The article describes the results of studies on the similarity of protein structures generated by the sequences differing by only one amino acid residue. On this basis, the table of amino acid residue similarities has been determined. Similar residue sequences should generate similar protein structures – on this basis act such classification systems as SCOP and CATH. These systems detect the existence of domains of different lengths in the sequences. These domains are characteristic for proteins which exist in organisms. Synthesized proteins are not related to any other proteins and may contain domains that can not be classified by traditional methods. The solution to this problem may be to analyzing all the possible combinations of amino acid residues and observation of secondary structures generated by this sequence in exising proteins. Analyzing the structural differences in the sequences differing only by one amino acid residue gives information on the structural similarity of these amino acids. The task of analyzing all possible combinations of amino acid sequence is possible only for short stretches, because for longer stretches the same sequence cannot be found in the existing databases. So the second question is: how long the sequence should be analyzed in order to enable determining the local backbone structure. For this purpose, segments of known proteins with a length of 3 and 5 amino acid residues are analyzed.
Artykuł opisuje wyniki badań wykonanych na klastrze firmy INTEL porównujących oprogramowania klastrowe do obliczeń równoległych. Opisywane są więc możliwości transmisyjne pomiędzy węzłami tzn.: zależność czasu przesyłania danych w klastrze od liczby procesów uruchamianych na węzłach, liczby jednocześnie wykonywanych transmisji i kierunku przesyłania danych. Badana jest też wydajność obliczeń uruchamianych na jednym węźle w zależności od liczby procesów uruchamianych na tym węźle. Badania wykonywane są za pomocą programu ttcp analizującego przepustowość sieci oraz oprogramowania MPI (MPICH i LAM). Analizowana jest możliwość stworzenia funkcji rozgłaszającej (broadcast) o krótszym czasie wykonania niż dostarczony w oprogramowaniu MPICH i LAM.
The paper describes results of research executed in INTEL cluster. The main goal was a comparison of cluster software used to parallel computing. Transmission capabilities among nodes are described, such as a dependence of data transmission time on a number of processes run at the nodes, a number of simultaneous transmissions and a direction of data trasmission. Furthermore, an efficiency of computations executed at one node depending on a number of processes run at that node is examined. The research were done using MPI software (MPICH and LAM) and also a ttcp program which analyses a network bandwidth. A possibility of creating a broadcast function with an execution time shorter than that supported by the MPICH and LAM software is analysed.
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