Technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne (ang. Information and Communication Technologies - ICT) napędzają rozwój gospodarki, co istotne z uwagi na Industry 5.0, zachęcającej do transformacji technologicznej. W sektorze AEC ICT ma główne zastosowanie w BIM i Digital Twin. Analiza naukometryczna wykazała niską wartość procentową polskich publikacji na temat ICT w AEC, co może wynikać ze słabej znajomości pojęcia w branży budowlanej. Więcej artykułów dotyczy BIM w AEC. Wyniki badań wśród polskich przedsiębiorstw wskazują na bardzo niski poziom intensywności cyfrowej w budownictwie, ale jednocześnie najwyższy, wraz z Holandią, wśród krajów Unii Europejskiej w stosowaniu rzeczywistości rozszerzonej i wirtualnej AR/VR. Polskie prawo dopuszcza wymaganie BIM w zamówieniach publicznych, ale nie w sposób obligatoryjny. Trwają prace nad strategią wdrażania BIM. Wśród praktyków zauważono zwiększającą się świadomość BIM. W 2019 roku 20% ankietowanych korzystało z BIM, w 2021 roku 48% wdrożyło BIM lub planuje w ciągu najbliższych 3 lat. W infografice zestawiono syntetycznie dane obrazujące implementację ICT/BIM w polskim przemyśle budowlanym.
Information and Communication Technologies ICT drive the development of the economy, which is important due to Industry 5.0 about encourages technological transformation. In the AEC sector, ICT has main applications in BIM and Digital Twin. Scientometric analysis showed a low percentage of Polish publications on ICT in the AEC, which may be due to the definition being poorly known in the construction industry. More articles cover BIM in AEC. Research results among Polish enterprises indicate a very low level of digital intensity in construction, but at the same time the highest, along with the Netherlands, among European Union countries in the use of augmented and virtual reality AR/VR. Polish law allows BIM to be required in public procurement, but not mandatory. Work on the BIM implementation strategy is ongoing. Increasing awareness of BIM has been noticed among practitioners. In 2019, 20% of respondents used BIM, in 2021 48% implemented BIM or plan to in the next 3 years. The infographic summarizes data illustrating the implementation of ICT/BIM in the Polish construction industry.
The European Union in the Industry 5.0 proposal encourages technological transformation. ICT Information and Communications Technology, which for the AEC industry are BIM and Digital Twin is appreciated, but also innovative and variable over time. Therefore publications like this, which verify the validity of information are important. Global BIM policy analysis can be valuable for stakeholders of the investment process, policymakers, researchers. The authors performed a scientific analysis on an extensive database of articles (over 20,000) as well as national regulations (in non-English languages). BIM mandatory in public investments depicted on the map, also charts showing other indicators. In Eastern Europe has been observed a small scale (22%) of planned BIM requirements. Czech Republic plans BIM mandate on public investments for project above the EU threshold. The Polish road map proposes MacroBIM for risky or complicated, public investments with budget exceeding EUR 10 million since 2025 and for all since 2025. Comparing with other indicators the Czech Republic and Poland have high GDP per capita and percentage of the industrial sector (including construction) in GDP value added. Poland is classified also as a developed market within the global equity indices. This may have an impact on digital transformation, which is a demanding project due to investment costs. Bulgaria did not include a BIM mandate in its digital transformations plan. Due to the Industry 5,0 and the positive results from case studies of countries that have already applied BIM mandatory introducing BIM requirements in public procurements should be motivated and supported.
Publishing BIM standards can facilitate the implementation of BIM construction projects. Their compilation, as in the article, allows to improve them, create or specify requirements. The publication of the international standard ISO 19650 for BIM resulted in numerous revisions to national guidelines. In the aspect of the degrees of detailing of BIM model is visible the development of their definition. Initially, they were divided according to the project phases, over time, into industries, and finally within the types of elements and separately for geometric and alphanumeric information, as well as the attached documentation. ISO 19650 uses the term Level of Information Need. Due to the quantity of global standards in various countries, the article focuses on the Oceania area and ISO 19650.
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