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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań oraz ocenę skuteczności działania dezynfekującego urządzenia KLENZ, serii KNS. Badania prowadzono w odniesieniu do obuwia używanego przez osoby z zakażeniami skóry stóp. Urządzenie KLENZ nie wykazuje skutecznego działania odkażającego tj. biobójczego w odniesieniu do zarodników grzybów drożdżopodobnych, dermatofitów i pleśni, które zasiedlały wnętrze obuwia. W odniesieniu do bakterii działanie urządzenia jest bardzo ograniczone, gdyż nie działa na bakterie Gram-dodatnie, a tylko w pewnym stopniu ogranicza wzrost niektórych bakterii Gram-ujemnych. Testowane urządzenie nie zapewnia skutecznej dezynfekcji używanych butów, podczas gdy kontrola czystości mikrobiologicznej wnętrza obuwia jest konieczna w czasie leczenia infekcji stóp.
The paper includes the results of tests and evaluation of the effectiveness of the KLENZ disinfecting device, KNS series. The research was conducted on footwear used by people with foot skin infections. The KLENZ device does not exhibit effective disinfecting, i.e. biocidal, action against spores of yeast like fungi, dermatophytes and molds that inhabited the inside of the footwear. The operation of the device is very limited with regard to bacteria, because it does not action on Gram-positive bacteria, and only to some extent limits the growth of some Gram-negative bacteria. The tested device does not the effective disinfection of used shoes while the control of microbiological purity of footwear interior is necessary during the treatment of foot infections.
W obuwiu użytkowanym walory higieniczne ulegają stopniowemu pogarszaniu. Z tych powodów czystość mikrobiologiczną obuwia podczas użytkowania należy kontrolować poprzez systematyczne stosowanie odświeżaczy (dezodorantów), wykazujących aktywność biobójczą wobec drobnoustrojów. Przedmiotem pracy były badania i ocena przydatności dwóch preparatów do ochrony mikrobiologicznej wnętrza obuwia podczas użytkowania. Badaniem objęto: preparat I (kwas glikolowy) i preparat II (triclosan).Ocenę mikrobiologiczną preparatów wykonano w odniesieniu do 5 rodzajów materiałów na podszewki i wyściółki. Uwzględniono 2 gatunki bakterii i 4 gatunki grzybów patogennych. Do oceny skuteczności działania antymikrobowego preparatów zastosowano metodę dyfuzyjno-krążkową. Oba oceniane produkty wykazały aktywność przeciw drobnoustrojom, szczególnie chorobotwórczym.
Hygienic values deteriorate gradually in the used footwear. For these reasons, the purity of footwear during use should be controlled by the systematic use of deodorants, which exhibit biocidal activity against microorganisms. The subject of the work was testing and evaluation of the suitability of two preparations for microbiological protection of the footwear interior during use. The study included: formulation I (glycolic acid) and formulation II (triclosan). The microbiological evaluation of the preparations was made in relation to 5 types of lining and lining materials. Two species of pathogenic bacteria and four species of pathogenic fungi were included in the study. A disk-diffusion method was used to evaluate the antimicrobial effectiveness of preparations. Both evaluated products showed antimicrobial activity, especially against pathogenic microorganisms.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad syntezą silikonów przewodzących na bazie addycyjnego silikonu HT33 oraz dwóch rodzajów przewodzących włókien: poliakrylonitrylowych modyfikowanych solami miedzi (Nitril-Static, Instytut Włókiennictwa) oraz węglowych (T700 GC, Toray). Przedstawiono zależności rezystywności od rodzaju i zawartości składników przewodzących oraz warunków syntezy materiałów. Najlepsze wyniki w zakresie właściwości elektroprzewodzących osiągnięto dla silikonów zawierających 5% włókien węglowych (rezystywność skrośna poniżej 30 Ω·cm). W artykule wskazano możliwe zastosowania otrzymanych materiałów do produkcji obuwia.
The results of investigations on the synthesis of conductive silicones based on HT33 silicone additive and two types of conductive fibers: polyacrylonitrile fibers modified with copper salts (Nitril-Static, Instytut Włókiennictwa) and graphite fibers (T700 GC, Toray). Resistivity, was determined on the type and content of conductive components and materials synthesis conditions. The best results in electroconductive properties were achieved for silicones containing 5% of carbon fibers (cross resistivity below 30 Ω·cm). The article mentions the possible applications of obtained materials for the manufacture of footwear.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad przewodzącymi kompozytami otrzymanymi na bazie addycyjnego silikonu HT33 oraz dwóch rodzajów przewodzących włókien: poliakrylonitrylowych modyfikowanych solami miedzi (Nitril-Static, Instytut Włókiennictwa) oraz węglowych (T700 GC, Toray). Przedstawiono zależności twardości i wytrzymałości na rozciąganie od rodzaju i zawartości składników przewodzących oraz warunków otrzymywania materiałów. Dane z pomiarów fizyko-mechanicznych porównano z wynikami badań przewodnictwa elektrycznego. Optymalne właściwości mechaniczne i elektryczne pozwalające na zastosowanie opracowanego materiału w obuwnictwie uzyskano dla silikonu zawierającego 2% włókien węglowych. W artykule wskazano możliwe zastosowania otrzymanych materiałów do produkcji obuwia.
The results of investigations on the synthesis of conductive composites based on HT33 silicone additive and two types of conductive fibers: polyacrylonitrile fibers modified with copper salts (Nitril-Static, Instytut Włókiennictwa) and graphite fibers (T700 GC, Toray). Hardness and tensile strengths were determined on the type and content of conductive components and materials manufacturing conditions. Physico -mechanical data were compared with results of resistivity measurements. The optimum mechanical and electrical properties of the developed material for use in footwear industry were obtained for silicone containing 2% of graphite fibers. The article mentions the possible applications of obtained materials for the manufacture of footwear.
Materiały polimerowe zostały szeroko rozpowszechnione w różnych dziedzinach przemysłu. Związana z tym konieczność ochrony mikrobiologicznej wymusza biostabilizację polimerów i tworzyw. W pracy opisano wymagania stawiane biocydom, przeznaczonym do ochrony mikrobiologicznej polimerów, oraz podano normy określające metody badań aktywności mikrobiologicznej polimerów i trwałości działania biobójczego w czasie użytkowania wyrobów. W tabeli przedstawiono substancje czynne najczęściej stosowane do ochrony wybranych polimerów. Powszechnie stosowane są zabezpieczenia polimerów przed adhezją drobnoustrojów do powierzchni, a także zasiedlaniem przez nie wyrobów. Stosowanie biocydów do tworzyw sztucznych zapobiega ich przebarwianiom, problemom z utrzymaniem czystości mikrobiologicznej powierzchni, spowalnia starzenie. W niniejszej pracy omówiono naturalne polimery przeciwbakteryjne.
Polymeric materials have been widely used in various fields of industry. Associated with this necessity of its microbiological protection forces the biostabilization of polymers and plastics. This paper describes requirements biocide designed to protect the microbial polymers and provides standard methods for testing the activity of microbial polymers and durability of biocidal effects during the use of these products. In the table there are shown active substances most commonly used to protect the selected polymers. Substances protecting against microbial adhesion to surfaces of polymers are commonly used, and also against the microbial colonization of products. The use of biocides for plastics protects from its discolouration, problems with maintaining the microbiological purity of surface and slows down aging. In this paper natural antibacterial polymers have been discussed.
W pracy omówiono materiały stosowane na podpodeszwy oraz funkcję podpodeszew w obuwiu. Scharakteryzowano cztery rodzaje materiałów stosowanych na podpodeszwy obuwia oraz siedem asortymentów tektury wzmacniającej podpodeszwy. Opracowano, na podstawie norm przedmiotowych, wymagania jakościowe dla poszczególnych elementów podpodeszew. Badania i ocena jakościowa materiałów podpodeszwowych zostały wykonane według polskich norm. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań obejmujące podstawowe wskaźniki fizykomechaniczne, używane dla określenia przydatności materiałów do produkcji podpodeszew i trwałości podpodeszew w użytkowaniu. Również zbadano właściwości higieniczno-zdrowotne materiałów, a także właściwości antyelektrostatyczne dla włókniny podpodeszwowej. Przedstawiono kompleksową ocenę jakościową dla badanych materiałów. Sztuczne skóry celulozowe, tektury wzmacniające podpodeszwy oraz włóknina antyelektrostatyczna zostały zaakceptowane do produkcji podpodeszew o zróżnicowanym przeznaczeniu w zależności od poziomu parametrów jakościowych.
Materials used for the insoles and the functions of insoles in footwear have been discussed in this work. Four types of materials used on the insoles of shoes and seven types of cardboard reinforcement insoles was characterized. Quality requirements for individual elements insoles were developed on the basis of standards. Research and qualitative assessment of materials for insoles were made according Polish standards. The test results, including the basic physical and mechanical indicators used to determine the suitability of materials for the production of insoles and durability of insoles in use were presented in this paper. Also, hygiene and health properties of materials, and antistatic properties for nonwoven were examined. Assessment of quality for the tested materials was presented. The artificial leathers with cellulose, cardboards for a strengthen of insoles and non-woven antistatic were approved for the production of footwear insoles of different destiny, depending on the level of quality parameters.
The research of microbiological properties and the assessment of new non-wovens was subject of this study. Non-wovens were modified using an active fiber, and they are intended on inserts for antistatic footwear. The research and assessment of microbial growth on taken samples from non-woven were carried out according to Polish standards. Non-woven on insols, which contained 1% of conductive fibres, showed antibacterial effect against the bacteria S. aureus, P. aeruginosa and E. coli. Also, insole showed antifungal effect against C. albicans, and A. brasiliensis.
The construction, hygienic and microbiological properties of inserts significantly affects the feelings of footwear comfort. Bioactive inserts play an important role in the prevention of athlete’s foot. The aim of this study was to evaluate of microbiological properties of the new shoe insoles designed for universal and occupational footwear. Five types of textile inserts were tested. The research and assessment of microbial growth on taken samples from these inserts were carried out according to Polish standards. The inserts, made of composite materials with a layer of bioactive latex, showed good antibacterial effect against the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Also, inserts showed antifungal effect against the pathogenic fungi: Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Candida albicans, and diversed, antifungal activity of inhibiting growth of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus.
People with reduced feet ficiency are in need of raise microbiological comfort and hygienical comfort of footwear. Materials for production of footwear must be choose on the basis of complex evaluation, which include microbiological, hygienical, allergological tests and toxic controls. The hygiene and wholesomeness of footwear may be considerably improved when the materials inside the footwear inhibit microbial growth. The aim of this study was related microbiological criteria evaluation of materials for production of special footwear for people with pathological feet changes and microbiological research of selected materials. Textile composite materials for upper of footwear, textile linings and leather for upper and lining of footwear were microbiologically tested. The evaluation of microbial growth on the specimens cut out from materials was carried out according to the Polish Standard PN-EN ISO. The microbial resistance of footwear materials was tested in bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and fungi: Candida albicans, Aspergillus fumigatus, Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Tests showed diversified resistance of materials to particular microorganisms attack. Distance knitted fabric, made of polyamide, showed the most resistance in relate to selected bacteria and fungi. Leather showed the most microbiological sensitiveness. Susceptibility of tested materials to bacteria attack wasn't found. All materials didn't showed antibacterial effect in relate to E. coli, while two samples of antibacterial treatment materials, showed good antibacterial effect against S. aureus. In case of mould polyester and polyamide materials demonstrated natural fungi- resistance, while leather and textile made of polyester microfilament were medium for mould. A large majority of materials didin't mouldproof. Tested materials were stable to pathogenic fungi attack however they showed insufficient effect or lack of fungistatical effect In relate to C. albicans, T. mentagrophytes.
Printed shoe electronics is the term used for a relatively new technology that defines the printing of electronic circuits and components on common media such as paper, plastic, and textile, using standard graphic arts printing processes and press equipment. But instead of using standard inks, newly developed electronic inks are used to print active devices, such as thin printed batteries. Although the concept of printed electronics has been around for some time, recent advances in conductive ink chemistry and flexible substrates promise to deliver a flood of new markets and applications. Leading companies are currently using the printing technology on line to transform basic circuit elements, such as thin-film transistors, resistors, inductors, and capacitors into printed batteries, displays, sensors, RFID tags, interactive packaging. Institute of Leather Industry is looking partner from printed electronics industry leaders or from flexographic printing industry to development printed electronics on new piezoelectroactive polymer films. The primary advantages of printed electronics include low cost, attractive and flexible form factor, ease of production and case of integration.
Printed shoe electronics is the term used for a relatively new technology that defines the printing of electronic circuits and components on common media such as paper, plastic, and textile, using standard graphic arts printing processes and press equipment. But instead of using standard inks, newly developed electronic inks are used to print active devices, such as thin printed batteries. Although the concept of printed electronics has been around for some time, recent advances in conductive ink chemistry and flexible substrates promise to deliver a flood of new markets and applications. Leading companies are currently using the printing technology on line to transform basic circuit elements, such as thin-film transistors, resistors, inductors, and capacitors into printed batteries, displays, sensors, RFID tags, interactive packaging. Institute of Leather Industry is looking partner from printed electronics industry leaders or from flexographic printing industry to development printed electronics on new piezoelectroactive polymer films. The primary advantages of printed electronics include low cost, attractive and flexible form factor; ease of production and ease of integration.
Electrically conducting raw materials are require to ESD (Electro Static Discharge) and antistatic footwear production. Also electrically conducting adhesives are necessary for assurance of requirements resistance of such footwear, compatible with standards EN ISO 20345, 20346 20347 and PN-EN 61340-5-1. Application of new assortments specially adhesives will be oriented ESD and antistatic footwear, protective and working clothes, floor lining and upholstery, and to package production for electronic components.
Most often as such two layer and three layer systems of textile materials are used on footwear uppers. Modern production technology of textile materials systems there are gluing materials with the assistance thermal melt adhesives in form of foils and powders and connecting (linking) materials with the assistance dispersion adhesives and solvent adhesives. Adhesive spread is made by spray shower. Testing and the users evaluation for footwear of lining polypropylene fabrics and upper cotton fabrics dyed with natural dye. Polypropylene fabrics bactericidal fibres - containing, cotton fabrics dyed with natural dye, textile systems were tested. Microbiological and resistance property of footwear materials were evaluated using PN-EN ISO standards. The lining polypropylene fabrics showed insufficient effect of antibacterial treatment and no growth inhibition of dermatophytes, moulds and yeast-like fungi. Resistance parameters level of textile systems exceeded brief foredesign requirements. Textile systems were characterized by very good hygienic properties. Satisfactory properties of textile systems were seen in laboratory test. Technological investigation of footwear processing showed necessity elaborate of footwear construction instructions and footwear processing technology with give consideration to properties of polypropylene fabrics.
The protection of footwear against microbial and particularly fungal colonisation plays a crucial role in the foot mycosis prophylaxis and prevents from biodeterioration of shoes. Cotton textile fabrics used in production of footwear require preservation for increase resistance to microorganism performance. Studies showed suitability of biocide preparation to sanitization of cotton textile fabrics to footwear.
The protection of footwear against microbial and particularly fungal colonisation plays a crucial role in the foot mycosis prophylcods and prevents from biodeterioration of shoes. Cotton textile fabrics used in production of footwear require preservation for increase resistance to microorganism performance. Studies showed suitability of biocide preparation to sanitization of cotton textile fabries to footwear.
The results of microbiological testing confirmed a lack of antimicrobial resistance of the polyurethane sole systems against hyphal fungi. They are conducive to fungal and bacterial growth. Hyphal fungi may cause polyurethane system biodeterioration (unwanted degradation) Microbiological protection of staff footwear, particularly in hospital environment, should be employed to diminish microbial adherence to polyurethane footwear soles. The soles produced from polyurethane material containing 0.2% based on the active agent N-butyl-1-2 benzisothhhia-zolin-3-on (BBIT) revealed antimicrobial properties.
W celu podniesienia higieny użytkowanego obuwia oprócz metod fizycznych szerokie zastosowanie znalazły metody chemiczne ochrony jego wnętrza przed rozwojem drobnoustrojów. Nowe generacje środków ochrony indywidualnej zalecane są do natryskiwania wnętrza obuwia, jak również do ochrony skóry i paznokci stóp przed zakażeniami. W większości przeciwgrzybicze kosmetyki do stóp oraz dezodoranty do obuwia zawierają substancję aktywną o nazwie handlowej triclosan. Oceniany dezodorant, który w swym składzie zawiera triclosan i olejek drzewa herbacianego, wykazał skuteczne działanie przeciwdrobnoustrojowe, szczególnie przeciw drobnoustrojom chorobotwórczym. Dezodorant wykazuje zróżnicowany wpływ na właściwości materiałów obuwniczych.
To increase the hygiene of shoes except phisic methods verious spectrum of protection from growth of miocrobes in inside of the shoe have chemist methods. New generation agents for individual protection are recommended for spraying the inside of shoes like also for the skin protection and foot nails protection against infection. In the main cases antyfungic cosmetics for feet and deodorants for shoes consist active substance named triclosan. Tested deodorant, which consists triclosan and herbal tree oil, showed effective action against microbes, especialy illness microbes. Deodorant shows various influence on the property of shoe materials.
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