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Significance: The biomechanical properties of the cornea are important for vision and ocular health. Optical coherence elastography (OCE) has the potential to improve our capacity to measure these properties. Aim: This study tested a static compression OCE method utilising a commercially available optical coherence tomography (OCT) device, to estimate the Young’s modulus of ex-vivo porcine corneal tissue. Approach: OCT was used to image corneal tissue samples before and during loading by static compression. The compressive force was measured with a piezoresistive force sensor, and tissue deformation was quantified through automated image analysis. Ten ex-vivo porcine corneas were assessed and the corneal thickness was also measured to assess the impact of corneal swelling. Results: An average (standard deviation) Young’s modulus of 0.271 (+/- 0.091) MPa was determined across the 10 corneas assessed. There was a mean decrease of 1.78 % in corneal thickness at the end of the compression series. These results showed that there was a moderate association between corneal thickness and the Young’s modulus recording (R2 = 0.274). Conclusions: Optical coherence elastography utilising clinical instrumentation, can reliably characterise the mechanical properties of the cornea. These results support the further investigation of the technique for in-vivo measurement of the mechanical properties of the human cornea.
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