W ostatnich latach wielkość produkcji polimerów styrenu w Polsce wahała się w granicach 80-100 tys. ton rocznie. W 2004 r. wielkość ta wynosiła 96,3 tys. ton. Do 2010 r. średnie światowe zużycie polistyrenu na wzrastać średnio rocznie o 4,4%. Podobnie szacuje się wzrost wielkości zużycia polistyrenu w Polsce.
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The study presents test results of thermal oxygen desorption from water in a column apparatus with packet packing. The shape of packet packing is presented in Fig. 2a. During the test, final oxygen in water was determined together with water temperature after desorption at alternating intensity of vapour flow directed to desorption column and at alternating number of layers and configuration of packet packing. The experiments were carried out for 4 and 7 compact layers of packing and for 4 layers spaced at a distance equal to the height of the layer. The lowest oxygen concentration was reached for a packet consisting of 7 compact packing layers (see Fig. 4, 5). Achieved results of final oxygen content prove that packet packing is useful in thermal desorption apparatus. Obtained results in the experiments are presented by means of Heigh of Transfer Unit method. Equation 1 presents a definition of number of transfer unit (N) during the thermal oxygen desorption from water process. Relationship between HTU and numbers of packet layers are presented in the Fig. 6. On the graph one can see increase of HTU value with increasing of numbers of packet layers. The height of transfer unit (HTU) achieved in the experiments reaches low values which shows that the process of mass exchange is effective confirming usefulness of apparatus with packet packing in thermal desorption process.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań termicznej desorpcji tlenu z wody w aparacie kolumnowym z wypełnieniem pakietowym przy zmiennych parametrach ruchowych desorbera oraz zmiennej konfiguracji wypełnienia pakietowego. Uzyskane wyniki przedstawiono w oparciu o metodę posługującą jednostkową wysokością wymiany masy (HTU). Praca prezentuje ponadto model fizykalny procesu oparty na analizie przepływu faz w aparacie.
The study presents test results of thermal oxygen desorption from water in a column apparatus with packet packing. During the test, final oxygen content in water was determined at alternating intensity of vapour flow directed to desorption column and at alternating number of layers and configuration of packet packing. Obtained results are presented by means of Height of Transfer Unit (HTU) method.
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In this paper the experimental results of the researches of particle attrition in stirred vessel have been presented. The work presents also the effects of attrition in the processes for decontamination of soil.
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