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Water wave scattering by two thin symmetric plates submerged in water of uniform finite depth is investigated here assuming the linear theory. The problem is formulated in terms of two hypersingular integral equations involving the discontinuities in the symmetric and antisymmetric potential functions describing the motion in the fluid, across one of the plates. These are solved approximately by an expansion-cum-collocation method in which the unknown discontinuities across a plate are approximated by a finite series involving Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind. The reflection and transmission coefficients are then obtained numerically. The numerical results for the reflection coefficient are depicted graphically against the wave number for different configurations of the plates. It is observed that if the depth of submergence of the mid points of the plates below the free surface is of the order of one-tenth of the depth of the water bottom, then the deep water results effectively hold good. Also known results for two thin vertical plates, a single vertical plate are recovered as special cases.
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