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The flotation wastewater produced by "lead preferred flotation-zinc flotation" all-open process with aids of mixed depressants and cationic-anionic collectors has a high turbidity and multitude of reagent contaminants, and fails to meet the discharge standards. This study objective is to remove fine solid particles and flotation reagents in this wastewater by chemical oxidation cocoagulation-flocculation process. Results of chemical oxidation tests indicate peroxymonosulfate (PMS) exhibits superior performance on decreasing COD, and the COD remarkably decreases to 71.8 mg・L-1 with 100 mg・L-1 PMS addition after 120 min. Moreover, the combined oxidation of radicals (SO4•- and •OH) are responsible for degradation of flotation reagents (Na2S, DCCH, xanthates and amine) in the wastewater. Results of experimental factors confirm that the turbidity of wastewater decreases significantly from 124796 to 71.4 NTU, and the yield of water reaches above 90% with combined usage of lime (500 mg・L-1) and polyacrylamide (PAM, 50 mg・L-1). Besides, the contents of S, P, N, Zn, Pb and Fe decrease, and meet the discharge standards. Results of zeta potential analysis suggest lime reduces the electrostatic repulsion between particles, and PAM plays a bridge link role between particles, accelerating the precipitation of suspended particle.
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