This paper focuses on techniques of phonocardiographic image registration. Simultaneous measurements of sound wave amplitudes from above the chest of a healthy person were performed by means of piezoelectric microphones. The location of the source of sound waves can be determined by implementing the size of the amplitudes. Sound source changes its position in time and moves the wheel tracks covering the entire heart or accumulate in some places. A comparison of the results of heart auscultation with an image received by echocardiography was possible due to the fact that the collected phonocardiographic measurements and echocardiographic examination were obtained with ECG sampling. The occurrence of the specific events from the heart auscultation was attributed to their genesis mechanism.
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We propose a model to blend renderings. It consists in mixing different kind of rendering techniques in the same frame to enhance the visualisation of information on large scenes. This method can be implemented in real-time during the rendering process using the GPU programming. Moreover, the rendering techniques used and the key points defined by the user can be interactively changed. In this paper we present the model, a new non-photorealistic rendering technique and images produced by our method.
Odpady poflotacyjne powstające po procesie flotacji są ciągle niezagospodarowane. Mimo podjętych wielu badań do tej pory jest to zagadnienie otwarte. W artykule przedstawiono badania mające na celu sprawdzenie możliwości wykorzystania odpadów poflotacyjnych jako wypełniacza do budowy dróg. Do badań użyto odpady poflotacyjne z Zakładów Wzbogacania Rud w Lubinie i Polkowicach. Stwierdzono, że odpad poflotacyjny z Polkowic nie spełnia wymogów stawianych wypełniaczowi, gdyż zawiera zbyt dużo części ilastych. Natomiast odpad z Lubina może być stosowany zamiast mączki wapiennej. Może być on użyty do wykonania mieszanek mineralno-asfaltowych do warstwy ścieralnej, wiążącej i do podbudowy dróg.
The copper ore tailings after the flotation process are still problem to be solved. There are a lot of various research studies but up to now this problem is open for industrial use. The flotation tailings from Lubin and Polkowice mines were studied as fillers to construction of roads. It has been proved that flotation tailings from Polkowice mine can not be used as the filler because they contain too much loamy parts. However the tailings from Lubin mine can be used as the filler to effaceable layer, binding and foundation of roads. It indicates the similar properties or even better one than presently applied materials.
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The study was carried out in 1999-2000 in midfield shelterbelts located in mosaic agricultural landscape near village Turew (West Poland) with the aid of transect method (total length amounted to 4520 m). Five shelterbelts (transect length - 3070 m) have been planted in 1993 and one shelterbelt (transect length - 1450 m) in 1998. Al the shelterbelts have been planted on arable land. Twenty seven species of butterflies (imagines) were recorded during the study period. Pieris napi and Prapae dominated in all shelterbelts. Their dominance in 6-7 years old shelterbelts amounted to 30 and 24%, respectively, while in younger one (1-2 years old) - 34 and 32%. Total mean density of butterflies in older shelterbelts was equal to 91.9 ind. km^-1 of transect (width 5 m) - and was about 40% higher than in the younger one. Lower dominance of Aphantopus hyperantus (8%) observed in 6-7 years shelterbelts (when compared to several tens years ones) was most likely caused by small share of grasses and perennial dicotyledons,which are important for this species. The butterflies recorded in shelterbelts may be assigned to four ecological groups: ubiquistic species (7spp.), species typical for open area (10 spp.), species linked to afforestations (3 spp.) and woodland (7 spp.). In all studied shelterbelts most abundant were ubiquistic species and open areas species (Pieris rapae and P. napi) with no respect to age of shelterbelt. Also some rare species with higher environmental demands were recorded, i.e., Polyommatus amandus and Carterocephalus palaeon, which have not been previously observed in the study area.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań nad zestalaniem odpadów poflotacyjnych wytwarzanych w KGHM POLSKA MIEDŹ SA. za pomocą cementu portlandzkiego oraz mieszaniny cementu portlandzkiego ze szkłem wodnym. Przeprowadzono badania ich własności fizykochemicznych, a także wykonano analizę mikroskopową. Stwierdzono, że odpady te można zestalać zarówno za pomocą cementu portlandzkiego, jak i jego mieszaniny ze szkłem wodnym. Wyniki badań mikroskopowych wykazały, że wytrzymałość mechaniczna jest ściśle powiązana z rozmieszczeniem lepiszcza w badanym odpadzie.
Results of a study on solidification of flotation tailings produced at the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. with a use of Portland cement and its mixture with a water-glass are presented. Physical and chemical properties of the tailings were examined, and their microscopic analysis was made. It was found that they can be solidified by means of Portland cement or its mixture with water-glass. The microscopic examination showed that mechanical strength of the material obtained is closely related to an arrangement of a binder in the tailings examined.
Przedstawiono zestalanie odpadów poflotacyjnych różnymi środkami wiążącymi. Opisano sporządzanie próbek i oznaczanie ich własności fizyko-chemicznych. Do badań użyto odpady flotacyjne z kopalń LGOM (LUBIN, POLKOWICE, RUDNA). Jako materiały wiążące organiczne stosowano: asfalt, poliamid (rokryzol WF-1 i rokryzol WF-2), jako nieorganiczne: wapno hydratyzowane, cement portlandzki 350, gips, wapno + kwas siarkowy, szkło wodne i zaprawę cementową. Stwierdzono, że odpady flotacyjne można zestalać za pomocą rykrozolu WF-1, wapna i zaprawy cementowej. Jednak próbki z cementem portlandzkim miały najlepszą charakterystykę wytrzymałościową.
The solidification of flotation tailings by means of various binding agents is presented. The preparation of samples as well as the determination of their physico-chemical properties is described. The material, used for the research, were flotation tailings from LGOM mines (LUBIN, POLKOWICE, RUDNA). Both organic materials: asphalt, polyamide (rocrisol WF-1 and rocrisol WF-2) and inorganic ones (hydrated lime, Portland cement 350, gypsum, lime + sulphuric acid, liquid glass and cement mortar) were used as binders. It was determined that flotation tailings can be solidified by means of rocrisol WF-1, lime and cement mortar. However, samples with Portland cement manifested the best resistance characteristics.
W artykule przedstawiono rys historyczny badań nad adhezją, podano przykłady oraz różne definicje tego zjawiska. Opisano podstawowe teorie wyjaśniające istotę adhezji. Wymieniono najważniejsze kryteria pozwalające rozróżnić adsorpcję fizyczną od chemicznej.
The article outlines the historical development of adhesion and provides examples as well as various definitions of this phenomenon. It also discusses basie theories that account for adhesion and enumerates the main criteria that help to make a distinction between physical and chemical adsorption.
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