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geological attraction, which is a natural factor that cannot be avoided. This study highlights several factors that contribute to mangrove ecosystem management, including water quality, level of mangrove exploitation, canopy cover. Furthermore, this study. Research found that Avicennia marina, Avicennia alba, Sonneratia alba, Sonneratia caseolaris and Rhizophora mucronate are the types of mangroves on Permata Pilang beach. The density value of 1156 ind/Ha indicates medium density. The diversity index is proven by a value of 1.39 indicating adequate productivity. Mangrove canopy cover of 72.60% indicates a medium mangrove forest condition with a density of 1000–1500 ind/Ha. The results of sediment analysis show that very fine sand is dominant, namely 40.94% of the sediment composition, while the lowest percentage is very fine mud at 0.33%. Types of mangrove vegetation such as Rhizophora sp and Avicennia alba can be found in sediments ranging from very fine sand to mud. The research results show that the water quality at Permata Pilang Beach is good. The findings show an average value of temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and salinity of 31.7 °C; 8.5; 7.8 mg/L and 30.9 ppt. Water temperature and pH are classified as good if they range between 28–32 °C and 5.6–9.4 respectively. The ideal dissolved oxygen level in a mangrove ecosystem is between 3–7 mg/L. The recommended salinity range in mangrove ecosystems is 10–30 ppt.
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