Accelerometric tests, similarly to laser tests (with regard to human health) are something of novelty. All standards related to this issue refer to sound intensity (measured using specialised microphones). The work presents results of accelerometric tests conducted during driving cycles on an inertial load chassis dynamometer Maha LPS3000. The object of the research was Mazda 3 1.6 (petrol), built in 2010, mileage 70 thousand km. The tests were related to vibration measurements on a chassis dynamometer using various, forced tractive effort (300, 500 and 700 N). No additional signal processing was used (except for operations necessary to create a spectrum) so as to present the whole vibration spectrum with special emphasis on the resonance frequency of human organs. The article presents vibration amplitude measured at the level of the headrest for three forced tractive efforts: 300, 500 and 700 N. The measurements were made at the speed of 60 km/h in the fourth gear (which corresponds to about 2000 rpm). The obtained results, indicate that the maximum value of harmonics fall in the range 85-95 Hz. Hence, they are resonance frequencies of eyeballs. In addition to this, one can state that the values of these harmonics are higher for higher values of forced tractive efforts. This would mean that seats should be additionally stabilised (dampened) to limit the influence of dangerous vibration on a human organism.
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The article presents the possibility to diagnose a machine – physical object – in particular diesel engine. Studies were organized to demonstrate the possibility to use LDV (Laser Doppler Vibrometry) in the fundamental (diagnostic) studies. The object tested is a common model of modern diesel engine, frequently used in currently available vehicles. This paper describes the results of researches performed based on the displacement and the velocity, which indicates usefulness of each of these variables. In addition, the article presents older type of vibration detection system uses in vehicles (based on accelerometers) and conditioning path of the received vibroacoustic signal to become complete and fully useful diagnostic information.
The automotive industry is one of the fastest developing branches in the world. From year to year on the roads appear more and more cars. In the modern vehicles, better and more efficient technologies reducing exhaust emission are applied. However, the cars are still the leading source of air pollution, especially in towns and cities. Car exhaust gases have adverse effect on the human health, because they form so-called “low emission”. It means that they are released into the troposphere at the people living height. As a result, people are exposed to the direct and long-lasting contact with the fumes. Therefore, precise assessment is very important to the vehicles’ impact on the quality of the atmospheric air. The review of the evaluation methods of the impact of vehicles on the air quality was presented in the paper, with special regard to the mathematical dispersion modelling of the exhaust gases. In particular, NOx emission by sector in Poland, changing NOx emissions from road transport in Poland in the years 2000-2009 with regard to the change in the number of cars, vertical cross-section of a typical symmetric urban street canyon are presented in the paper.
The following article is an analysis of designed processes of the life cycle of the most popular fuel for Diesel engines: diesel oil. This fuel is produced from petroleum, which is a non-renewable source of energy. Analysis was carried out with the assumptions of Life Cycle Assessment, which is a tool to test the environmental impact of the product. The life cycle of diesel was divided into five unit processes: petroleum extraction, transport of petroleum to the refinery, refining petroleum to diesel, transport of diesel to the recipient and utilization of delivered fuel by transport company. For every process the energy consumption and emission of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and sulphursulphur oxides was calculated, with assumption of probable data, that could occur in real processes. The analysis has shown, that the process of refining petroleum is highly pollution-intensive. Also the combustion of diesel generates a significant amount of pollutants’ emission, which is why it is necessary to develop technologies that could contribute to the reduction of emission.
This article presents selected information on the use of biomass as an energy source. Biomass is a renewable resource, it can be obtained from, inter alia, selected municipal waste. The most popular methods of generating energy from biomass is its combustion or fermentation. In Poland, the renewable energy sector is still small and should be developed because of the need to improve the condition of the environment and, at the same time, increasing demand for energy related to economic development. Energy from biomass is relatively unpopular. At the same time there is a problem of too big amount of waste that is not processed. Because of European Union regulations on the energetics and waste management it is required in Poland to adapt legislation in order to increase the share of renewable energy sources and to reduce the amount of waste landfilled. The solution may be energy production from biomass, derived from selected municipal waste.
Odpady komunalne jako biomasa - odnawialne źródło energii Poniższy artykuł przedstawia wybrane informacje na temat wykorzystania biomasy jako źródła energii. Biomasa jest surowcem odnawialnym, może być pozyskiwana między innymi z wyselekcjonowanych odpadów komunalnych. Najpopularniejszymi metodami pozyskiwania energii z biomasy jest jej spalanie lub fermentacja. W Polsce sektor odnawialnych źródeł energii jest wciąż niewielki, powinien być rozwijany ze względu na konieczność poprawy stanu środowiska naturalnego przy jednoczesnym, rosnącym zapotrzebowaniu na energię, związanym z rozwojem gospodarczym. Pozyskiwanie energii z biomasy jest stosunkowo mało popularne. Jednocześnie istnieje problem zbyt dużej ilości odpadów, które nie są poddawane przetworzeniu. Regulacje Unii Europejskiej w obszarze energetyki i gospodarki odpadami nakładają na Polskę obowiązek dostosowania prawodawstwa w celu zwiększenia udziału odnawialnych źródeł energii oraz zmniejszenia ilości odpadów, które trafiają na wysypiska. Rozwiązaniem może być pozyskiwanie energii z biomasy, pochodzącej z wyselekcjonowanych odpadów komunalnych.
The World is strongly dependent on crude oil for its transport needs. In order to diminish this dependence, we need to introduce clean, CO2-efficient, secure and affordable transportation fuels. The current production of liquid biofuels in the EU25 is less than 1% of the market. Recent assessments have concluded that the 2010 targets, 18 Mtoe used in the transport sector, are unlikely to be achieved. There can be three basic possibilities of accomplishing this target: i) use of alcohols (first of all ethanol) and their mixing with petrol; ii) use of fatty acids esters (methyl or ethyl) of vegetable oils and their mixing with diesel fuel, iii) use of synthetic hydrocarbons of the synthetic gas coming from biomass resources and eventually their mixing with other "classical" hydrocarbons. This paper presents a novel way of utilizing alcohols as fuels for a diesel engine. It is proposed to use heavy alcohols as a mix with vegetable oils and conventional diesel fuel. It is presented the way to use alcohols. Namely, the use of heavy alcohols as a solvent for vegetable oil (named the biomix or BM) and after the obtainment of the thickness, which would be approximate to diesel fuel, mixing the biomix with diesel fuel to obtained biomixdiesel (BMD). This solution will be shown for example with butanol as heavy alcohol, rape oil as vegetable oil and conventional diesel fuel. The investigations are carried out with a simple diesel engine on the engine test bed. Main parameters of engine (power output, torque, specifically fuel consumption) and the main exhaust gas component (in this case CO, NOx, PM) will be investigated. There were better results achieved than one expected. Opposed to existing experiences, the maximum of power output and the torque of engine are higher in the whole range of the rotational speed of the engine crankshaft when the engine biomixdiesel (BMD) is reinforced. The addition of the component biomix to fuel influences the specific fuel consumption. Generally, with the larger part of the component biomix the specific fuel consumption grows. Because the power of engine also grows up one should expect that in exploitation the specific fuel consumption should not increase. Very important is that this fuel could be used to reinforce old, existing now and the future diesel engines. The production of butanol is known (from biomass and in other way with electrolysis of ethanol). The possibility to get butanol from ethanol gives a very good perspective for the use of ethanol from today's overproduction and moreover without the essential change of infrastructure. All this leads to the conclusion that fulfilling of the expected requirements of European Union regarding the ecofuels is fully possible.
The paper regards the use of bio-blends consisting of vegetable oil and higher alcohol (biobutanol) as a new component of diesel fuels. The use of rapeseed oil as one of the components eliminates the need energy-intensive conversion rapeseed oil to FAME. The use of higher alcohol, such as a butanol obtained directly from biomass is in accordance with requirements of the EU on the promotion of renewable energy resources. Experiments on chassis dynamometer with fuels containing 20% by volume bio-blend (BM) and 80% of diesel fuels (D) were performed. Main parameters of engine (power output, torque, specific fuel consumption) and the main exhaust gas components (THC, CO, NOx and PM) showed very promising results. The properties of different alcohols and engine fuels, properties of investigated fuels, examples of investigations results on the car test chassis bed by NEDC test load and by fuelling the engine with investigated bmd20 and standard diesel fuel, relatives change of pollutants emission and fuel consumption by fuelling the car engine with BMD20 and Diesel fuel, the differences in emission and fuel consumption during fuelling the car engine with BMD20 and Diesel fuel recorded during the test bed investigation of the car, relatives change of pollutants emission and fuel consumption during engine fuelling with BMD20 and Diesel fuel are presented in the paper.
The paper presents the results of tests carried out on two spark-ignition engines: 1.4BZ 90CV CD and 1.4BZ 120CV CD installed in new Fiat Bravo (model 198, version 54A) motor cars. The latter engine model (120CV) was equipped with a supercharging system. The research consisted in comparing engine vibrations measured in specific and representative points. In order to determine the vertical component vibrations, the measurements were performed via a mirror. A PSV-400 laser Doppler vibrometer made by Polytec was used to measure vibration velocities. The vibrometric system directly measures two quantities: displacement and velocity. In the investigated case, vibration velocity is the variable which supplies better diagnostic information. Vibrations were measured for the car standing on its wheels and for the car jacked up to reduce the influence of the car vibration damping systems on the measurement results. The latter are presented in the form of comparative diagrams. Moreover, the fast Fourier transform was used to determine the frequency distribution. Prior to that signal was subjected to conditioning operations using parametric windowing and filtering. Interesting conclusions emerge from the obtained results and on their basis the effect of the drive unit on the behaviour of the car body can be assessed for different engine types and rotational speeds. It is shown that the way in which the engine is mounted affects the vibrations of the car.
The paper regards the use of bio-blends consisting of vegetable oil and a higher alcohol as a new component of diesel fuel. The use of rapeseed oil as one of the components eliminates the need energy-intensive conversion rapeseed oil to esters. The use of higher alcohol, such as butanol second generation, obtained directly from biomass will be in accordance with requirements of the European Union on the promotion of renewable energy resources. Experiments with bio-blends were carried out with selected commercial fuel diesel, rapeseed oil, and two alcohols: iso-amyl alcohol and n-butyl alcohol. There was prepared two bio- fuel blends containing 20% by volume bio-blends (BM) and 80% by volume of diesel fuel (D). Comparison of physico-chemical properties of experimental mixtures were done. This article presents the qualitative characteristics of the new fuel composition and evaluate their compliance with the normative requirements. The summary highlights the need to continue research to improve fuel formulations, particularly in the selection of fuel additives.
W pracy przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z zastosowaniem biomieszaniny składającej się z oleju roślinnego i wybranego wyższego alkoholu jako nowego składnika oleju napędowego. Wykorzystanie surowego oleju rzepakowego jako jednego ze składników paliwa eliminuje konieczność energochłonnego przekształcania oleju do estrów. Wykorzystanie wyższego alkoholu, np. butanolu drugiej generacji, otrzymywanego bezpośrednio z biomasy przyczyni się do spełnienia wymagań Unii Europejskiej w sprawie promowania odnawialnych źródeł energii. Do badań nad przetestowaniem nowej formuły paliwa wybrano handlowy olej napędowy, olej rzepakowy oraz dwa alkohole: alkohol izo-amylowy i alkohol n-butylowy. Przygotowano dwie mieszanki eksperymentalnego paliwa zawierającego 20% objętościowych biomieszaniny (BM) i 80% objętościowych oleju napędowego (D). Porównano właściwości fizyko-chemiczne otrzymanych mieszanek eksperymentalnych. W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę jakościową nowych kompozycji paliwa i oceniono ich zgodność z wymaganiami normatywnymi. W podsumowaniu zwrócono uwagę na konieczność kontynuowania badań nad udoskonaleniem receptury paliwa, szczególnie w zakresie doboru odpowiednich dodatków uszlachetniających.
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Przedstawiono ogólną koncepcję obniżenia zużycia paliw węglowych przy niezmiennej lub podwyższonej produkcji energii elektrycznej, a przez to obniżenia jednostkowej emisji ditlenku węgla. Przyjęto wykorzystanie ciepła odpadowego procesów energetycznych do wytwarzania energii elektrycznej. Przedstawiono potencjalną możliwość wytwarzania paliw ciekłych np. metanolu, wg znanych technologii jednostkowych, z CO₂ zawartego w spalinach, z wykorzystaniem ciepła odpadowego elektrowni. Realizacja koncepcji wymaga w pierwszym rzędzie aplikacji zestawu technologii zdefiniowanych na drodze badań symulacyjnych., co powinno umożliwić uzyskanie informacji, o tym który, z możliwych wariantów rozwiązań procesowych, ma swoje uzasadnienie aplikacyjne. W kolejnych etapach celowe byłoby stworzenie instalacji pilotowej do zweryfikowania przeprowadzonych prac.
Overall conception for minimization of use of coal fuels was shown together with unchanged or bigger production of electrical energy was shown, what leads to minimization in CO₂ emission. It was assumed that heat from energetic processes will be used in production of electrical energy. Potential possibility of making liquid fuels (eg. methanol) from CO₂ with use of waste heat from power plant was presented. Realization of presented conception will involve set of technologies defined basing on simulations which should provide information about feasibility of proposed solutions. In next step it would be worth to create pilot plant to verify results achieved in simulation step.
The World is strongly dependent on crude oil for its transport needs. In order to diminish this dependence, we need to introduce clean, CO2-efficient, secure and affordable transportation fuels. The current production of liquid biofuels in the EU25 is less than 1% of the market. Recent assessments have concluded that the 2010 tar-gets, 18 Mtoe used in the transport sector, are unlikely to be achieved. There can be three basic possibilities of accomplishing this target: i) the use of alcohols (first of all ethanol) and their mixing with petrol; ii) the use of fatty acids esters (methyl or ethyl) of vegetable oils and their mixing with diesel fuel, iii) the use of synthetic hydrocarbons of the synthetic gas coming from biomass resources and eventually their mixing with other “clas-sical” hydrocarbons. This paper presents a new way of utilizing alcohols as fuels for a diesel engine. It is proposed to use heavy alcohols as a mix with vegetable oils and conventional diesel fuel. It is presented another way to use alcohols. Namely the use of heavy alcohols as a solvent for vegetable oil (called the biomix or BM) and after the obtain-ment of the density which would be similar to diesel fuel, mixing the biomix with diesel fuel to obtain biomixdie-sel (BMD). This solution will be shown for example with butanol as heavy alcohol, rape oil as vegetable oil and conventional diesel fuel. The investigations are carried out with a simple diesel engine on the engine test bed. Main parameters of engine (power output, torque, specific fuel consumption) and the main exhaust gas compo-nents (in this case CO, NOx, PM) were investigated. There were better results achieved than one expected. Con-trary to existing experiences, the maximum of power output and the torque of engine is higher in the whole range of the rotatory speed of the engine crankshaft when the engine biomixdiesel (BMD) is reinforced. The addition of the biomix component to fuel influences the specific fuel consumption. Generally with the larger part of the bio-mix component the specific fuel consumption grows. Because the power of engine also grows up one should expect that in exploitation the specific fuel consumption should not increase. It is very important that this fuel could be used to reinforce old, existing now and the future diesel engines. It’s worth paying attention that the presented solution in which a virgin vegetable oil (contrary to today’s situation in which as a fuel ingredient we have only fatty esters) is an ingredient for fuel. The production of butanol is known (from biomass and in other way with electrolysis of ethanol). The possi-bility to get butanol from ethanol gives a very good perspective for the use of ethanol from today’s overproduction and moreover without the essential change of infrastructure. All this leads to the conclusion that fulfilling the expected requirements of European Union regarding the biofuels is fully possible.The introduction of new fuel needs carrying out of a lot of complicated investigations, but chosen direction may be interesting.
Przedstawiono teorię filtracji oraz jej aplikację do opisu procesu filtracji oleju smarującego silników spalinowych. Stwierdzono, że skuteczność filtracji przez standardowe papierowe przegrody filtracyjne jest niska i maleje w trakcie eksploatacji filtra. Efektem tego zjawiska jest fakt, iż koncentracja zanieczyszczeń w oleju silnikowym nieustannie rośnie. Nie odnosi się to jednak do dodatków uszlachetniających oleju. Koncentracja tych dodatków pozostaje w oleju quasi stałą. Ponieważ część zanieczyszczeń ma właściwości para- lub ferromagnetyczne, to celowe jest zastosowanie pola magnetycznego do ich separacji z oleju silnikowego. W pracy pokazano przykład z badań modelowych i eksploatacyjnych separacji para- i ferromagnetycznych zanieczyszczeń w filtrze oleju. Istotne jest to, że separowane są również cząstki submikronowe, niezatrzymywane praktycznie przez standardowe przegrody filtracyjne. W przeprowadzonych równocześnie badaniach nie stwierdzono wpływu pola magnetycznego na filtrację dodatków uszlachetniających olej silnikowy. Pokazano pozytywny wpływ zastosowania pola magnetycznego na zmniejszenie koncentracji zanieczyszczeń w oleju silnikowym.
It has been shown a filtration theory and its application to a description of filtration process of lubricating oil in combustion engines. It was found that filtration efficiency across standard paper filter medium is lower and it decreases during the filter operation. The effect of this is a phenomenon that concentration of impurities in engine oil grows continuously, That does not refer to oil improving components. The concentration of these components remains quasi constant. Because a part of impurities has some para- or ferromagnetic properties it is purposeful to use a magnetic field to their separation from engine oil. In the work it has been shown an example of model and operation investigations of separation of para- and ferromagnetic particles in the oil filter. It is important that the submicron particles are also separated, while they are practically not separated across standard filtration mediums. In the simultaneous investigations the influence of magnetic field on the filtration of engine oil improving components was not found. It has been shown the positive infuence of use a magnetic field to ecrease the concentration of impurities in engine lubricating oil.
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Technology of internal combustion engines is still researched and developed. Potential of engine manufacturing is very high and there are a lot of new engines in operation. Conventional fuels supply them first of all. Classical engines will replace with new ones, alternative power sources but the process of exchanging needs time. Combustion engine is equipped with peripheries goods and together are complex control systems. The control system is still developed. Many of them employed neuronal networks. Systems like that are going to be used for control in combustion engines. Neuronal networks have been used to model of engines, to control combustion process as well as diagnostics of engine. The introduced work is a continuation of earlier the author's works connected with implementations of neuronal nets to control the run of internal combustion engines. An application of neuronal nets to control of work of internal combustion engines requires a new approach to philosophy of that control. Results presented in this paper confirm earlier observations, that on the one hand it is possible to map of nowadays engine control unit, but on the other control processes in not satisfy because it is not able to flexible adapt operational conditions of engine changing very fast in addition. It could happen when engine is fuelled by alternative mixture of fuel as well as because of changing degradation level of engine components. The implantation of neuronal nets finds difficulties connected with their design, too. Present paper shows, that using of neuronal nets in diesel engine control is possible on the example of fuel dose control as well as angle of injection advance in each of cylinder separately. It was proved that for engine run control it is possible to use both Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) net. Linear nets are useful in little scale. Particularly useful in control of engine setting, mentioned above, seems to be the RBF nets. Apply of these nets is easily. The optimization their structure is also simply (it restrains practically to selection of quantity of neurons in indirect layer). It does not have also the necessity of selection of function transformations. It is big advantage. It was showed that the RBF net is suitable both to modeling the advance angle of fuel injection and the fuel charge. In both applications the predictions of values of object responses are with high efficiencies. Essential is, that is possible to control operational processes in each cylinder independently. It is one of the requirements of flexible control. It was simultaneously noticed that it is possible to create MLP net, which gives better modeling of angle of injection advance than application of RBF net. On the another way this net gives worse model of size of fuel drop than RBF. It means that modeling of the different processes in engine needs different types of neuronal nets. These nets will be work simultaneously. Mentioned above observations have been found during modeling investigations. The experimental part of research was executed on test bench equipped with model of common rail fuel injection system. The simulations of behaviours of nets were conducted in computer. These conditions are different from natural exploitation ones and because of it is imperative to verify results. On the other hand the results of research are so encouraging to get publish and to continuation of hard working of this project.
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Charakterystyki silników spalinowych wyznaczane są od zarania ich produkcji. Przedstawia się je w postaci krzywych. Jest to uogólnienie. Współczesne silniki, które spełniać muszą rygorystyczne normy emisji toksycznych składników spalin, sterowane są o wiele bardziej precyzyjnie jak ich odpowiedniki sprzed kilkunastu lat. Sterowanie to jest sterowaniem w funkcji wielu czynników wpływających jednocześnie na szereg procesów realizowanych w silnikach, to powoduje, że przebieg charakterystyk, zwłaszcza zewnętrznych nie jest monofoniczny. W pracy omówiono przebiegi charakterystyk maksymalnej mocy, maksymalnego momentu obrotowego oraz odpowiadającego jednostkowego zużycia paliwa, wyznaczone na podstawie badań 30 silników o zapłonie iskrowym. Charakterystyki te wyznaczono na podstawie dokładnych badań na hamowni silnikowej. Stwierdzono stosunkowo duże odstępstwa od krzywych wyidealizowanych przy jednocześnie stosunkowo niewielkich rozrzutach maksymalnej mocy czy też momentu obrotowego między poszczególnymi egzemplarzami silników.
The characteristics of combustion engines be calculated from dawn. The characteristics, they are resulting from current theory, are giving as a smooth curves. This is a generalization. The current characteristics of combustion engines are much more complicated. The present engines which to fulfill have the rigorous norms of emission of toxic components of exhaust gases, they be controlled of many parameter, much more exactly as their equivalents in past. Today's controlling is the controlling in function of many influencing factors on row of processes realized in engines simultaneously. All this causes effect, that the course of characteristics, especially external is not monotonic. It the courses of characteristics of maximum output, maximum rotatory moment and specifically fuel consumption in work were appointed on basis of investigations 30 sparkle ignition engines. Characteristics these were calculated on basis of exact investigations on engine brake stand. Were affirmed the comparatively large deviations from idealized characteristics near simultaneously comparatively small dispersions of maximum output or else rotatory moment between investigated engines. The deviation from smooth curves in case of engine output are bigger by higher rotation speed of engine, in case of rotatory moment by medium engine speed and in case of specifically fuel consumption by lower to medium engine speed.
W referacie przedstawiono teorię skumulowanego zużycia paliwa w procesie eksploatacji pojazdu. Podano sposób dochodzenia do modelu matematycznego oraz procedurę wyznaczania stałych modelu. Zwrócono uwagę na charakterystyczne cechy skumulowanego zużycia paliwa. Przedstawiono przykłady wykorzystania opracowanej teorii do oceny eksploatacji parku pojazdów, w tym przypadku autobusów komunikacji miejskiej.
A theory of cumulated fuel consumption in process of vehicle operation is described. It is shown the method how to create the mathematical model and procedure of determination of model variables. The main features of cumulated fuel consumption are painted attention. An example of utilization of elaborated theory for assessment of operation of city buses group is also presented.
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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań hamownianych silnika wysokoprężnego zasilanego olejem napędowym oraz estrem metylowym oleju rzepakowego. wyniki przestawionych jednostkowych badań nie upoważniają wg autorów do wyciągnięcia wniosków uogólniajacych. Jest jednak bardzo prawdopodobne, że silniki zasilane paliwami pochodzenia roślinnego powinny mieć zmienione nastawy.
The paper present the results of the tests conducted in an engine test house for a diesel engine fuelled with diesel oil and rape oil methyl esters. The results of unitary tests desribed in the paper do not allow to generalize the conclusion. It is however probable that the settings of the engines fuelled with vegetable fuels should be changed.
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