The use of GNSS measurements in Slovenia at the end of 1990 was the first of any satellite positioning technique at the territory of Slovenia. Unfortunately, there were no precedent activities in space geodesy such a Doppler, SLR or VLBI measurements. Since the end of 1991 GPS technology was used continuosly on a variety of tasks. At the begining GPS technology was used for the local control of fiducial points for the establishment of the new densification networks. After the connection of the territory of Slovenia to the EUREF (EUropean REference Frame), started the establishment of slovenian GPS reference network. At the moment activities for the establishment of the active GPS network of Slovenia are in progress.
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In the seventies, seismological studics in Slovenia were complcmented by geodetic measurements. The measuring inslruments, measuring methods and data-processing algorithms employcd have enabled conclusions on the stability or nonstability of a specific area in sometimes a relative short time periods. Geodetic networks havc bccn set up along tectonic faults and arę locatcd in the most interesting parts of Slovene territory. Changes in the positions of nctwork points arę determincd on the basis of terrestrial measuremenls perfomied in selected time intervals. Recently, thcsc standard measurements have been joined and complemented by GPS measurements.This contnbution presents the dcvelopment of geodetic measurcments of tectonic movemcnts in Slovenia from 1977 to the present. Extremely prccise measurements, which frcquently do no receive sufficicnL (financial) support, arc ablc lo confirm the stability or nonstabilily of an observed area and complement seismological (geological) hypotheses and theorics.
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