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The study examines sedimentology, stratigraphy, and the impact of wildfires on aeolian and soil processes during the Late Glacial Termination in the Korzeniew site, central Poland. The site, within a parabolic dune's central and lee-slope area, presents stacked aeolian sand units intermixed with six charcoal-enriched palaeosols. Thirteen optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates on quartz and six radiocarbon dates establish the chronological framework, dating deposition processes. Initial aeolian sand deposition occurred towards the Late Pleniglacial's end. Climate amelioration during the Bølling interstadial led to permafrost thaw and gleyic soil formation, later overlain by migrating parabolic dunes from the older Allerød interstadial. Wildfires, influenced by vegetation cover, deposited charcoals on the dune's lee slope. These charcoals underwent pedogenic reworking amid episodes of aeolian sand deposition during the Allerød interstadial and Younger Dryas, stabilizing in the earliest Holocene. Wildfires significantly impacted local vegetation development and aeolian activity. Despite the warmth of the Allerød interstadial, increased fires correlated with expanding pine forests and their heightened fire susceptibility. Short-term climate shifts likely destabilized vegetation, fostering fire occurrences during the Allerød interstadial.
Loess-paleosol sequences (LPS) are an exceptional source of palaeoclimate data constituting an indirect record of changing environmental and climatic conditions that prevailed during loess deposition and early diagenesis. The Zaprężyn LPS (17°11′52″E, 51°14′44″N) is situated in the southern morphological edge of the Trzebnica Hills. This sequence provides an opportunity to reconstruct past climate conditions in this part of SW Poland. In this work, we used two sets of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating from the Gliwice and Bayreuth laboratory to establish a chronological framework for this profile. The results of 14C accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dating were also used. The dating results are accompanied by detailed analyses of grain-size distribution and colour. The applied methodology allowed us to distinguish four litho-pedotratigraphic units: modern soil S0, L1LL1 loess unit, L1LL2 loess unit and fossil S1 soil. The OSL dating results indicate an unconformity representing a time interval >30 ka between the L1LL1 and L1LL2 units. This unconformity explains the lack of a L1SS1 soil unit. In Zaprężyn LPS, the presence of the ice wedge pseudomorph in L1LL2 loess unit was recorded. Ice wedge pseudomorph approves the presens the permafrost conditions during the Lower Plenivistulian in Trzebnica Hills.
This paper describes a cheap, portable coordinate system for measuring circular geometries. The developed software can measure diameters, circle center coordinates, and distances between them. The circle detector uses the Adaptive Hough Transform implemented in the OpenCV library. For image rectification, the system uses reference circle positions on the plane parallel to the plane of the measured ones. Pixel size is determined by the distances between the reference circle positions on the same plane. The mean measurement value from a series of photos was found efficient estimation of accurate value, significantly improving overall system accuracy.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia optymalizacji procesu od projektowania do wytworzenia silników elektrycznych. W obecnych czasach, przystępując do projektowania maszyn elektrycznych, zwraca się uwagę nie tylko na to, aby powstał wyrób zgodny z założeniami wejściowymi. Uwzględnia się również szereg innych czynników zmierzających do wykonania produktu wysokiej jakości, w możliwie najkrótszym czasie oraz przy jak najniższym koszcie wytworzenia. Poszczególne etapy projektu są analizowane pod kątem unifikacji istniejących rozwiązań.
The article presents selected issues of optimisation of electric motors production from design engineering to final product. Currently, when designing of electrical machines begins, attention is paid to more than merely manufacturing a product in line with the inputs. A number of other factors are taken into account to make a high quality product in the shortest possible time and at the lowest possible cost of production. The individual stages of the project are analysed for the unification of existing solutions.
The stratigraphy of Late Pleniglacial and Late Glacial fluvio-to-aeolian succession was investigated in two sites located at the Niemodlin Plateau, SW Poland. Lithofacial analysis was used for the reconstruction of sedimentary environments. An absolute chronology for climatic change and the resulting environmental changes were determined based on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL – nine samples) and radiocarbon (three samples) dating methods. Four phases of changes in sedimentary environments were established. The first depositional phase correlates with the Last Permafrost Maximum (24−17 ka) based on the type and size of the periglacial structures, which aggraded under continuous permafrost conditions. During 17.5−15.5 ka (upper Late Pleniglacial), a stratigraphic gap was detected, owing to a break in the deposition on the interfluve area. The second depositional phase took place during 15.5−13.5 ka. During this phase, the first part of the dune formation (Przechód site) and fluvio-aeolian cover (Siedliska site) was deposited. The sedimentary processes continued throughout the entire Bølling interstadial and Older Dryas. In the third phase (Allerød interstadial), soil formation took place. At the Siedliska site, palaeosol represented Usselo soil type, whereas at the Przechód site, there was a colluvial type of soil. The last phase (Younger Dryas) is represented by the main phase of dune formation in both sites. After the Younger Dryas, no aeolian activity was detected. High compliance with both absolute dating methods was noticed.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia optymalizacji procesu od projektowania do wytworzenia silników elektrycznych. W obecnych czasach przystępując do projektowania maszyn elektrycznych zwraca się uwagę nie tylko na to, aby powstał wyrób zgodny z założeniami wejściowymi. Uwzględnia się również szereg innych czynników zmierzających do wykonania produktu wysokiej jakości, w możliwie najkrótszym czasie oraz przy jak najniższym koszcie wytworzenia. Poszczególne etapy projektu są analizowane pod kątem unifikacji istniejących rozwiązań.
The article presents selected issues of optimisation of electric motors production from design engineering to final product. Currently, when designing of electrical machines begins, attention is paid to more than merely manufacturing a product in line with the inputs. A number of other factors are taken into account to make a high quality product in the shortest possible time and at the lowest possible cost of production. The individual stages of the project are analysed for the unification of existing solutions.
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