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This work is focused on the checking of the correctness of the brazing process of honeycomb seals to stationary elements of aircraft turbine engines. It describes this process, paying attention to the aspects that have a fundamental impact on whether the seal will be brazed to the base as required, or whether unacceptable areas of non-brazing will appear. The aim of the study was to check the possibility of using the ultrasonic method to check the correctness of the brazing process of honeycomb seals and to compare the tests carried out using this method with the mostly used visual tests. The research carried out as part of the work showed very well that there are reasons to use the ultrasonic defectoscopy method to test the correctness of the brazing process of honeycomb seals in the elements of aircraft engines. This method also makes it possible to automate the checking process, fully document it and objectively assess the correctness of the connection. The results obtained in the study provide a very good starting point for further research, the aim of which will be to implement the ultrasonic defectoscopy method for testing the correctness of brazing honeycomb seals into practice in industrial conditions.
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