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A weakly nonlinear thermal instability is investigated under rotation speed modulation. Using the perturbation analysis, a nonlinear physical model is simplified to determine the convective amplitude for oscillatory mode. A non-autonomous complex Ginzburg-Landau equation for the finite amplitude of convection is derived based on a small perturbed parameter. The effect of rotation is found either to stabilize or destabilize the system. The Nusselt number is obtained numerically to present the results of heat transfer. It is found that modulation has a significant effect on heat transport for lower values of ωf while no effect for higher values. It is also found that modulation can be used alternately to control the heat transfer in the system. Further, oscillatory mode enhances heat transfer rather than stationary mode.
The present article aims at investigating the effect of gravity modulation on chaotic convection of a viscoelastic fluid in porous media. For this, the problem is reduced into Lorenz system (non-autonomous) by employing the truncated Galerkin expansion method. The system shows transitions from periodic to chaotic behavior on increasing the scaled Rayleigh number R. The amplitude of modulation advances the chaotic nature in the system while the frequency of modulation has a tendency to delay the chaotic behavior which is in good agreement with the results due to [1]. The behavior of the scaled relaxation and retardation parameter on the system is also studied. The phase portrait and time domain diagrams of the Lorenz system for suitable parameter values have been used to analyze the system.
Laminar natural convection in a trapezoidal porous vertical cavity has been investigated in this work. It is assumed that the porous enclosure is filled up with a permeable material subject to hydrodynamic and thermal anisotropy, the flow being governed by the Darcy law as applicable to a non-isotropic medium. It is further assumed that (i) there is heating at the left vertical wall and cooling at the right wall of the enclosure and (ii) the flow domain is subject to the presence of heat source or heat sink. The partial differential equations governing the resulting free convection have been solved numerically in the non-dimensional forms. There arises a number of parameters relating to buoyancy, internal heating, cavity aspect ratio and inclination of the upper surface to the horizontal. The influence of these parameters has been illustrated and analyzed through contours of streamlines and isotherms. We have also discussed the role of internal heating as well as anisotropy on the heat transfer characteristics.
In this paper, we investigate the combined effect of internal heating and time periodic gravity modulation in a viscoelastic fluid saturated porous medium by reducing the problem into a complex non-autonomous Ginzgburg-Landau equation. Weak nonlinear stability analysis has been performed by using power series expansion in terms of the amplitude of gravity modulation, which is assumed to be small. The Nusselt number is obtained in terms of the amplitude for oscillatory mode of convection. The influence of viscoelastic parameters on heat transfer has been discussed. Gravity modulation is found to have a destabilizing effect at low frequencies and a stabilizing effect at high frequencies. Finally, it is found that overstability advances the onset of convection, more with internal heating. The conditions for which the complex Ginzgburg-Landau equation undergoes Hopf bifurcation and the amplitude equation undergoes supercritical pitchfork bifurcation are studied.
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