The purpose of this article is to perform an assessment of technical condition of a transport company and to answer the question whether the nature and direction of changes in technical equipment and work organisation in road transport companies allows to acknowledge that they work and develop in the frameworks appropriate for selflearning company.
Life on the road with all its aftermath and consequences works as a big triangle: driver-road-car. The main cause of road accidents is driver who can´t cope with increase of traffic density and with more and more powerful cars. Increasing number of new vehicles on our roads shows certain economic power of Slovakia and improving standard of living. The annual growth of more than seventy thousand new cars has as a result overcrowded Slovakian road network. Because of this, there is a special attention given to road traffic safety and its various factor at the present not only in our country, but also in the European Union. By joining the European Union we are committed to achieve standards in all areas that are comparable with European developed countries. In our paper we would analyze accident rate of traffic in recent years in Slovakia and design telematic measures to reduce it.
Życie na drodze z wszystkimi jego skutkami i konsekwencjami działa jak wielki trójkąt: kierowca-droga-samochód. Główną przyczyną wypadków drogowych jest kierowca, który nie może poradzić sobie ze wzrostem natężenia ruchu i coraz lepszymi samochodami. Zwiększenie liczby nowych pojazdów na naszych drogach pokazuje pewną siłę gospodarczą Słowacji oraz poprawę standardu życia. Roczny wzrost o ponad siedemdziesiąt tysięcy nowych samochodów skutkuje przepełnieniem sieci drogowej Słowacji. Z tego powodu, obecnie nie tylko w naszym kraju, ale również w Unii Europejskiej, szczególną uwagę skupia się na bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego i jego różne czynniki. Przystępując do Unii Europejskiej, jesteśmy zobowiązani do osiągnięcia standardów we wszystkich dziedzinach, które są porównywalne z europejskimi krajami rozwiniętymi.
One of the main objectives of all larger cities is to ensure effective transportation of people. There are two ways; how this objective can be reached –building of new infrastructure and effective using of the existing one. Because of the narrow streets and density of existing buildings within the city, in most cases it is not possible to extend current infrastructure. Hence, the second way is the only possible solution for such cities. Well-functioning management system improves the flow of traffic, reduces road accidents, and improves the comfort during transportation. Public transport is able to satisfy the transport requirements of a much larger number of passengers and acts more favourably than private transport in urban areas. Therefore building a public transport system of high quality, which also means public transport priority on the signal controlled junctions, is the key part of reaching the objective of ensuring effective transportation of people. In 2011, there were reconstructed roads around the Aupark Shopping Centre in Žilina. The paper is focused on traffic situation of the street Veľká Okružná; which was also rebuilt during the reconstruction. Based on microscopic modelling and road accidents data this paper compares two variants: (1) current traffic situation of this street and (2) the traffic situation, when the public transport priority was implemented during the reconstruction.
Jednym z głównych celów działania w każdym większym mieście jest zwiększenie efektywności transportu osób. Są dwa sposoby na osiągnięcie tego celu - wybudowanie nowej infrastruktury oraz efektywne użycie obecnie istniejącej. Ze względu na wąskie uliczki oraz gęstość istniejących zabudowań wewnątrz miasta w większości przypadków nie jest możliwe rozbudowanie istniejącej infrastruktury. Wskutek tego drugie wyjście jest jedynym możliwym dla takich miast. Dobrze funkcjonujący system zarządzania wzmacnia przepływ ruchu, redukuje wypadki drogowe oraz zwiększa komfort przejazdu. Transport publiczny jest w stanie zaspokoić wymagania transportowe znacznie większej liczby pasażerów i działać korzystniej niż transport prywatny w przestrzeni miejskiej. Dlatego też budowa wysokiej jakości systemu transportu publicznego, co również oznacza pierwszeństwo transportu publicznego na skrzyżowaniach sygnalizacyjnych, jest kluczową częścią osiągnięcia celu, jakim jest efektywny transport osób. W 2011 r. zrekonstruowano drogi wokół centrum handlowego Aupark w Žilinie. Artykuł ten jest skoncentrowany na sytuacji transportowej 2010 roku która również była przebudowana w czasie rekonstrukcji. Z wykorzystaniem modelowania mikroskopowego oraz danych o wypadkach drogowych praca porównuje dwa warianty: (1) obecną sytuację na drogach oraz (2) sytuację na drogach przy pierwszeństwie transportu publicznego wprowadzonego w trakcie rekonstrukcji.
Management in transport is mostly based on transport market observations and the person managing transport in a company must respond quickly to customers’ needs and implement new solutions. At present, competition forces transport companies to look for possibilities for cost optimisation, including transport costs. Effective planning of the vehicle fleet use is a significant element influencing the company’s financial result. The use of appropriate tools allows for greater savings and improvement in the effectiveness of vehicle use.
The rapid urban development in recent years has been reflected not only by the change in structure and size of towns, but especially by the increase in population mobility, which is strongly reflected by the fact that urban centers are clogged with individual transport, therefore, experts are dealing with possibilities of alternative solutions. Traffic calming in cities is a process that reflects the pursuit for a new quality of life as well as applying modern transport solutions at European level. In practice, there are many different types of this process depending on the type of area, road and citizens’ requirements. Streets, plazas and other public places of towns and cities are the points where a large part of social life is taking place. These venues do not serve only transport but are the places where commuters, children, elderly people and disabled persons meet. Especially bicycle transport for its significant reach, readiness to ride, easy operation and relatively high cruising speed has the appropriate conditions for further successful development in centre of a city. Article outlines some of the principles of traffic calm and their impact on road safety.
There are nowadays more intelligent information systems in transport, and the RFID technology (radio frequency identification) is increasingly expanding, particularly for its versatility and ability to use without the need for constant renewal of the technical base (no need for regular investment, only for this technology use). Following the oversized transport used for the automotive industry, this technology plays major role in information system between producer / production plants and suppliers. In the event that the producer uses the RFID technology for automated recognition and reception of goods, an RFID chip needs to be attached to each pallet. The data on the chip contain exact data about specification of panels on the pallet as well as the quantity of panels on the pallet and the order of panels. The information contained on the RFID chip ensures factories a reduction of time for checking the goods in terms of goods type of and their frequencies. The RFID technology is a critical transportation technology capable of providing carriers the required information in real time and is also affordable. The link between software and RFID technology – the GPS system is an important aspect, because it is possible to attach additional information to the goods directly via the GPS system. In our contribution we describe the possibilities of that technology.
The transport forms an inevitable condition for the management and effective working of the economics and the society as a whole. Its wide range of use and quick development are often considered to be the main reasons of undesirable side effects on the environment. A growing number of cars on roads and highways contributes substantially to the air pollution. Therefore the international and national organizations are trying to find ways and mechanisms how to improve the environment together with the extension of traffic network. The cumulating problems of the unfriendly environmental impacts of transport should be resolved. The problems are being solved with an active approach, which is oriented to the prevention or early elimination. The solving of these problems belongs to the sphere of Resort of Transport and Environment. It is necessary to focus on this way prior to the after-effects solving.
At rest, the transport is a factor that significantly affects the life of the city and limits its further development. The expansion of the motorization brings the need to solve the static transport. The number of cars is still rising and the car is parked 90% of its lifecycle time. Motorization is evolving faster than urban centres that just missed the trend for such a short time to respond. Nowadays, the quality requirements are still growing and therefore facilities and mechanisms, which operate in these transport systems, should be improved. The telematic systems in this area are mainly applied in parking guidance systems with connection to the Control Centre, systems of parking automats and their connection to the Control Centre, information systems in parking garages and also to the technological equipment in the car parks. There is a need to be aware of the affecting practically all the people who live in the city territory with the parking and solutions of the parking systems are highly critical monitored and evaluated by the public. Automated parking systems are solutions, which offer effective solutions in congested urban areas and the historic city centre. Parking places, which are using automated parking systems, cover approximately a half of the volume compared to conventional parking houses. From an operational point of view, they are less difficult for maintaining, offering the comfort of parking for each car, fully using the parking capacity and providing a high security. In our paper, we would like to describe a possibility of intelligent static transport solution in the cities especially that provided to automated parking systems, which have a high priority in congested cities.
The climate of our planet is changing, which, scientists believe, is caused by the production of greenhouse gases (GHG). To stabilize the concentrations of those gases in the atmosphere, it is necessary to decrease their production. Since transport is one of the major sources of GHG emissions, the most obvious solution is to decrease fuel consumption by vehicles. The amount of fuel used by a vehicle depends directly on the force of driving resistance, including rolling resistance and air resistance. The aim of the article is to indicate one of the easiest possibilities of decreasing these resistances. A small change in the shape of a vehicle’s frontal area leads to a significant reduction in air resistance.
The rapid urban development in recent years has been reflected not only by the change in structure and size of towns, but especially by the increase in population mobility, which is strongly reflected by the fact that urban centers are clogged with individual transport, therefore, experts are dealing with possibilities of alternative solutions. Especially bicycle transport for its significant reach, readiness to ride, easy operation and relatively high cruising speed has the appropriate conditions for further successful development. In our contribution we would like to outline some problems with the equality issues of bikes in the street area.
Dynamiczny rozwój miast w ostatnich latach znajduje odzwierciedlenie nie tylko w zmianach ich wielkości i infrastruktury przestrzennej, ale przede wszystkim we wzroście mobilności społeczeństwa, co wiąże się ze zwiększonym popytem na przejazdy. Stopniowa stabilizacja przestrzeni miejskiej oraz liczby mieszkańców generują odpowiednie warunki do zastosowań nowych sposobów przemieszczania się ludzi w miastach, alternatywnych dla transportu drogowego (silnikowego). Szczególnie transport rowerowy - z takimi walorami, jak znaczący zasięg i stosunkowo duża prędkość jazdy - znajduje odpowiednie warunki do dalszego efektywnego rozwoju. W artykule przedstawiono niektóre problemy związane z ruchem rowerowym na ulicach miasta.
Transport safety can be defined in a number of ways, including the official World Health Organisation (WHO) safety definition ‘freedom from unacceptable risk of harm’. Road safety is, however, usually defined in a negative way. Safe road traffic is characterised by the absence of crashes, injuries and fatalities. Crashes are used here instead of accidents because the word accident leads thoughts in the direction of an event that is hard to do something about ľ “it happened by accident”. For society and for the individual, the loss of health is the most serious effect of crashes. It leads both to serious personal suffering and to huge societal losses in monetary terms. Therefore, it is essential to state at this early stage that loss of health is the main road safety criterion. Convalescence and health restoration have economic consequences as have vehicle damage and loss of vehicles and goods.
The objective of this contribution is to characterize alternatives of information systems used for managing, processing and evaluation of information related to company vehicles. Especially we focus on logging, transferring and processing of on-road vehicle movement information in inland and international transportation. This segment of company information system has to monitor the car movement - actively or passively - according to demand of the company and after the processing it has to evaluate and give the complex monitoring of a situation of all the company vehicles to the controller.
Celem niniejszej pracy jest scharakteryzowanie alternatyw systemów informatycznych używanych do zarządzania, przetwarzania i oceny informacji związanych z pojazdami firmowymi. Zwracamy szczególnie uwagę na rejestrowanie, przekazywanie i przetwarzanie informacji o ruchu pojazdu na drodze w transporcie krajowym i międzynarodowym. Ten segment systemu informatycznego firmy ma monitorować ruch samochodów - czynnie lub biernie - według potrzeb firmy i po przetworzeniu ma ocenić i zapewnić kompleksowe monitorowanie sytuacji wszystkich pojazdów firmowych dla kontrolera.
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Satellite navigation technology is increasingly used in almost all sectors of activities. Its high-performance standards already make it an essential tool for very demanding professional, commercial and scientific applications. The paper examines how Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) technology has evolved over the past years and allowed for expansion into a wide range of sectors.
Technologia nawigacji satelitarnej stosowana jest coraz częściej w niemal wszystkich sektorach działalności. Jej wysokie standardy działania sprawiły, że stała się ona podstawowym narzędziem dla zastosowań profesjonalnych, handlowych i naukowych. Artykuł opisuje, jak technologia Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) rozwijała się w ciągu kilku ostatnich lat i ogarnęła szeroki zakres sektorów.
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Electronic Free Collection (EFC) is among priority elements of transport telematics. According to categorization of basic services of ITS (Intelligent Transport System) defined European project KAREN, EFC is the part of financial services and transport control groups, emergency, and demand which is one of the main services in wide portfolio of IDS users needs. Fee collection is a typical transport service highly dependent on identification of vehicle type position. In my contribution I would like to concentrate on transport performance payments.
Elektroniczne pobieranie opłat (EFC) należy do priorytetowych elementów telematyki transportu. Zgodnie z kategoryzacją podstawowych usług ITS (Inteligentne Systemy Transportu) zdefiniowaną w europejskim projekcie KAREN, EFC jest jednym z narzędzi finansowych wykorzystywanych w kontroli transportu, stanach awaryjnych i wymaganiach, oraz stanowi jedną z głównych usług w szerokim katalogu potrzeb użytkowników IDS. Pobieranie opłat jest typową usługą transportową w wysokim stopniu uzależnioną od identyfikacji typu i pozycji pojazdu. W referacie skoncentrowano się na płatnościach za realizację usługi transportowej.
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Modern technology of ITS is navigation and surveillance of vehicles. Information and surveillance of vehicles. Information about position is important for driver himself, who wants to know where he is and if he follows his particular route and if he follows his particular route and if he has right direction to the destination on the other hand the operator - controller can determine position of each vehicle and can optimize service of vehicle fleet. In the next part we describe used navigation systems and newly developed european system Galileo.
Nowoczesne technologie inteligentnych systemów transportowych (ITS) służą nawigacji i nadzorowi pojazdów. Informacja o miejscu jest ważna dla samego kierowcy, który chce wiedzieć gdzie jest i czy stosuje się do wyznaczonej wcześniej trasy oraz czy jedzie we właściwym kierunku, a z drugiej strony chodzi oto czy operator może określić miejsce, w którym znajduje się każdy pojazd i może zoptymalizować usługi serwisowe. W dalszej części opisano użycie systemów nawigacyjnych i nowo rozwinięty europejski system - Galileo.
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