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This paper presents dynamic formulation for a sandwich cylindrical panel based on higher order shear-deformation theory and Hamilton’s principle. The sandwich cylindrical panel is composed of a porous core sandwiched by two graphene origami reinforced copper matrix layers. The material properties of porous core and graphene origami-reinforced copper matrix layers are estimated using the Halpin–Tsai and rule of mixture for various distributions of porosity and graphene origami dispersion in terms of material and geometric characteristics of constituent materials. Through calculation of strain energy, kinetic energy and external work, the governing equations of motion are derived using Hamilton’s principle. The analytical solu tion is applied for parametric analysis of the problem. The natural frequencies are analytically obtained in terms of material and geometric parameters of graphene origami such as volume fraction and folding degree, various distributions, porosity coefcient, porosity distribution, and temperature. The numerical results indicate that the maximum natural frequency is obtained for X distribution of graphene origami.
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