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The article presents a multi-stage algorithm for automatic (without any human, user – diagnostician intervention) detection of vanes-blades (technical objects) and their surfaces on a digital image, combined with color analysis, aimed at determining the technical condition of the tested turbine elements. The images recorded with the use of a camera, containing previously dismantled from the turbine operated stator vanes, were used as the exemplary analysis material. The paper presents the algorithm for the detection of the vanes’ airfoil surfaces with the impact of the applied techniques and methods of image processing and analysis on the final result (software localization of the vane’s trailing and leading edge), Then, the obtained image data, including the structural changes of both the vane’s coating and material (metallographic testing) were correlated with the surface colour scheme (colour segmentation based on the YCbrCr colour space model). Thanks to this approach, areas on the surface of the blade were distinguished, characteristic for proper, overheated and transient condition.
Gas turbines are used in the power sector, aviation, pump houses, and other technical systems. Such a broad range of application is associated with favourable indicators: high power, rather low weight per unit of power, significant efficiency, as well as high durability. All of these indicators greatly depend on the combustion chamber flue gas temperature. It is important for the flue gas temperature to be uniform around the turbine perimeter and stable over time. This condition is extremely important also in the case of frequent temperature variations associated, e.g. with a variable operating range of a manoeuvre aircraft turbojet engine. The paper analyses the causes for the unevenness and instability of combustion chamber flue gas temperature. The impact of the fuel quality, the technical condition of the fuel supply system, as well as the operating conditions of the combustion chamber-turbine assembly was shown. The issues regarding the presence of various types of damage to turbine elements, their blades in particular, were defined. The main cause behind the damage is the unevenness and instability of flue gas temperature, resulting in the presence of overheating, creeping, thermal fatigue, high-temperature corrosion of blade material. The forms of that damage, especially the first turbine stages, were presented. Blade material microstructure test results showed increased layer thickness, grain-size, and especially, adverse modification of the strengthening γ' phase in the temperature function. It was concluded periodic diagnostics of turbine blades with the optical method enables the non-invasive evaluation of their technical condition and drawing conclusions in terms of their durability.
The article presents selected problems in the synthesis of the database of expert diagnostic system of gas turbine blades in the field of non-destructive testing. The source of data is optical methods and computed tomography methods. Optical tests can be carried out on the blades of the turbine built in the engine and after their disassembly. Optical tests provide diagnostic information in the form of an image of the blade surface. This makes it possible to identify damage based on changes in the attributes of the image of the blade surface. Computer tomography methods are applied on disassembled blades. Assessment of the technical condition of the blade is made on the basis of individual two-dimensional X-ray scans or on the basis of a three-dimensional image of the blade generated by the computer software from the set of X-ray scans taken during the full angle rotation. The computed tomography data set includes a small number of points on the timeline of operation; hence, the correlation of results with optical methods is difficult. Integration of diagnostic data from two or more sources into one expert system requires standardization of data. One possible approach is the use of multi-valued encoding of 2D and 3D image attributes. In this way a multivalued diagnostic model of the blade is obtained, which can be processed by information theory methods to optimize the set of attributes.
The article presents a concept of an expert diagnostic system of the turbine engine’s flow path (compressor – combustion chamber – turbine) elements. The system adopts diagnostic signals obtained with the use of non-destructive methods implemented on the non-operating engine. The aim is to detect and assess early stages of damage to selected elements of the engine. The achievement of a reliable diagnosis on the condition of the elements requires the application of a set of diagnostic methods and carrying out the inference, including knowledge about the degradation processes of elements and correlation of the diagnostic (signals) tests results obtained with various methods. A convenient tool, which supports solution of such a set problem is an expert system, which on the one hand, makes it possible to organise the existing formal knowledge, and on the other hand – to use non-formal, or even uncertain, knowledge. The presented concept of the expert diagnostic system is based on PC-Shell system of AITECH Polish Company.
The article presents the impact of welding non-conformities on microhardness of EN AW 5754 aluminium alloy welded joints made with the use of the TIG method. The results of microhardness tests of welded samples made with various process parameters. The impact of the welding non-conformities disclosed with the use of a tomographic method on the welded joint microhardness were analysed. The studies showed a strong link between the participation of welding non-conformities, welding process parameters and microhardness of welds.
Niniejszy artykuł opisuje wpływ nieprawidłowości spawalniczych na mikrotwardość połączeń spawanych wykonanych ze stopu aluminium EN AW 5754 przy użyciu metody TIG. Wyniki badań mikrotwardości próbek spawanych wykonano za pomocą różnych parametrów procesu. Dokonano analizy wpływu niezgodności spawalniczych ujawnionych przy użyciu metody tomograficznej na mikrotwardość połączeń spawanych. Badania ukazały silne powiązanie pomiędzy obecnością nieprawidłowości spawalniczych, parametrami procesu spawalniczego oraz mikrotwardością spoin.
The paper presents the concept of using the Scopus as a meta-source of knowledge about turbine blade damage in the aspect of designing an expert diagnostic system. In the first stage, the search was limited to the scope of the general term "turbine engine", followed by a refinement of the search terms within the area of rotary machines components degradation including their construction, manufacturing, repair technology and diagnostic methods. By using EndNote software in semi-automatic mode, specific issue groups have been designated. In the second stage, a query focused on the main causes of turbine blade damage and diagnostic methods was proposed. Using the Scopus-based search and archiving tools, one can systematically update the knowledge.
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję wykorzystania bazy Scopus jako meta-źródła wiedzy o uszkodzeniach łopatek turbin w aspekcie projektowania ekspertowego systemu diagnostycznego. W pierwszym etapie przegląd publikacji ograniczono do zakresu określonego ogólnym hasłem „turbine engine” a następnie doprecyzowano przeszukiwanie wprowadzając hasła szczegółowe z obszaru degradacji elementów maszyn wirnikowych z uwzględnieniem ich konstrukcji, technologii wytwarzania i naprawy oraz metod diagnozowania. Stosując oprogramowanie EndNote w trybie pół-automatycznym wyznaczono grupy publikacji dotyczących zagadnień szczegółowych co ułatwia wykorzystanie wyników kwerendy w procesie tworzenia ekspertowego systemu diagnostycznego. W drugim etapie zaproponowano kwerendę skoncentrowaną na głównych przyczynach uszkodzeń łopatek turbin oraz metodach diagnozowania. Wykorzystanie zawartych w bazie Scopus mechanizmów przeszukiwania oraz archiwizacji zbioru wyników umożliwia systematyczną aktualizację pozyskanej wiedzy.
W artykule przedstawiono problemy pojawiające się w procesie napraw elementów statków powietrznych (SP) wykonanych ze stopów aluminium, w trakcie spawania łukowego metodą TIG (tungsten inert gas). W artykule zawarto informacje dotyczące zasad obowiązujących w procesie kwalifikowania technologii spawania. Przedstawiono algorytm postępowania przy kwalifikowaniu technologii spawania zgodnie z normą. Opisano główne przyczyny i czynniki mające wpływ na powstawanie wad i niezgodności spawalniczych oraz dokonano ich klasyfikacji. Omówiono zasady przygotowania elementów do spawania oraz doboru spoiwa. Podjęto temat wpływu parametrów spawania na powstawanie wad i niezgodności spawalniczych w odniesieniu do normy PN-L 01426. Przedstawiono przykłady uszkodzeń eksploatacyjnych połączeń spawanych. Opisano zastosowanie metody tomografii komputerowej do oceny połączeń spawanych oraz przedstawiono tomogramy z badań spawów doczołowych stopów aluminium wykonanych ze stopu aluminium gatunku AW 5754. Na przykładzie tomogramów omówiono powstałe w badanych złączach niezgodności i wady spawalnicze. Wykazano przydatność tomografii komputerowej do oceny jakości spawów.
The paper presents the problems arising in the process of repairs of aircraft (AC) components made of aluminium alloys during arc welding with the TIG (tungsten inert gas) method. The paper provides information on the rules applicable in the welding process qualification. The procedure algorithm when qualifying the welding process was presented in accordance with PN-EN ISO 15614-2. The main causes and factors affecting the formation of defects and welding imperfections were described and classified. The principles of preparing the components for welding and selection of a binder were discussed. The issue of effect of the welding parameters on the formation of defects and welding imperfections in relation to PN-L-01426 standard was raised. The application of computed tomography in assessment of the welded joints was described and tomograms from tests of butt welds of aluminium alloys made of the AW 5754 grade aluminium alloy were presented. On the example of the tomograms, the welding imperfections and defects formed in the tested joints were discussed. The usefulness of computed tomography in assessment of the welds’ quality was shown.
The paper presents the research results of a microstructure of the turbine rotor blades made of nickel-based super alloys. The purpose of the research was to determine the high temperature impact on the microstructure stability of the material of the blades. The degree of advancement of the super alloy microstructure changes after the exposure to high temperature was compared to the mictrostructure condition of new blades. The research material includes blades made of EI 867 and ŻS 32 types of alloys. The microstructure research of blades subject to the high temperature impact, and the blades after operation showed the occurrence of adverse changes in relation to the microstructure of new blades. It was found that the cause of adverse changes in the microstructure was the super alloy overheating. The blade in such a condition has low heat and creep resistance. The element, in which the overheating will occur, is exposed to damage, which usually entails faulty turbine operation. This type of damage is removed during the engine major repair, which is associated with huge costs.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań mikrostruktury łopatek wirnika turbiny wykonanych z nadstopów na bazie niklu. Celem badań było określenie skutków oddziaływania wysokiej temperatury na stabilność mikrostruktury materiału łopatek. Stopień zaawansowania zmian mikrostruktury nadstopu po oddziaływaniu wysokiej temperatury porównywano ze stanem mikrostruktury łopatek nowych. Materiałem do badań były łopatki ze stopów typu EI 867 oraz ŻS 32. Badania mikrostruktury łopatek poddawanych oddziaływaniu wysokiej temperatury oraz łopatek po eksploatacji wykazały występowanie niekorzystnych zmian w stosunku do mikrostruktury łopatek nowych. Stwierdzono, że przyczyną niekorzystnych zmian w mikrostrukturze było przegrzanie nadstopu. Łopatka w takim stanie wykazuje niską żaroodporność oraz żarowytrzymałość. Element, w którym wystąpi przegrzanie jest narażony na uszkodzenie, co przeważnie pociąga za sobą wadliwą pracę turbiny. Tego typu uszkodzenia usuwa się w trakcie naprawy głównej silnika co wiąże się z ogromnymi kosztami.
The article presents selected results of tests conducted using the X-ray method with the application of a computed tomography device with a panel detector. The tests embraced samples of butt welds using aluminium alloy grade EN AN 5754, classified as an alloy for plastic processing with very good welding properties. The welds were executed using the TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) method – arc welding using a non-consumable electrode in shielding gas. As a result of modernising the current welding process, it was possible to obtain better results of the welds’ technical condition assessed according to the number of welding defects.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane przykłady wyników badań zrealizowanych metodą rentgenowską z zastosowaniem tomografu komputerowego z detektorem panelowym. Badaniom poddano próbki spawów doczołowych stopu aluminium gatunku EN AN 5754, zaklasyfikowanego jako stop do przeróbki plastycznej o bardzo dobrych właściwościach spawalniczych. Spawy wykonano metodą TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) – spawanie łukowe elektrodą nietopliwą w osłonie gazowej. W wyniku zmodernizowania dotychczasowej technologii spawania uzyskano znacznie lepsze wyniki stanu technicznego spawów oceniane ilością wad spawalniczych.
The quality of welded joints depends on many factors. The relevant standards stipulate technical conditions of welds quality assessment, which provides the basis for stating whether the given joint is compatible with the requirements or whether it is defective. In practice, making welded joints that are totally devoid of defects is extremely difficult. To conduct the control of inner structure of the given joint a non-destructive method with the application of industrial CT scanner might be applied. This modern diagnosing method combines the x-ray examination with advanced computer technology. The basic advantage of computer-assisted tomography consists in examining objects in three dimensions and the possibility to carry out three-dimensional reconstructions. The aim of this article is to discuss the use of this method to evaluate the quality of welded joints made of aluminium alloys. Capabilities of computer-assisted tomography were depicted by the case of weld probes constructed with TIG (ang. Tungsten Inert Gas) welding by different process variables. One has made the analysis of the quality of probes showing the smallest and the biggest internal and external welding defects.
Jakość połączeń spawanych zależna jest od wielu czynników. Przedmiotowe normy określają warunki techniczne oceny jakościowej spawów, co stanowi podstawę do uznania połączenia za zgodne z wymaganiami lub wadliwe. W praktyce wykonanie połączenia spawanego całkowicie pozbawionego wad jest trudne. Do kontroli wewnętrznej struktury połączenia wykorzystać można nieniszczącą metodę z zastosowaniem przemysłowego tomografu komputerowego. Ta nowoczesna metoda diagnozowania łączy badanie rentgenowskie z zaawansowaną technologią komputerową. Podstawową zaletą tomografii komputerowej jest badanie obiektów w trzech wymiarach oraz możliwość wykonania rekonstrukcji przestrzennych. Celem artykułu jest omówienie wykorzystania tej metody do oceny jakości połączeń spawanych stopów aluminium. Możliwości tomografii komputerowej przedstawiono na przykładzie próbek spawalniczych wykonanych metodą TIG przy różnych parametrach procesu. Dokonano analizy jakości próbek wykazujących najmniejsze i największe zewnętrzne, jak również wewnętrzne wady spawalnicze.
The article discusses the linkage between the colour changes of the recorded surface images of vanes and their state. For this purpose, we used a selection of techniques and methods for processing and analysis of digital images (pre-processing, watershed segmentation,) for the colour representation other than RGB model [2, 4]. Difficult to interpret pixel information was replaced with an area information (extracted in the process of segmentation areas with certain characteristics and attributes – the relationship between the state of the vane and its colour). The proposed colour representation of the surface of the vanes (HSV model) allows separation of image data – the separation of luminance (brightness) from the colour (chrominance). This enables better interpretation of the obtained results of segmentation, and thus the quality of the resulting diagnostic information is increased. The obtained results allow the introduction of the tri-status classification of the vanes (operable, partially operable, and inoperable). The study adopted operated vanes (with different technical state) of gas-turbine stator vanes of an aircraft jet engine, made from ŻS – 6K alloy. The digital surface images (photos) of vanes were recorded after their dismantlement, by the use of a digital camera (fixed conditions of registration, selection of the appropriate light source, uniform illumination of the photographed surfaces, no reflections). This information is essential for the on-going, non-destructive assessment of the technical state of vanes.
The technical condition of gas turbine blades of the turbine engine has a significant impact on the reliability and life span of the turbine and the entire engine. In order to assess the blades’ technical condition, a visual method, with the use of optoelectronic devices, is used. In order to verify this assessment, metallographic tests are conducted. The paper presents the results of microstructural tests of the turbine rotor blades made of nickel-based monocrystalline super alloys. The aim of these tests was to determine the consequences of impacting high exhaust gas temperature and stresses occurring during operation on the stability of the blade microstructure. The progress level of the blade microstructure changes in the post-operational stage for different sections towards the blade vertical axis and was compared with the blade microstructure on delivery made of the same super alloy. A varied degree of the microstructure degradation for different blade sections was shown. The changes typical of the high-temperature creep process – γ' phase directional growth (rafting), were observed only for the thinnest walls of the upper section of the turbine blade leaf.
The technical condition of the blades has a critical influence on the reliability and life span of a gas turbine and an engine into which it is built in. The main causes of blade damage are overheating, creeping, thermal fatigue, high temperature corrosion, etc. It is often caused by adverse operational conditions or manufacturing defect, e.g. using insufficiently durable types of heat-resistant protective coatings or applied in an improper manner on the blade material. Reaction of coatings and blade material to mechanical and thermal loads depends mainly on the operating temperature of the turbine. Selection of a protective coating and material to manufacture a blade with an assumed strength must take into account its mechanical and thermal properties at maximum aerofoil temperature. The article presents characteristic forms of operational damages to the gas turbine blades of a turbojet aero engine. Distinguished were operational factors and their influence on the technical condition of coatings during the engine operation period. An influence of excess exhaust gas temperature on the condition of the heat-resistant blade layer was shown. Shown were also results of morphology tests of coating degradation types. Results of micro-structure tests of the blade superalloy after damage to the heat-resistant coating were also presented.
Content available remote Wymagania jakościowe w procesach obsług oraz napraw statków powietrznych
W trakcie eksploatacji statki powietrzne (SP) podlegają użytkowaniu, obsługiwaniu, naprawie i utylizacji. Każdy z tych procesów musi spełnić odpowiednie wymagania jakościowe. W pracy przedstawiono wymagania związane z zarządzaniem jakością, jakie powinien spełniać podsystem obsługi i napraw SP. Przeprowadzono analizę dokumentów zawierających wymagania dotyczące sfery zarządzania, jak i sfery technicznej. Przedstawiono obowiązujące normy i przepisy mające wpływ na zapewnienie jakości procesu naprawy SP. Zawarto opis norm, których przestrzeganie jest niezbędne do skutecznego działania współczesnych podsystemów obsługi i napraw, mających zdecydowany wpływ na utrzymanie wymaganego stanu zdatności SP. Przedstawiono złożoność procesu podejmowania decyzji dotyczących obsług i napraw SP w podsystemie utrzymania zdatności.
Content available remote Quality requirements regarding aircraft maintenance and repair services
During operation, aircraft (AC) are subject to use, maintenance, repair and disposal. Each of those processes requires adequate quality. This study presents requirements related to quality management with which an AC maintenance and repair sub-system ought to comply. Documents containing requirements pertaining to both management and technical aspects have been analysed. Applicable standards and regulations affecting the AC repair process quality assurance have been presented. A description of standards observance of which is required to ensure effective operation of modern AC maintenance and repair subsystems significantly affecting maintenance of the AC required airworthiness has been included. Complexity of the decision-taking process pertaining to AC maintenance and repair within the airworthiness maintenance sub-system has been presented.
The paper has been intended to discuss non-destructive testing methods and to present capabilities of applying them to diagnose objectively changes in the microstructure of a turbine blade with computer software engaged to assist with the analyses. The following techniques are discussed: a visual method, based on the processing of images of the material surface in visible light, active thermography, based on the detection of infrared radiation, and the X-ray computed tomography. All these are new non-destructive methods of assessing technical condition of structural components of machines. They have been intensively developed at research centers worldwide, and in Poland. The computer-aided visual method of analyzing images enables diagnosis of the condition of turbine blades, without the necessity of dismantling of the turbine. On the other hand, the active thermography and the X-ray computed tomography, although more sensitive and more reliable, can both be used with the blades dismounted from the turbine. If applied in a complex way, the non-destructive methods presented in this paper, are expected to increase significantly probability of detecting changes in the blade’s condition, which in turn would be advantageous to reliability and safety of gas turbine service.
The paper presents results from numerical experiments with use of the computer model of the SO-3 engine designed for simulations. The model has been purposefully modified to take account of the assumed nonhomogeneity of the temperature field within the working agent at the turbine intake. It turned out that such nonhomogeneity substantially affects dynamic and static properties of the engine are considered as an object of control since it leads to a lag of the acceleration time and to increasing in fuel consumption. The summarized simulation results demonstrate that the foregoing properties of a jet engine are subject to considerable deterioration in pace with gradual increase of the assumed non-homogeneity of the temperature field, The simulations made it possible to find out that variations of the temperature field non-homogeneity within the working agent at the turbine intake lead to huge fluctuation of the turbine rpm for the idle run, which enables a new look to the role of the so-called idle run valve and importance of that component within the supply and control system of the SO-3 engine.
The paper discloses a non-invasive method of visual inspection based on processing of images taken for blade surfaces in the spectrum of visible light and then analyzed with the use of a computer-aided technology. The method of computer-aided analysis of images for blade surfaces is presented in details along with the obtained outcome, whilst the results from metallographic investigation of the blade superalloy are disclosed as well. The comparison is made between the results obtained from the analysis of images for blade surface and the results from the metallographic investigation of their structures. Finally, the relationship is established between parameters of digital images taken for surfaces of gas turbine blades in the visible spectrum of electromagnetic waves and microstructural parameters of the turbine blade metal. The completed investigations and analyses reveal that troubleshooting of gas turbine blades, which employs digital processing of images taken for its surface, offers new opportunities to determine the condition of blades after a long-term impact of a working agent at high temperature.
W artykule omówiono nieinwazyjną metodę wizualną opartą na przetwarzaniu obrazów powierzchni w świetle widzialnym z wykorzystaniem wspomagania komputerowego. Przedstawiono sposób komputerowej analizy obrazów powierzchni łopatek oraz jej wyniki. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań metalograficznych nadstopu łopatek. Porównano uzyskane wyniki analizy obrazów powierzchni łopatek z wynikami badań metalograficznych ich struktury. W rezultacie ustalono związek pomiędzy parametrem cyfrowych obrazów powierzchni łopatek turbiny gazowej, w paśmie widzialnym fali elektromagnetycznej, a parametrami ich mikrostruktury. Z zaprezentowanych badań i analiz wynika, że diagnozowanie łopatek turbiny gazowej metodą cyfrowego przetwarzania obrazów ich powierzchni, daje nowe możliwości określenia stanu łopatek po oddziaływaniu czynnika roboczego o wysokiej temperaturze.
Content available remote Analysis of damage arising from exploitation of the aircraft
During exploitation, due to a variety of reasons, aircrafts are damaged or suffer from different failures. In the process of operation, using appropriate methods of diagnosis, failure, damage, and relative deregulation of individual elements or units can be detected. For this purpose, one can apply a number of indirect diagnostic methods with the use of recorded diagnostic signals or a direct diagnosis with the use of non-destructive methods. The proper identification of the technical condition allows to determine the causes of irregularities and take actions aimed at preventing their occurrence. The article presents the types of exploitation damage of a multi-purpose aircraft. In addition, the criteria for the division of damage and research methods of the causes of damage are presented. Furthermore, an analysis of the scope of activities to be performed during the research of causes of damage to the aircraft is made.
W trakcie eksploatacji statki powietrzne (SP) z różnych przyczyn ulegają uszkodzeniom, niesprawnościom bądź awariom o różnej postaci. W procesie obsług, wykorzystując odpowiednie metody diagnozowania, można wykryć awarię, uszkodzenie, względnie rozregulowanie poszczególnych elementów czy zespołów. W tym celu stosuje się szereg pośrednich metod diagnostycznych, wykorzystując zarejestrowane sygnały diagnostyczne, bądź diagnozuje się w sposób bezpośredni za pomocą metod nieniszczących. Właściwa identyfikacja stanu technicznego umożliwia ustalenie przyczyn nieprawidłowości i podjęcie przedsięwzięć mających na celu zapobieżenie ich powstawaniu. W artykule przedstawiono rodzaje eksploatacyjnych uszkodzeń wielozadaniowego statku powietrznego. Dokonano ich analizy (wg różnych kryteriów) i zestawiono w postaci wykreślnych zależności dla poszczególnych zespołów i okresów użytkowania. Ponadto przedstawiono kryteria podziału uszkodzeń, metody badań przyczyn tych uszkodzeń, a także dokonano analizy zakresu czynności, które należy wykonać podczas badań przyczyn uszkodzeń SP.
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