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W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję narzędzia badawczego, umożliwiającego weryfikację modelu dojrzałości w obszarze publicznego zarządzania kryzysowego. Zaprezentowano główne założenia autorskiego modelu dojrzałości, który będzie podlegał weryfikacji na podstawie zbudowanego kwestionariusza. Kwestionariusz składa się z ośmiu elementów badawczych, natomiast w artykule przedstawiono w sposób szczegółowy dwa z nich, reprezentujące obszar procesowy związany z procesem zarządzania ryzykiem oraz obszar procesowy związany z realizacją procesów zarządczych w organizacji. Opracowanie zawiera również opis kluczowych zasad dotyczących przeprowadzenia badania pilotażowego, które wykonanie planowane jest w pierwszej połowie 2018 roku.
This article presents the concept of a research instrument which enables the verification of a maturity model in the area of public crisis management. The main assumptions of the maturity model which will be verified by the questionnaire are described. The questionnaire consists of eight components, and the article presents two of them in detail – concerning risk management and the management processes in an organization. The study also contains a description of the key principles of conducting a pilot study, which is planned to be carried out in the first half of 2018.
W artykule przedstawiono założenia modelu dojrzałości organizacji dedykowanego dla obszaru publicznego zarządzania kryzysowego. Autorki przybliżyły koncepcję modeli dojrzałości, jak również opisały najważniejsze jego elementy. W ramach opracowania określono również strukturę modelu, zidentyfikowano kluczowe obszary procesowe oraz zestaw praktyk ogólnych i specyficznych, na podstawie których należy dokonać oceny dojrzałości.
The article presents the assumptions of the maturity model of an organization dedicated to the area of public crisis management. The authors explain the concept of maturity models, as well as describing the most important elements. The study also identifies the structure of the model, the key process areas and a set of general and specific practices, which are the basis to assess the maturity.
Praca prezentuje metodę oceny ryzyka w zarządzaniu kryzysowym w jednostkach administracji terytorialnej. W publikacji zawarto główne założenia metody, przedstawiono etapy oceny ryzyka oraz zidentyfikowane metody wspomagające. Zaprezentowana metoda bazuje na identyfikacji systemów infrastruktury krytycznej, co umożliwia uwzględnienie wszystkich zagrożeń istotnych z punktu widzenia tych systemów. Zapełnia ona lukę poznawczą w obszarze sposobu dokonania oceny ryzyka na potrzeby zarządzania kryzysowego.
The paper presents the method of risk assessment in crisis management in territorial administrative unit. Main assumption of the methodology, the steps of risk assessment and the supportive methods are shown. The presented method is based on the identification of critical infrastructure systems, which makes it possible to take into consideration all the threats that are relevant to these systems. It fills the cognitive gap in the field of risk assessment for crisis management purposes.
Six Sigma as the continuation of comprehensive quality management TQM is of interest to many enterprises. Unfortunately, not everybody successfully implements quality improvement projects using Six Sigma tools. This approach requires proper preparation in many areas of the company’s operation, including: organization of processes, establishing measures, employee engagement and creating conditions for continuous improvement. The goal of the article is to present on the case study the idea of using the organizational maturity model for production management to assess a readiness of organization to implement Six Sigma. The case study presents a company maturity level diagnosis and a successful project of quality and productivity improvement using the Six Sigma concept, confirming that the organization’s maturity model is the appropriate tool for assessing multi-faceted preparation for successful implementation of Six Sigma projects.
The issue of protection and development of the cultural landscape is an integral part of spatial planning at all levels. Progressing from the nineteenth century, interest in natural and anthropogenic landscape over the years has become the basis for conducting this research and the creation of a series of documents. Their result was to legitimize the principles of protection and landscaping by acts of planning. Advanced action in this area conducted by the European countries are beginning to exert more and more emphasis on setting the protection and development of the cultural landscape as one of the main objectives of planning in Poland.
Problematyka ochrony i kształtowania krajobrazu kulturowego stanowi nieodłączny element planowania przestrzennego zarówno na poziomie krajowym, regionalnym jak i lokalnym. Postępujące od XIX wieku zainteresowanie krajobrazem naturalnym i antropogenicznym z biegiem lat stało się podstawą do prowadzenia w tym zakresie badań naukowych, powstawania poświęconych owej tematyce wielu publikacji i szeregu dokumentów a w końcu i usankcjonowania zasad postępowania w jego ochronie i kształtowaniu poprzez akty planowania przestrzennego. W porównaniu z działaniami w zakresie planowania krajobrazów kulturowych podejmowanymi w Polsce, kraje europejskie odznaczają się znacznym stopniem zaawansowania zarówno w sferze działań pozaustatwowych jak i naukowo - badawczych. Pomimo, że nie są one sporządzane w trybie obligatoryjnym stanowią obiecującą perspektywę dla realizacji wyznaczonych celów w aspekcie przeobrażeń krajobrazów kulturowych. Nawiązując do wzmożonego zainteresowania krajobrazem kulturowym za granicą i stosowanych w państwach europejskich praktyk należy również i w Polsce za jeden z najważniejszych celów planistycznych postawić ochronę i kształtowanie krajobrazów kulturowych. Mnogie dziedzictwo kulturowe w Polsce wymaga przeprowadzenia szczegółowych badań i studiów krajobrazowych oraz działań stanowiących podstawę do systematycznego postępowania w tworzeniu systemu ochrony i kształtowania krajobrazów kulturowych.
W artykule podjęto próbę usystematyzowania organizacji o strukturze sieciowej w obszarze logistyki społecznej w odniesieniu do sytuacji kryzysowych. Pokazano definicję logistyki społecznej na tle istniejącego rozumienia logistyki. Dokonano charakterystyki logistyki w sytuacjach kryzysowych i wskazano na organizacje o strukturze sieciowej obecnie realizujące zadania logistyki w sytuacjach kryzysowych. W pracy zawarto przegląd i klasyfikację organizacji sieciowych oraz przedstawiono charakterystykę struktur międzyorganizacyjnych. Określono również rodzaje relacji sieciowych istotnych dla logistyki w sytuacjach kryzysowych. W artykule zidentyfikowano rodzaje organizacji o strukturze sieciowej, które mogą mieć istotne znaczenia dla realizacji zakładanych celów w zarządzaniu kryzysowym. Przedstawiono warunki tworzenia i rozwoju organizacji o strukturze sieciowej w obszarze logistyki w sytuacjach kryzysowych.
The article attempts to systematize the organization with a network structure in the area of social logistics in reference to crisis situations. The definition of social logistics against the existing understanding of logistics was presented. Logistics in crisis situations was also characterized with indication to organization with a network structure that implements logistics tasks in crisis situations. The study included the review and classification of the network organizations and the characteristic of the network structure. The types of network relations, which are important in the area of logistic in crisis situations, were defined. The article identified types of organization with a network structure, which may have significant importance for the realization of the objectives in crisis management. The conditions for the creation and development of the organization with a network structure in the area of logistics in crisis situations were shown.
W artykule przeanalizowano nurty zarządzania organizacjami publicznymi oraz przedstawiono przegląd współczesnych koncepcji zarządzania wraz z instrumentarium powiązanych metod i technik. Przeanalizowano pod kątem możliwości zastosowania w zarządzaniu kryzysowym koncepcje zarządzania: Lean Management, TOC, Kaizen, TQM, organizacje innowacyjne, zarządzanie zmianą, wiedzą i kompetencjami, organizacje sieciowe, zarządzanie przez projekty i benchmarkingu. Celem tej analizy jest wskazanie, które koncepcje, metody i techniki organizatorskie (dobre praktyki) mogą być zastosowane w poszczególnych fazach zarządzania kryzysowego.
The article defines the trends of public organizations management and provides an overview of modern management concepts along with instrumentation of related methods and techniques. Following management concepts were analyzed for possible use in crisis management: Lean Management, TOC, Kaizen, TQM, innovative organizations, change management, knowledge management, competence management, network organizations, management by projects and benchmarking. The purpose of this analysis is to identify which concepts, methods and techniques (best practices) can be used in different phases of crisis management.
W artykule przedstawiono metodę budowy zespołu analitycznego oszacowania ryzyka w jednostce administracji publicznej, opartą na koncepcji Action Learning (AL), która jest wykorzystywana do rozwiązywania tzw. otwartych problemów. Do zadań zespołu należą: identyfikacja zagrożeń oraz analiza i ocena ryzyka dla potrzeb zarządzania kryzysowego. Zaprezentowano organizację zespołu z uwzględnieniem analizy interesariuszy (stałych i incydentalnych), wyboru przedstawicieli, przypisania ról poszczególnych członkom zespołu oraz oceny potencjału stworzonego zespołu za pomocą matrycy kompetencji.
The article presents a method of building risk assessment team in a unit of public administration, This method is based on the concept of Action Learning (AL) which is used to solve the „open problems”. The tasks of the team include: hazard identification but also risk analysis and assessment for the purposes of crisis management. The article presents also the organization of the team with regard to stakeholder analysis (fixed and incidental), the election of representatives, the assignment roles of team members and the assessment the potential of team by creating competence matrix.
Celem artykułu jest przeanalizowanie stosowanych metod kompleksowej oceny ryzyka oraz przedstawienie koncepcji własnego modelu wielokryterialnej oceny ryzyka w systemach infrastruktury krytycznej. Model opiera się na ważonej ocenie wielokryterialnej, umożliwiającej tworzenie syntetycznego miernika z pewnej liczby mierników cząstkowych. Zagregowane oceny wielokryterialne są tworzone i wykorzystywane w wielu dziedzinach do wielowymiarowej oceny różnych obiektów.
The aim of the paper is to analyze applied methods of complex risk assessment and to present a conception of the author’s model of multi-criteria risk assessment applied to Critical Infrastructure systems. A model is based on weighted multi-criteria assessment, which allows formulating a synthetic indicator based on a number of the sub-indicators. The aggregated multi-criteria assessment methods are formulated and used in many fields to multi-dimensional estimation of different objectives.
Content available remote Wdrażanie standaryzacji pracy w przedsiębiorstwach produkcyjnych
The study consists of four parts. First includes common explanation, the role and meaning of standardized work. Two approaches to standardization: Taylor's (traditional unit-cost-focused manufacturing) and lean manufacturing (waste reduction results in lower total cost, improved deli-very and quality) are presented and apart from that, a standardized work is shown as a fundament for lean manufacturing concept. Basing on literature research the definition and purposes of it and the elements relevant to this question (tact time, cycle time, quality specification, work sequence, auto/machine time, completion time and in-process stock) are clarified. In the second part implementing conditions (repeatable work, reliable equipment, quality and safety) and the documentation (Standardized Work Sheet, Standardized Work Combination Table, Production Capacity Chart, Operator Balance Chart, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Chart) has been described. Model Standardized Work Sheet is presented and characterized, including all its elements. As well as the procedure of creating Standardized Work Sheets, with all steps required. Third part includes case study analysis. Based on studies of two cases (simple production worker and operator), faced implementation conditions, its process and effects are shown. Two Standardized Work Sheets for described work places are presented. Research results for the whole line (regarding eighteen Standardized Work Sheets for the production line) are shown in aspects concerning: VA operations and work place load. In summary, the features of the standardized work have been classified as knowledge management tools (tapped in gathering, codification, transfer and using of knowledge). As well as problems and constraints that companies have to deal with during implementation of standardization and the way of solving them. In the end the benefits of using standardization are presented.
Content available remote Planowanie gospodarki remontowej floty samochodowej w dużej firmie transportowej
In this paper authors show problems related to the maintenance of car fleet in a large transport enterprise. The goal of such maintenance is to maximize the ability to carry out transport orders by minimizing service and repair times or number of breakdowns, as well as exploiting objective vehicles with the best possible characteristics. The research is a result of a case study conducted in a large car transport company (c.a. 800 lorries with trailers), which manages its own repair shop. In repair shops the most common ways of controlling repair orders are based on either FIFO (First In First Out) rule or the priority of servicing given by the management. Such ways of production control are not optimal while considering the goal of minimizing the time a car stays in a repair shop. Taking into account above-mentioned conditions, as well as the diffrentiation of orders and the probabilistic nature of the demand (e.g. failures or accidents), the queues of vehicles requiring servicing are a recurring problem. In this paper, the authors present their own heuristic priority rule aiming at optimisation of vehicles' queue management. Using the IDEF0 and structured analysis methodology (vide [8]), they have created a model of repairs planning information system, designed in a way that enables the improvement of maintenance organisation. It is worth noticing that the objective system betters processes both within the repair shop and between the workshop and the persons responsible for the fleet management. It may also include the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) factor for road vehicles, which calculation method has been independently established by the authors. The findings of this research are as follows: a/ applying the priority rule improves vehicles' queue management in a repair shop, b/ proper design of information systems improves fleet maintenance in a transport enterprise and helps to implement TPM. Objective priority rule should be validated in real conditions and the correspondent information system needs to be further developed.
W artykule omówiono podstawowe założenia Teorii Ograniczeń (Theory of Constraints). Zaprezentowany został symulator produkcyjny GSim, wykorzystywany w procesie poznawania założeń Teorii Ograniczeń i praktycznego opanowania Procesu Pięciu Kroków usprawniania systemów produkcyjnych. Dokonano charakterystyki środowiska produkcyjnego. Przeprowadzono i opisano cztery symulacje na podstawowym zestawie parametrów PARAMS850. Pierwsza symulacja oparta jest na dotychczasowej wiedzy i doświadczeniu uczestników, natomiast każda następna polega na praktycznym zastosowaniu kolejnych kroków Teorii Ograniczeń. Symulacje te umożliwiły zaobserwowanie, w jaki sposób konsekwentne zastosowanie podstawowych zasad Teorii Ograniczeń powoduje sukcesywną poprawę uzyskiwanych wyników.
The fundamental assumptions of the Theory of Constraints were discussed. Manufacturing simulator GSim used to study the assumptions of the Theory of Constraints and to gain the practical acquaintance with Five Focusing Steps Process of improving manufacturing systems was presented. The characteristic of manufacturing environment was conducted. Four simulations with basic parameters' set PARAMS850 were run and described. First simulation is based on the participants' previous knowledge and experience, however the following ones consist in applying the succeeding steps of the Theory of Constraints. The simulations enabled to observe the way the consistent application of basic principles of the Theory of Constraints leads to the gradual improvement of the collected output.
Content available remote Usprawnienie procesu produkcyjnego farb z wykorzystaniem teorii ograniczeń
In this article a case study is presented based on Theory of Constraints (TOC). that is still not well known and rarely applied in Polish enterprises to solving technical problems. The case deals with the EKOFARB company - a producer of W/B paints for building branch. The article is split into two parts: - A theoretical one describing fundamentals and TOC tools, and - applied one, showing how by using a number of the TOC tools the EKOFARB company increased its productivity. In the theoretical part the TOC fundamentals and a five step process (identification, exploitation, subordination, elevation, go back to step one) that is treated as universal way of making solutions to different problems are presented. In particular a drum-buffer-rope (DBR) model based method designed to solve problems concerning production management is described. In the second part it is shown how the five step process and DBR model was applied to increase the analysed company production by 25%. The filling line was identified within the paint production process as a constraint (bottleneck). Based on this, it was suggested how to exploit the constraint to eliminate the brakes in its work, to take advantage from its production abilities effectively and to react simultaneously to demand in a flexible way. Then it is explained how to subordinate to the constraint activities before the filling (high speed disperser and let down) and those which come after (collection and putting containers with paints to the warehouse). Finally, to elevate the filling phase, it was proposed to purchase another paint filling line which would enlarge production abilities.
The Lean Manufacturing is a management system which leads to enormous productivity improvement and makes company more competitive. It is based on an assumption that five major principles are respected: 1. A value of each product is precisely determined by a customer's need. 2. A value stream for each product is identified. 3. A continuous product production flow is ensured. 4. The pull concept for the production control is applied according to a market demand for the product. 5. Perfect quality of products and customer services are guaranteed. The LM principles seem to be simple and obvious. However, physical implementation tends to be a hard and sophisticated task. Transformation into a Lean Enterprise is a long-term or even never ending process. In order to ensure high effectiveness of this initiative, new methods and techniques, which are linked together, have to be gradually implemented. Presented article is divided into two parts. In the first part, LM is shown as a system of interacted tools (methods and rules), which are chosen purposefully. In the second part, there is a description of a practical example of productivity improvement program based on LM tools implemented in Philips Lighting Poland S.A. Philips Lighting Electronics Poland (PLEP) has been implementing the LM concept for 2 years. This effort has resulted not only in cost reduction, but also in shortening the lead time, reduced the final assembly stock and improved level and quality of services. One of the latest projects was focused on productivity improvement in an electronic circuits final assembly area. The target was achieved by implementation of 'U' shape cells, which work according to the third LM principle - the continuous flow. At first a value stream map was created, and relying on gathered figures each operation was classified to one of the following categories: 1. Value-adding operation - operation that creates value from the customer point of view. 2. No value-adding but necessary - operations which do not create value, but are necessary for production process to be performed. 3. Pure waste - not adding operations that might be eliminated immediately. Basing on the analysis results, a new model of assembly process was designed. Implementation of the new model required applying techniques and solutions such as: - Elimination of organisational barrier between particular workstations by bringing them closer; - Layout according to operations' sequence; - Multifunctional operators (one operator can manage to operate a few operations); - 'U' shape lay-out which helps to implement multi-handling concept; - Operators workload balance (according to Tact Time); - Reduction of seven wastes by getting rid of handling, transport shortening, better utilization of operation etc. - The WIP reduction achieved by continuous flow, and variability elimination; - Flexible adoption to a customer's demand; Proposed solution was also supported by systems which had been implemented before: 5S, TPM, kaizen. The result of this project is 50% productivity improvement measured in relation to the size of production per one worker in the final assembly area.
W pracy zostały zaprezentowane dwie metody restrukturyzacji przedsiębiorstw: lean management i outsourcing oraz ich wpływ na struktury organizacyjne. Wynikiem ich zastosowania jest zasadnicza zmiana w budowie i funkcjonowaniu organizacji oraz kształtowanie się nowych relacji z otoczeniem. Szczególnym problemem staje się wówczas integracja współpracujących ze sobą przedsiębiorstw zwana integracją międzyorganizacyjną. Jest ona realizowana w ramach tzw. struktur sieciowych. W opracowaniu zostały przedstawione następujące problemy: - geneza i rozwój integracji między organizacyjnej; - podstawowe zasady lean management ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem narzędzi transformacji przedsiębiorstw w kierunku lean enterprise oraz znaczenie tej metody dla poprawy produktywności i konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw; - outsourcing jako metoda kształtowania efektywnych struktur przedsiębiorstw; kryteria i metody wydzielania obszarów działalności i funkcji, przesłanki współdziałania gospodarczego oraz zasady oceny efektywności; - ewolucja oraz typowe formy sieciowych struktur przedsiębiorstw: struktury procesowe, zintegrowane projektowanie wyrobów i procesów, zintegrowane łańcuchy dostaw, przedsiębiorstwa fraktalne, przedsiębiorstwa wirtualne, klastry przedsiębiorstw.
Two methods for restructuring a company according to lean management and outsourcing organization models and their influence on company organization structure are presented in this article. Application of these methods results in a significant change inside an organization and the way it functions as well as in building new relations in its business environment. During its implementation integration of cooperating companies, known as inter-organizational integration, creates a particularly significant problem, so it is carried out in a frame of structures". The following topics are presented in the paper: - the origin and growth of the inter-organizational integration; - basic rules of lean management and a method and tools for transforming a company into a lean enterprise, and the significance of the method for the improvement of company productivity and competitiveness;outsourcing as a method of shaping effective organizational structures, criteria and methods of sectioning fields of operation and functions, reasons for economic cooperation and rules for the evaluation of effectiveness; typical network structures and their evolution: process oriented structures, integrated design of products and processes, integrated supply chains, fractal enterprises, virtual enterprises and company clusters.
Content available remote Metoda wielokryterialnej oceny produktywności
To improve their competitiveness Polish companies must increase their productivity. To achieve this goal by means of planned measures and ensure effective productivity control companies need fast and effective tools for measuring their productivity. Based on works of different authors it may be noticed that does not exist a single universal measurement for productivity of production systems. The productivity may be measured by application of a set of indices selected properly for particular needs of a company. However, simultaneous evaluation and analysis of many indices is difficult and complex. A multi criteria method for evaluation of productivity described in this paper allows aggregation of partial productivity measurements. The goal of the method is to create a synthetic productivity index composed of a number of partial measurements, to analyze a joint influence on productivity of the system or subsystem. The method is composed of four following steps: 1. Selecting of productivity indexes, to be included into the synthetic productivity index. 2. Selecting of normalizing functions. The normalizing function transforms initial value of an index into a value usually in the range between 0 and 10 (0 means "lowest possible'', 5 - "acceptable", and 10 - "excellence"). 3. Selecting of weighting factors. A value of each factor should reflect a relative significance of a particular factor in the synthetic index. 4. Calculation of the synthetic productivity index as a weighted average of normalized values of partial measurements. Values of the synthetic index may be analyzed to observe their trend or to compare a number of companies of the same industry. The multi criteria method for evaluation of productivity may be widen to cover other areas belonging to a company's Key Performance Factors. A synthetic efficiency index is calculated as a double weighted average - first in relation to normalized values of particular measurements characterizing each of the Key Performance Factors analyzed, secondly - in relation to individual synthetic values of each of the key factors.
In the paper a concept and organizational rules for the doctor studies in the field of "Production Management, Technology Transfer, Productivity. and Technology Innovations" are presented. The studies have been conduced al the Faculty of Industrial Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology since 1997 as a day and extra-mural study. In more detail the following issues are covered: the doctor studies goals, their frame programme, recruitment rules, the role and responsibilities of the Programme Board, and examples of doctor theses. Finally some numbers related to the studies and relevant practical experience are demonstrated.
The paper indicates production processes as a significant competitive factor for manufacturing companies. They can be characterized by a set of time related parameters such as a production cycle for the company or for the whole logistic chain, including purchasing of raw materials and distribution chains. Time-based Management and Time-based Competition are time-related strategies for production processes design and improvement. A production process is composed of value-adding operations, non-value-adding operations and operations just creating waste. Kaizen (Continuous Improvement) and re-engineering are tools to be used to improve production processes in a very different way and at the different conditions, which are presented in the paper.
Content available remote Kaizen
Kaizen to strategia, która zrewolucjonizowała gospodarkę japońską na przestrzeni ostatnich 30 lat. Działania Kaizen mogą być zorientowane na poprawę produktywności, poprawę jakości, usprawnianie organizacji stanowisk roboczych, redukcję strat, na rozwiązywanie doraźnych sposobów obniżenia kosztów produkcji.
W gospodarce rynkowej wzrost produktywności jest upatrywany jako podstawowy czynnik wzrostu gospodarczego i poprawy warunków życia społeczeństwa.
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