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Problem segregacji odpadów szczególnie w aspekcie wymogów Unii Europejskiej nabiera szczególnego znaczenia. W ostatnich latach w Polsce powstało szereg aktów prawnych dotyczących segregacji, utylizacji oraz recyklingu odpadów. W pracy omówiono sposoby katalogowania odpadów oraz plan gospodarowania odpadmi.
The problem of waste segregation, in particular the aspect of requirements of the European Union, is important. Last years in Poland there have been drawn up many legal acts concerning segregation and recycling of waste. In order to facilitate presentation of the process of recovery, utilization and segregation of waste in accordance with the law, there was conducted the analysis on the basis of a small enterprise dealing with secondary raw materials’ recycling, such as waste paper, LDPE and PE foil, and PP and PS plastic company.
The study deals with the results of operational tests of gear oils used in a regional railway transport system. The character of the aging process and the impact of gear oil operation on the main factors determining further usability of gear oil have been defined on the basis of the results of carried out tests. It was proved that transport systems lack reliable convenient diagnostic methods for gear oil used during the process of operation. One of the criteria taken into consideration in decision-making is the period of oil change imposed by the gear manufacturer. The long process of oil application is accompanied by physicochemical changes, which cause degradation of its properties. This phenomenon is referred to as oil aging. This fact can cause loss of viscosity, increase in the amount of pollution, and in effect a decrease in the ability to provide a durable boundary film. The lubricating ability of oil decreases as well. An increase in the amount of pollution is caused by interaction of the collaborating friction elements and by pollutants coming from the gear environment. These changes are of permanent character and reflect the state of new characteristics referred to as operational characteristics. Gear oils have a certain lubricating ability, which is a critical parameter. This study is an attempt to find a way of the oil service life extension and convince the propulsion systems manufacturers that reduction of costs connected with rail vehicle maintenance does make sense.
Reaching of high parameters of a drive unit and low pollution of the natural environment is considered to be the most desired effect of motorization. The use of the additive in the form of fatty acid methyl esters to the diesel oil, assumes lowering of harmful fuel gases’ emission and reaching high operating parameters of an engine, such as power and turning moment. Studies on the power output and the turning moment of an engine with self-ignition are presented in the study. The subject matter of the studies was a combustion engine with self-ignition of the power of 80 kW with the direct common rail system and turbo-compressor’s supercharging and with electromagnetic injectors. The tested engine was powered with diesel oil and the mixture of fatty acid methyl esters and the diesel fuel, in proportions 10%, 30% and 50% with an improver, at the standard settings of the fuel injection controllers. The vehicle used for the testing purposes, has been singled out with respect to the specific features, such as: universality of its use as a means of transportation and the opportunity of modification of the injection parameters, resistance to possible unfavourable consequences resulting from the use of the fuel mixture. The studies were conducted on a chassis test house, at full engine’s loading. The vehicle placed on the test house’s rollers, was strapped with belts to the foundation, and then accelerated up to the specific speed and subjected to loading standing in place. In such a manner, the road conditions were simulated. The obtained results of the tests were subject to the statistical analysis. From their analysis it results, that application of the mixture lowers the engine’s parameters to a degree unnoticeable at the time of its operation.
Rosnąca ilość odpadów, ich selekcja i zbiór stały się globalnym problemem, którego rozwiązanie wymaga zarówno zaangażowania logistycznego, jak i prawnego. Ich transport jest elementem gospodarki odpadami. Transport odpadów to proces przenoszenia ładunku z miejsca jego wytworzenia do miejsca jego przechowywania, odzysku lub unieszkodliwienia. Usługi transportowe związane z obsługą odpadów są świadczone przez niezależne firmy transportowe lub przez firmy zajmujące się odzyskiem, magazynowaniem lub wykorzystaniem odpadów. Do tego celu wykorzystywane są specjalistyczne pojazdy.
The increasing volume of waste has become a global problem, solution of which requires logistic and legal engagement. Waste transport is the management of elements of the economy. It is also the process of relocation of cargo from the place of generation to the place of storage. Transportation services connected with handling of waste are rendered by independent transportation companies or by companies dealing with recovery, storage or utilization of waste.
Transport drogowy jest dynamicznie rozwijającą się gałęzią gospodarki, co przekłada się na zagrożenia związane z procesami transportowymi. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących liczby zdarzeń drogowych z udziałem pojazdów danego przedsiębiorstwa w odniesieniu do wieku kierowców. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały zwiększone ryzyko powstania zdarzenia drogowego przez kierowców w wieku do 30. roku życia. Za najczęściej występujące przyczyny zdarzeń drogowych spowodowane przez czynnik ludzki uznano niedostosowanie prędkości do warunków panujących na drodze oraz nieprzestrzeganie pierwszeństwa przejazdu.
Road transport is a rapidly growing sector of the economy, which translates to the risks associated with transport processes. The work presents the results of research concerning the number of road accidents involving vehicles the company with regard to the age of the drivers . The study showed an increased risk of traffic incident by drivers under the age of 30 years old. For the most common causes of road accidents caused by human factor was inappropriate speed for road conditions and failure of way.
As a result of the conducted tests on the gross calorific value and the volumes of ash for fuels of Standard and Premium type available at Polish fuel distributors it was found that the tested parameters in most cases showed no substantial differences. The tests conducted with the use of a calorimeter showed relationship between the gross calorific value and the volume of the deposit that remained for both the types of fuels (the higher results of the gross calorific value the lower volume of deposit remaining after burning).
W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań ciepła spalania oraz ilości popiołu dla paliw typu Standard oraz paliw typu Premium dostępnych u polskich dystrybutorów paliw stwierdzono, iż badane parametry nie wykazują w większości przypadków istotnych różnic. Badania prowadzone przy użyciu kalorymetru wykazały zależność pomiędzy ciepłem spalania, a ilością pozostałego osadu dla obu typu paliw (im wyższe wyniki ciepła spalania, tym mniejsza ilość osadu pozostałego po spaleniu).
The article presents the results of laboratory tests of selected properties of fuels available on the market and fuels with higher density component B100 obtained from rapeseed oil (10, 30, 50 and 100%). An analysis of the cetane number, viscosity, and weight of the ash remaining after combustion of fuel samples was made. It was found that the cetane number of pure biocomponent is higher than diesel oil of mineral origin and it slowly decreased along with a decrease in the Extras component. All tested samples of fuels have appropriate cetane number to power internal combustion engines with compression ignition. The viscosity of the fuel samples measured at a temperature of 30ºC increased along with an increase in the content of biocomponent and approached the limit values for fuels. According to the results presented by other authors in their studies ash mass decreased along with an increase in the content of the component. Only premium diesel showed less ash mass than other fuel. The study includes also the energy value and the calorific value of liquid fuels with addition of a biocomponent, which power diesel engines. The results of the tests indicate a slight decrease in the calorific value of the fuel along with an increase in the content of biocomponent, which does not affect the ability to power the engines. Laboratory tests have proved that use of methyl esters of fatty acids in diesel fuel is the right choice to power diesel engines.
The problems of generation and management of municipal wastes generated by households are presented in this article. The numeric data concerning the volumes of generated municipal wastes, their processing and costs related to their storage in two, independent of each other districts are presented here. The obtained results were compared with assumptions established by these districts when the act came into effect. The quantity of waste per capita varies from 0.13 to 0.30 Mg/year.
The volumes of wastes produced at selected farms and the manner of their management are subject to analysis in this study. The wastes from plastics have been divided into four basic groups depending on their type. The volumes and the assortment of wasted from plastics formed at the time of agrarian production in the period of 3 years have been analysed. On the basis of the performed studies, the volumes of wastes from plastics produced at a farm amounts to 57,4 kg⋅ha-1 of a farm’s area. In the analysed period no statistically important changes in the volumes of wastes from plastics were observed at the examined farms.
Analizie poddano ilości odpadów wytwarzanych w wybranych gospodarstwach rolniczych oraz sposób ich zagospodarowania. Odpady z tworzyw sztucznych podzielono na cztery podstawowe grupy w zależności od ich rodzaju. Analizowano ilość oraz asortyment odpadów z tworzyw sztucznych powstających podczas produkcji rolniczej w okresie trzech lat. Na podstawie zrealizowanych badań zidentyfikowano ilości odpadów z tworzyw sztucznych wytwarzanych w gospodarstwach rolniczych, co jak obliczono wynosi średnio 57,4 kg⋅ha-1 powierzchni gospodarstwa i w badanym okresie nie stwierdzono zmian istotnych statystycznie.
Zbadano gęstość bel powstających w procesie zagęszczania odpadów z różnych rodzajów tworzyw polimerowych. Stwierdzono zależność gęstości zagęszczonego materiału od rodzaju tworzywa i wykorzystanej belownicy poziomej. Największy (35,6%) wzrost gęstości zaobserwowano dla folii bezbarwnej PEHD przy wzroście ciśnienia prasowania o 22%. Dla folii PELD wzrost ten był nieco niższy i wynosił 35%. Najmniejszy wzrost gęstości (28,3%) stwierdzono dla odpadów z butelek PET.
The density of bale formed during compaction of waste composed of different plastics was analyzed. Dependence between density of compacted material and a type of horizontal baler was confirmed. The largest increase of density (up to 35.6%) was observed for the colorless HDPE film at the increase of compression pressure of 22%. For the PELD film this increase was slightly lower and reached 35%. The smallest increase of density (28.3%) was observed for PET bottles waste.
The purpose of the article is to present the volumes of hazardous wastes’ and other than hazardous wastes’ generation generated in the transport enterprise equipped with its own technical facilities and rendering services of vehicles maintenance within its own scope. Moreover, in the study there is presented the catalogue of wastes generated in the described enterprise, manner of wastes’ storage and manners of their subsequent management.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie ilości wytwarzania odpadów niebezpiecznych oraz innych niż niebezpieczne w przedsiębiorstwie transportowym, wyposażonym we własne zaplecze techniczne i wykonującym obsługi pojazdów we własnym zakresie. Ponadto w pracy przedstawiony został katalog odpadów wytwarzanych w opisywanym przedsiębiorstwie, sposób magazynowania odpadów oraz sposoby późniejszego ich zagospodarowania.
W pracy poddano analizie pracochłonność wykonywania poszczególnych prac związanych z obsługami technicznymi i naprawami pojazdów transportowych typu hakowiec. Największy stopień awaryjności stwierdzono w układzie nadwozia oraz podwozia wybranych pojazdów. W opracowaniu dokonano analizy, podczas rocznego okresu badań, napraw elementów podwozia wyróżnionej grupy pojazdów, eksploatowanych w przedsiębiorstwie transportowym. Obliczono również sumaryczne czasy niezdatności analizowanych pojazdów oraz określono pracochłonność napraw związanych z układem nadwozia. Na podstawie zrealizowanych badań zaproponowano najbardziej odpowiednią strategię eksploatacyjną niniejszego przedsiębiorstwa.
The study deals with labor consumption involved in particular tasks connected with maintenance and repair of transport vehicles of the hook lift type. The highest failure frequency has been found for the vehicle body and chassis. The study is based on results of one year investigation concerning repairs of components of the chassis performed for a group of selected vehicles used in a transport company. Also summary times of the analyzed vehicles being unusable have been calculated. Labor consumption involved in the vehicles body repairs has been determined. On the basis of the object research it was found the most appropriate operation strategy on functioning of the considered company.
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