prowadzić do niekontrolowanego wzrostu poziomu ryzyka w transporcie kolejowym.
This article deals with the problem of new threats that appear in areas that have not been affected by them so far. The considerations concern asymmetric threats and the railway system. The analysis of this issue was carried out on the basis of general information on the problem of asymmetric threats and the knowledge of the railway system, its operation and identified threats that can be attributed to the characteristics of asymmetric threats. The aim of the article is to draw attention to new phenomena that are beginning to affect transport on a global basis, including rail transport.
Modern light rail vehicles, such as a tram or rail bus, due to the need to provide mobility for the elderly or disabled people and the requirements of operators operating passenger rail transport or transport in urban areas must have a 100% low floor. Structurally, this is associated with the use of wheelset with independently rotating wheels (IRW) in such vehicles. It is also possible to use a bogie structure without the use of a wheelset axle by mounting the wheels directly in the side parts of the bogie frame. This construction is more complex and will not be discussed in this article. Bearing in mind the dynamic behavior of such vehicles during operation (lateral stability, profile wear) in various driving conditions (curve traffic, crossovers) and taking into account operating costs, it becomes necessary to install wheel rotation control systems to maintain center movement mass of the wheelset around the centerline of the track. The subject of the article will be considerations on modeling and simulation of rail vehicle bogie motion with IRW sets including the wheel control system. Nominal and mathematical models of the analyzed vehicle will be presented, as well as a controlled strategy based on the comparison of the angular velocities of the wheels of the wheelset A review of works on solutions of such systems will be presented, and a control concept will be proposed. The summary contains conclusions regarding the possibility of practical use of the proposed method of steering wheels of a wheelset in the case of independently rotating wheels.
In Poland, the basic document introducing, in a formal way, the concept of innovation into the economic cycle was the Operational Program Innovative Economy 2007-2013 (OP IE) - a government document adopted by the Council of Ministers on 19 December 2006. This document described the state of the Polish economy and the state of Polish science in terms of innovation and competitiveness. As usual in such cases, the administrative structures were initially developed by introducing the concepts such as: Managing Institution, Intermediate Institutions and Implementing Institutions, and a large-scale information campaign was started as if the projects in Poland had not been implemented so far, which had not been completed with implementation in practice of a new or significantly improved product, service or process. The paper will present some projects carried out at the Faculty of Transport of the Warsaw University of Technology before 2007., that is before the OP IE, which projects can be included in the innovative projects according to the adopted definition.
W Polsce podstawowym dokumentem wprowadzającym, w sposób formalny, pojęcie innowacyjności do obiegu gospodarczego był Program Operacyjny Innowacyjna Gospodarka 2007-2013 (PO IG) – rządowy dokument przyjęty przez Radę Ministrów 19 grudnia 2006 roku. Dokument ten opisywał stan polskiej gospodarki oraz stan polskiej nauki pod kątem innowacyjności i konkurencyjności. Jak zwykle w takich przypadkach, na początek rozwinięto struktury administracyjne wprowadzając takie pojęcia jak: Instytucja Zarządzająca, Instytucje pośredniczące i Instytucje Wdrażające oraz rozpoczęto szeroko zakrojoną kampanię informacyjną tak, jak gdyby do tej pory w Polsce nie realizowano projektów, które nie zostały zakończone wdrożeniem w praktyce gospodarczej nowego lub znacząco udoskonalonego produktu, usługi lub procesu. W referacie zostaną przedstawione niektóre projekty zrealizowane na Wydziale Transportu Politechniki Warszawskiej przed 2007 rokiem, czyli przed uruchomieniem PO IG, które to projekty zgodnie z przyjętą definicją zaliczyć można do projektów innowacyjnych.
The article discusses the process of selecting points on a rail vehicle in which sensors recording signals will be located, with a view to their later use in the process of monitoring the condition of the vehicle and in particular elements of the first and second degree suspension system. The number of such points and their location is significant considering the complexity of the monitoring system and thus the costs of its construction and subsequent operation, as well as the possibility of using registered signals in the process of diagnosing the technical condition of the vehicle, bearing in mind the functioning of such a system in online mode.
W artykule omówiony został proces wyboru punktów na pojeździe szynowym, w których ulokowane będą czujniki rejestrujące sygnały, mając na uwadze późniejsze ich wykorzystanie w procesie monitorowanie stanu pojazdu a w szczególności elementów układu podatnego I i II stopnia usprężynowania. Liczba takich punktów oraz ich rozmieszczenie ma istotne znaczenie biorąc pod uwagę złożoność systemu monitorowania a tym samym koszty jego budowy i późniejszej eksploatacji a także możliwość wykorzystania zarejestrowanych sygnałów w procesie diagnozowania stanu technicznego pojazdu mając na uwadze funkcjonowanie takiego systemu w trybie on-line.
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