SBAS systems are applied in precise positioning of UAV. The paper presents the results of studies on the improvement of UAV positioning with the use of the EGNOS+SDCM solutions. In particular, the article focuses on the application of the model of totaling the SBAS positioning accuracy to improve the accuracy of determining the coordinates of UAVs during the realisation of a test flight. The developed algorithm takes into account the position errors determined from the EGNOS and SDCM solutions. as well as the linear coefficients that are used in the linear combination model. The research was based on data from GPS observations and SBAS corrections from the AsteRx-m2 UAS receiver installed on a Tailsitter platform. The tests were conducted in September 2020 in northern Poland. The application of the proposed algorithm that sums up the positioning accuracy of EGNOS and SDCM allowed for the improvement of the accuracy of determining the position of the UAV by 82-87% in comparison to the application of either only EGNOS or SDCM. Apart from that, another important result of the application of the proposed algorithm was the reduction of outlier positioning errors that reduced the accuracy of the positioning of UAV when a single SBAS solution (EGNOS or SDCM) was used. The study also presents the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in terms of calculating the accuracy of EGNOS+SDCM positioning for the weighted average model. The developed algorithm may be used in research conducted on other SBAS supporting systems.
Nowadays, although technology has developed on an unimaginable scale, there are still factors that can disrupt the safe and smooth functioning of many areas of daily life. One such factor are delays. Unquestionably, they are an undesirable and, in some cases, even dangerous element. A particular case in point may be air traffic, which is one of the most technologically advanced areas. However, air traffic delays, which occur quite frequently, have made it desirable to study this area based on airport capacity modelling and machine learning methods, with the main focus on decision tree algorithms. Based on these decision tree methods, the result of acquiring and processing data and variables has been the creation of specific models that can support air traffic management and, consequently, the levelling of the resulting delays.
Współcześnie, choć technologia rozwinęła się na niewyobrażalną skalę, wciąż istnieją czynniki, które mogą zakłócić bezpieczne i sprawne funkcjonowanie wielu obszarów codziennego życia. Jednym z nich są opóźnienia. Niewątpliwie są one elementem niepożądanym, a w niektórych przypadkach nawet niebezpiecznym. Szczególnym przypadkiem może być ruch lotniczy, który jest jednym z najbardziej zaawansowanych technologicznie obszarów. Jednak występujące dość często opóźnienia w ruchu lotniczym sprawiły, że pożądane stało się badanie tego obszaru w oparciu o modelowanie przepustowości lotnisk i metody uczenia maszynowego, z głównym naciskiem na algorytmy drzew decyzyjnych. W oparciu o te metody drzew decyzyjnych, wynikiem pozyskiwania i przetwarzania danych i zmiennych było stworzenie konkretnych modeli, które mogą wspierać zarządzanie ruchem lotniczym, a w konsekwencji niwelowanie powstałych opóźnień.
The paper presents the problem of managing traffic safety on the airport apron. The article aims to develop a method to minimize the risk of hazardous events in ground airport operations carried out by aircraft during take-off or landing. The development of the method required defining a decision-making model for accident risk management in airport ground operations. The model designated in this work is a decision model consisting of the following stages, i.e. development of input data, decision variables, constraints and criterion functions. Collision-free aircraft traffic control is essential in managing traffic safety on the airport apron. A new approach to managing traffic safety on the airport apron presented in this work is to minimize dangerous situations between aircraft, and ground support vehicles. An ant algorithm was developed to determine collision-free flight routes for aircraft on the airport apron. The method based on the ant algorithm was verified on data from the Chopin airport in Warsaw. The verification confirmed its high effectiveness. The movement of ground service vehicles was modeled using the GlobSim traffic simulator.
W pracy przedstawiono problem w zarządzaniu bezpieczeństwem ruchu na płycie lotniska. Celem artykułu było opracowanie metody minimalizującej ryzyko zdarzeń niebezpiecznych w naziemnych operacjach lotniskowych realizowanych przez statki powietrzne. Opracowanie metody wymagało zdefiniowania modelu decyzyjnego zarządzania ryzykiem wypadków w naziemnych operacjach lotniskowych. Wyznaczony w pracy model jest modelem decyzyjnym składającym się z następujących etapów, tj. opracowanie danych wejściowych, zmiennych decyzyjnych, ograniczeń oraz funkcji kryterium. Istotne znaczenie w zarządzaniu bezpieczeństwem ruchu na płycie lotniska ma bezkolizyjne sterowanie ruchem statków powietrznych. W celu wyznaczania tras jazdy statków powietrznych po płycie lotniska opracowano algorytm mrówkowy. Metodę bazująco na algorytmie mrówkowym zweryfikowano. Weryfikacja potwierdziła wysoką jej skuteczność. Weryfikacji metody dokonano na danych rzeczywistych z lotniska Chopina w Warszawie. Ruch pojazdów obsługi naziemnej został zamodelowany przy wykorzystaniu symulatora ruchu GlobSim.
This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the potential for the application of alternative energy storage sources, such as batteries, hydrogen, and biofuels, in air transport. In the context of growing concern for environmental aspects and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the focus is on identifying the benefits and limitations of these technologies as alternatives to traditional aviation fuels. The article discusses in detail various aspects related to the use of batteries, analyzing their potential in the context of aircraft. Furthermore, the prospects associated with the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier are assessed, considering technical, economic and safety aspects. In addition, an analysis of the potential of biofuels as an alternative is presented, taking into account issues of sustainable access to raw materials. The analysis also covers economic and technical aspects, considering efficiency, safety, and impact on aircraft weight. The article highlights the key role of the search for new sustainable energy sources in air transport and presents the prospects and challenges for the introduction of batteries, hydrogen and biofuels in this sector. The analyses presented in the article are an important contribution to the discussion on the green development of air transport.
W ramach niniejszego artykułu przeprowadzono wszechstronną analizę potencjału zastosowania alternatywnych źródeł magazynowania energii, takich jak baterie, wodór i biopaliwa, w transporcie lotniczym. W kontekście narastającej troski o aspekty środowiskowe oraz konieczności ograniczenia emisji gazów cieplarnianych, skoncentrowano się na identyfikacji korzyści i ograniczeń tych technologii jako alternatywy dla tradycyjnych paliw lotniczych. Artykuł szczegółowo omawia różne aspekty związane z zastosowaniem baterii, analizując ich potencjał w kontekście samolotów. Ponadto, dokonano oceny perspektyw związanych z zastosowaniem wodoru jako nośnika energii, uwzględniając aspekty techniczne, ekonomiczne i bezpieczeństwa. Dodatkowo, przedstawiono analizę potencjału biopaliw jako alternatywy, uwzględniając kwestie zrównoważonego dostępu do surowców. Przeprowadzona analiza obejmuje również aspekty ekonomiczne i techniczne, uwzględniając wydajność, bezpieczeństwo i wpływ na masę samolotu. Artykuł zaznacza kluczową rolę poszukiwań nowych, zrównoważonych źródeł energii w transporcie lotniczym oraz przedstawia perspektywy i wyzwania związane z wprowadzeniem baterii, wodoru i biopaliw w tym sektorze. Analizy prezentowane w artykule stanowią istotny wkład w dyskusję nad ekologicznym rozwojem transportu lotniczego.
Unmanned aerial vehicles have revolutionized the conduct of battles and wars since the 19th century. The following years brought a very dynamic development of unmanned aerial vehicles not only in military operations, but also in the commercial and civilian spheres. The use of modern technology is mainly associated with introducing new opportunities into everyday life. However, many of these advantages can be used inappropriately, thus leading to the exposure of the machines’ shortcomings. Easy access and loopholes in the law have contributed to the use of drones in criminal and even terrorist activities.
Bezzałogowe aparaty latające już od XIX wieku zrewolucjonizowały prowadzenie walk i wojen. Kolejne lata przyniosły bardzo dynamiczny rozwój bezzałogowych statków powietrznych nie tylko w działaniach wojsk, ale także w sektorze komercyjnym i cywilnym. Zastosowanie nowoczesnych technologii kojarzone jest głównie z wprowadzeniem nowych możliwości do życia codziennego. Jednakże wiele z tych zalet może być przez człowieka wykorzystane w sposób nieodpowiedni, prowadząc tym samym do ujawnienia niedoskonałości maszyn. Łatwy dostęp oraz luki w prawie przyczyniły się do wykorzystywania bezzałogowych statków powietrznych w działalnościach przestępczych, a nawet terrorystycznych.
The main contribution of the article is the statistical analysis of the aviation infrastructure in selected European countries. Research explores various factors that contribute to aviation infrastructure and evaluates their impact on risk management. The paper presents a detailed description of the aviation infrastructure and its division, including graphs and data analysis. The study found disparities in the level of development of aviation infrastructure between selected countries, with Germany having significantly more hub airports compared to other countries. The results of the study provide information on the state of the aviation infrastructure and inform risk management strategies to improve the safety and quality of air transportation.
Głównym celem artykułu jest analiza statystyczna infrastruktury lotniczej w wybranych krajach europejskich. Badania dotyczą różnych czynników, które składają się na infrastrukturę lotniczą i oceniają ich wpływ na zarządzanie ryzykiem. W artykule przedstawiono szczegółowy opis infrastruktury lotniczej i jej podział, w tym wykresy i analizę danych. Badanie wykazało rozbieżności w poziomie rozwoju infrastruktury lotniczej między wybranymi krajami o porównywalnej powierzchni, ale różnym stopniu rozwoju ekonomicznego. Jednym z wybranych krajów są Niemcy, które mają znacznie więcej lotnisk węzłowych w porównaniu z innymi krajami. Wyniki badania dostarczają informacji na temat stanu infrastruktury lotniczej i informują o strategiach zarządzania ryzykiem w celu poprawy bezpieczeństwa i jakości transportu lotniczego.
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The aim of the presented article is to present the possibility of including the cadets of Certified Military Uniformed Classes in the state security system in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence and to recommend further action aimed at the participation of students in the defence and security system of the Republic of Poland. The article will also present an analysis of how the potential of several vintages of trained high school graduates can be implemented into the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, as well as projections for the continuation of the training of the Military Preparation Classes (OPW), as the legal successor of the CWKM programme. The article presents the assumptions of the CWKM training process and the possibilities of using the potential of graduates of these classes in the implementation of building a strong and secure state on the basis of the process of inference and analysing their practical dimension. The paper will also include experiences and conclusions from the stay of CWKM students at the training camps of NATO countries - Baltic Guards in the UK 2019 and Latvia in 2018, as a first step towards interoperability of future personnel resources of the Polish Armed Forces with NATO countries.
Przedstawiony artykuł ma na celu zaprezentowanie możliwości włączenia kadetów Certyfikowanych Wojskowych Klas Mundurowych w system bezpieczeństwa państwa we współpracy z resortem Obrony Narodowej oraz rekomendacje dalszego działania ukierunkowanego na udział uczniów w systemie obronnym i ochronnym Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Artykuł ten przedstawi również analizę, jak możemy implementować potencjał kilku roczników wyszkolonych absolwentów szkół średnich do Sił Zbrojnych RP oraz prognozy kontynuacji szkolenia klas Oddziałów Przygotowania Wojskowego (OPW), jako następcy prawnego programu CWKM. W artykule przedstawiono założenia procesu szkolenia CWKM oraz możliwości wykorzystania potencjału absolwentów tych klas w realizację budowy silnego i bezpiecznego państwa na podstawie procesu wnioskowania i analizowania ich praktycznego wymiaru. W pracy tej zawarte zostaną również doświadczenia i wnioski z pobytu uczniów CWKM na obozach szkoleniowych państw NATO - Baltic Guards w Wielkiej Brytanii 2019 i na Łotwie w 2018 roku, jako pierwszy krok w kierunku interoperacyjności przyszłych zasobów osobowych SZ RP z państwami NATO.
The article discusses the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in Iraq and Afghanistan. During the operation in Afghanistan the RQ-1A was used for the first time to carry out assault missions. The legal aspects of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the Polish airspace are described. They determine the increase in the use of UAVs. The tasks that are and can be carried out by UAV in modern combat operations and the directions of their further development are also presented.
W artykule omówiono wykorzystanie bezzałogowych statków powietrznych (BSP) w Iraku i Afganistanie. Podczas operacji w Afganistanie RQ-1A po raz pierwszy został użyty do wykonywania zadań szturmowych. Opisano prawne aspekty użycia bezzałogowych statków powietrznych w polskiej przestrzeni powietrznej. Determinują one wzrost wykorzystania BSP. Przedstawiono także zadania, jakie są i mogą być realizowane przez BSP we współczesnych działaniach bojowych oraz kierunki ich dalszego rozwoju.
The aim of this article is to analyze the operational periods of means of transport, present concepts of models of exploitation processes of technical objects, and processes occurring in these objects. A graphic illustration of the decision-making model of the exploitation system and the mass maintenance of the technical means of transportation was presented. Based on the analysis for development trends of maintenance systems, the main directions of improvement and enhancement of these systems were shown. Mathematical elaborations of the presented solutions were applied.
W artykule poddano analizie wybrane okresy eksploatacyjne środków transportu, zaprezentowano koncepcje modeli procesów eksploatacji obiektów technicznych oraz procesów zachodzących w tych obiektach. Przedstawiono ilustrację graficzną modelu decyzyjnego systemu eksploatacji oraz masowej obsługi środków technicznych. Dokonano opisu strategii eksploatacji, wskazano kryteria doboru oraz korzyści z ich stosowania. Na podstawie analizy tendencji rozwojowych systemów obsługowych wykazano główne kierunki usprawnienia i doskonalenia tych systemów. Zastosowano opracowania matematyczne prezentowanych rozwiązań.
This paper presents an algorithm for determining the precision parameter for aircraft position coordinates based on a combined GPS/EGNOS and GPS/SDCM solution. The proposed algorithm uses a weighted average model that combines a single GPS/EGNOS and GPS/SDCM position navigation solution to determine the resulting aircraft coordinates. The weighted mean model include the linear coefficients as a function of: the inverse of the number of tracked GPS satellites for which EGNOS and SDCM corrections have been generated, and the inverse of the geometric coefficient of the PDOP (Position Dilution of Precision). The corrections between the single GPS/EGNOS and GPS/SDCM solution to the aircraft's resultant coordinates are then calculated on this basis. Finally, the standard deviation for the aircraft resultant BLh (B-Latitude, L-Longitude, h-ellipsoidal height) coordinates is calculated as a measure of precision. The research experiment used recorded on-board GPS+SBAS data from two GNSS receivers mounted on a Diamond DA 20-C1 aircraft. The test flight was carried out on the Olsztyn-Suwałki-Olsztyn route. The calculations of aircraft position based on GPS/EGNOS and GPS/SDCM solution were performed in the RTKLIB v.2.4.3 program in the RTKPOST module. Next, aircraft resultant coordinates and standard deviations were computed in Scilab v.6.0.0 software package. Based on the tests performed, it was found that for the Trimble Alloy receiver, the standard deviation values for the ellipsoidal coordinates BLh of the aircraft do not exceed 1.77 m. However, for the Septentrio AsterRx2i receiver, the values of standard deviations for the aircraft's ellipsoidal BLh coordinates do not exceed 5.04 m. The use of linear coefficients as the inverse of the number of tracked GPS satellites with SBAS corrections in the GPS/EGNOS+GPS/SDCM positioning model resulted in a reduction in standard deviations of approximately 50-51% relative to the solution with linear coefficients calculated as the inverse of the PDOP parameter. In paper, the standard deviation was also obtained using arithmetic mean model. However the values of standard deviation from weighted mean model are lower than arithmetic mean model.
In the article, traffic safety management on the apron comes down to determining appropriate routes for ground handling vehicles to avoid collision situations with aircraft. The route search problem is a decision problem, so different optimization algorithms are used to solve it. Bearing in mind the growing importance of heuristic algorithms in the effectiveness of solving complex decision problems, the authors of this study analyzed the possibility of using the ant algorithm to determine the driving routes of ground service vehicles. As part of the research, the decision model of traffic safety management on the apron was presented.
W artykule zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem ruchu na płycie lotniska sprowadza się do wyznaczenia odpowiednich tras jazdy pojazdów obsługi naziemnej w celu uniknięcia sytuacji kolizyjnych ze statkami powietrznymi. Problem wyszukiwania tras jest problemem decyzyjnym, więc w celu jego rozwiązania stosowane są różne algorytmy optymalizacyjne. Mając na uwadze rosnące znaczenie algorytmów heurystycznych w efektywności rozwiązywania złożonych problemów decyzyjnych, autorzy niniejszego opracowania przeanalizowali możliwość zastosowania do wyznaczenia tras jazdy pojazdów obsługi naziemnej algorytmu mrówkowego. W ramach realizacji badań przedstawiono model decyzyjny zarządzania bezpieczeństwem ruchu na płycie lotniska.
The aim of the article was to develop a tool to support the process of planning and managing aircraft (ac) maintenance. Aircraft maintenance management has been presented for scheduled technical inspections resulting from manufacturers’ technical documentation for ac. The authors defined the problem under investigation in the form of a four-phase decisionmaking process taking into account assignment of aircraft to airports and maintenance stations, assignment of crew to maintenance points, setting the schedules, i.e. working days on which aircraft are directed to maintenance facilities. This approach to the planning and management of aircraft maintenance is a new approach, unprecedented in the literature. The authors have developed a mathematical model for aircraft maintenance planning and management in a multi-criteria approach and an optimisation tool based on the operation of a genetic algorithm. To solve the problem, a genetic algorithm was proposed. The individual steps of the algorithm construction were discussed and its effectiveness was verified using real data.
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the efficiency of airport processes using simulation tools. A critical review of selected scientific studies relating to the performance of airport processes with respect to reliability, particularly within the apron, has been undertaken. The developed decision-making model evaluates the efficiency of airport processes in terms of minimizing penalties associated with aircraft landing before or after the scheduled landing time. The model takes into account, among other things, aircraft take-offs and landings and separation times between successive aircraft. In order to be able to verify the correctness of the decision-making model, a simulation tool was developed to support decision making in the implementation of airport operations based on a genetic algorithm. A novel development of the structure of a genetic algorithm as well as crossover and mutation operators adapted to the determination of aircraft movement routes on the apron is presented. The developed simulation tool was verified on real input data.
Multi-criteria decision support (MCDM) methods are widely used in many areas of science. This applies to economic, social and technical sciences. Implementing activities at the strategic, tactical or operational level requires appropriate tools to support decision-makers. The use of these tools requires the preparation of a decision model along with the formalization of the goal and the acquisition and preparation of data to make the decision accurate. Due to the wide application of MCDM in engineering practice, the article presents their application in air transport. It is an area that is constantly evolving, and all decisions at the strategic level have long-term effects and must be adequately justified. In the paper a compartmental extension of the classical SAW method with weights obtained using the compartmental Shannon entropy was proposed. This paper presents issues concerning the choice of airport layout and describes the problems that occur in determining the cost and capacity of airports. This paper reviews the literature on airport capacity and operations and airside air transport processes and the application of various multi-criteria decision support methods to airport problems. The main part of the article contains an optimization mathematical model aimed at determining the parameters of the elements comprising the airport, on the basis of which a simulation model was developed and a modified method of multi-criteria evaluation of SAW taking into account the interval numbers was presented, in which the set of weights was estimated by the Shannon entropy method. In the application part for 3 variants of the airport arrangement, the parameters were determined in the form of interval numbers and then evaluated using the presented method. The presented numerical example shows that the proposed method is an excellent tool to assist in solving complex decision problems where the data are imprecise and represented by interval numbers.
This paper presents decision problems which occur in designing database architecture for the assessment of logistics services. In the work, it was emphasized that the key stages in database design is to define a database model comprising a set of rules that characterize the structure of data in the database and a list of operations that can be performed on the data entered into the database. Research presented in the article is conducted as part of the project on the European Portal of Logistics Services (EPLOS) implemented on the basis of an agreement with the National Center for Research and Development under the EUREKA program. As part of the research carried out as part of the project, the principles of functioning of distributed architecture were developed and evaluated for the services offered by carriers or logistics operators operating on the international market. These include operators providing air services, international road, intermodal, sea transports, etc. The article indicates that the purpose of the database responsible for processing information in cargo intermodal connections is not only to collect input data on aviation and road infrastructure, but also to save the results generated by computational modules. At work, the modular database structure for assessing logistics services consisting of among others from dynamic data module, archive module, data entry module, optimization algorithm calibration module was proposed. Catalog structure and rules for supplying the database with data on the example of a railway operator were presented in detail.
The design of airports and the organization of their work requires the recognition of the basic components of the air transport process, consisting of an "aerial" part, including the landing phase and the landing operation itself, as well as take-off, the "ground" part, including the task of taxiing aircraft on apron, ground handling tasks, "terminal" part, including passenger handling tasks. These elements form a cause-and-effect sequence, or a series-parallel structure that determines the quality of services provided by the airport, their efficiency, reliability and price. The article presents the issues of decision support for the operation and maintenance of airport infrastructure and traffic management on the ramp and within the airport, i.e. the operation of allocating aircraft to the gates of "gates" using simulation tools. Aircraft taxiing operations on the tarmac integrate the flight phase (along with its components and its problems, such as arriving and departing sequencing) with the ground handling phase of aircraft and passengers at terminals. The model presented in the article is a single element of a holistic approach to the operation of an airport. The overall model consists of the development of decision models for the organization of aircraft traffic on the apron, algorithms for their solution and the possibility of practical application as a simulation tool for analyzing and assessing aircraft traffic processes in the take-off, taxiing and landing phase. To describe the model, a formal mapping of the structure of the necessary airport elements was proposed. A formal record of boundary conditions and criteria relevant to aircraft allocation processes is presented due to the minimization of travel time of passengers transferring between two aircraft assigned to two different gates. Test results can be used in practice, among others by airspace controllers and airport designers for: analyzing and assessing the possibilities of increasing airport capacity, analyzing and assessing the determination of taxiway lengths, maintaining high safety reserves, etc.
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