Experiments were performed in an interdigital micromixer with 30 microchannels (40 μm width of each channel) to separate In3+, Fe3+ and Zn2+ from sulfate solutions using Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) as the extractant. The effects of pH, extractant concentration and flow rate on the extraction efficiency and flow rate on mass transfer coefficient of In3+, Fe3+ and Zn2+ were investigated. At a phase flow rate of 7.0 mL/min and initial solution pH of 0.423, the extraction efficiency of In3+, Fe3+ and Zn2+ was 99.29%, 3.43% and 2.54%, respectively and mass transfer coefficient of In3+, Fe3+ and Zn2+ was 144.307 s-1,1.018 s-1 and 0.750 s-1. Then, the loaded organic phase was stripped in an interdigital micromixer. At a phase flow rate of 9.0 mL/min and HCl concentration of 160 g/L, stripping efficiency of In3+ was 98.92% and mass transfer coefficient of In3+ was 169.808 s-1, while concentration of Fe3+ and Zn2+ was lower than 0.005 g/L with good separation of In3+ from Fe3+ and Zn2+.
Four soil profiles were collected from locations with different distances (5, 50, 250 and 1000 m) from a uranium mill tailings dam, Guangdong province, China, to investigate the pollution status of the soil in mining/ milling-related areas based on the contents of uranium (U) and thorium (Th), thus to understand the impacts of uranium industrial activities to the surroundings. The U and Th concentrations were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after conventional HF-HNO3-HClO4 digestion procedures. The results indicate that the soils within 50 m from uranium tailing were severely contaminated; those in 250 and 1000 m soil samples were observed to be with local background level even though these in 250 m had slightly higher U/Th ratios. Uranium concentrations varied from 5.50 ± 0.27 to 160.55 ± 8.03 mg/kg, with maximum values recorded in an intermediate layer of the 5-m distance soil profile. In comparison, the concentration of Th ranged from 6.02 ± 0.30 to 84.71 ± 4.24 mg/kg, with maximum values observed in the top layer of the 1000-m distance soil profile. The U/Th ratio varied from 0.15 to 11.99 compared with 0.20, 0.22 and 0.26 of the average for Guangdong province, national China and the world, respectively. The mean U/Th of four soil profiles showed a reduction with distance from the uranium mill tailing dam, suggesting the relatively large magnitude of uranium elevation in soils within limited distances.
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Photovoltaic(PV) power prediction is an important way to guarantee the stability for grid-connected PV power generation. In this paper, a power prediction method of PV plant was proposed. Firstly, the solar radiation was predicted based on support vector machine(SVM) combining the wavelet analysis with similar data. Similar data was extracted from large amounts of historical data. The original solar radiation signal was decomposed into trend signal of low frequency band and random signal of high frequency band by wavelet decomposition. Then different SVM radiation prediction models were trained respectively and the prediction result of every model was combined to obtain the final predicted radiation. Furthermore, the short-term power was predicted by the power curve to better fit the relationship between solar radiation and output power. Simulation results show that the improved SVM model can better fit the characteristics of solar radiation and improve the prediction accuracy; the power prediction model using the power curve has good generalization capability for engineering application.
W artykule przedstawiono metodę predykcji generowanej przez panele PV mocy. W algorytmie zastosowano maszynę wektorów pomocniczych oraz analizę falkową, które wykorzystano do predykcji promieniowania słonecznego, na podstawie danych historycznych. Dokonując porównania z krzywą mocy panelu określono zależność między promieniowaniem a mocą wyjściową. Badania symulacyjne wykazały, że proponowana nowa metoda pozwala na zwiększenie dokładności predykcji mocy.
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The traditional relational database model (RDM) is not effective for dealing with imprecise and uncertain data as it deals with precise and unambiguous data. Hence, Beaubouef et al. proposed the rough relational database model (RRDM) for the management of uncertainty in relational databases. Beaubouef et al. defined the corresponding rough relational operators in rough relational databases as in ordinary relational databases. And to give an effective measure of uncertainty in rough relational databases, they defined the rough relation entropy. In this paper, we further discuss the issues of relational operations and uncertainty measure in rough relational databases. We give some new definitions for rough relational operators and rough relation entropy in rough relational databases. Furthermore, we discuss the basic properties of rough relational operators and rough relation entropy, as well as the connections between rough relational operators and rough relation entropy.
In the present study, floss silk was treated by scouring and finishing, respectively. The micro structure was observed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the mechanical property tested by an Instron 5566 tensile tester, and the crystal structure was analysed with Fourier transform attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. The results show that the properties of floss silk treated with the refining method are better than with the alkali method.
Badania dotyczyły obróbki wykańczalniczej jedwabiu naturalnego. Mikrostruktura jedwabiu była badana za pomocą skaningowej mikroroskopii elektronowej, a właściwości mechaniczne testowane były klasyczną zrywarką firmy Instron, podczas gdy strukturę krystaliczną analizowano za pomocą spektroskopii w podczerwieni (FTIR) oraz rozproszenia promieniowania rentgenowskiego. Wyniki pozwoliły wytypować najlepszą w danych warunkach metodę obróbki.
This paper presents the concepts and explores issues related to the 3 Time Zones (3TZ) model of software development in global workspace environment. The 3TZ model itself seeks to take advantages of differences in time zones between places around the world. By engaging software development teams in different regions separated by 8 hours each, it is possible for their combined working hours to cover the whole 24 hours period. Thus, while they each work their normal 8 hour days, together they are able to achieve in 1 day what a single team would achieve in 3 days. They are able to achieve this by passing on their work from one team to the next as one finishes their workday and the next team starts their workday. The 3TZ model of software development revolves around the employment of a software development team distributed in at least 3 different locations around the world in 3 different time zones. If work was passed on from one team to the next and adjacent teams were separated by 8 hours, then 24 hours continuous collaborative software development could be achieved. Though this poses many challenges, when dealt with there is great potential for software to be developed much faster than is possible for a single, collocated development team. In the global economy, we have seen a decrease in the barriers towards communication across the globe along with an increase of service availability to support this communication. Software development is one of the disciplines that is capable of effectively utilizing and benefiting from global collaboration prospect lent by ever increasing capability of information and communication technology. 24 hours continuous development is ideal for application towards tasks that have hard deadlines or require work completed as soon as possible. This article will mainly focus on introducing 24/7 global models that can be applied in cloud environment used in three different time zones.
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Formal concept analysis (FCA) is a mathematical description and theory of concepts implied in formal contexts. And the current formal contexts of FCA aim to model the binary relations between individuals (objects) and attributes in the real world. In the real world we usually describe each individual by some attributes, which induces the relations between individuals and attributes. But there also exist many relations between individuals, for instance, the parent-children relation in a family. In this paper, to model the relations between individuals in the real world, we propose a new context - relational context for FCA, which contains a set U of objects and a binary relation r on U. Corresponding to the formal concepts in formal contexts, we present different kinds of relational concepts in relational contexts, which are the pairs of sets of objects. First we define the standard relational concepts in relational contexts. Moreover, we discuss the indirect relational concepts and negative relational concepts in relational contexts, which aim to concern the indirection and negativity of the relations in relational contexts, respectively. Finally, we define the hybrid relational concepts in relational contexts, which are the combinations of any two different kinds of relational concepts. In addition, we also discuss the application of relational contexts and relational concepts in the supply chain management field.
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Since its foundation in the early 1980's, Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) has been used in many applications in data analysis, information retrieval, and knowledge discovery. In this paper, we suggest to exploit the framework of relational database model (RDM) and rough relational database model (RRDM) for Formal Concept Analysis. The basic idea is as follows. We firstly treat any relation (R,A) of RDM as a many-valued context of FCA. But for the rough relations of RRDM, we define a special kind of many-valued context - rough-relational context in FCA (In this kind of context, every attribute value is a subset, but not an element, of the corresponding attribute domain), and treat any rough relation (R,A) of RRDM as a rough-relational context of FCA. Correspondingly, the definitions for concepts or rough concepts in context or rough-relational context (R,A) are given. The basic properties about these concepts or rough concepts in (R,A) are also discussed.
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