The total electron content (TEC) variation of the ionospheric layer is mostly controlled by Geomagnetic and solar activity. The TEC of the ionosphere can be estimated using the satellite signal delay recorded at GPS sites. In this study, the TEC data from three nearby GPS stations (CHLM, BMCL, and LMJG) from Nepal are extracted for about 11 years period (2007–2017). For the computation of the TEC data, wavelet transform, global wavelet power spectrum, cross wavelet trans form, and wavelet coherence techniques are used. Utilizing such long-term GPS TEC data, Annual Oscillation (AO) and Semi-annual Oscillation (SAO) are identified in the daytime and nighttime TEC over Nepal. The SAO is found to be dominating periodicity in the daytime TEC, whereas the AO is found to dominant at night. In addition, possible connections with the indicators of geomagnetic and solar activity were studied. The geomagnetic indices AE and AU are exhibit a change in phase and are most consistent with both daytime and nighttime AO, implying that these indices could be the likely drivers of TEC’s AO and SAO periodicities. The Dst index, on the other hand, is recognized as the most prominent driver of SAO in both daytime and nighttime TEC.
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On May 20 and May 29, 2012, earthquakes of magnitude MW 6.1 and 5.8, respectively, struck Emilia-Romagna of Italy. We present the results obtained from the US Navy VLF Transmitter’s NSY signal of 45.9 kHz transmitted from Niscemi, in the province of Sicily, Italy, and received at the Kiel Longwave Monitor, Germany, for 2012. We analyzed the terminator times, D-layer preparation and disappearance times and nighttime fuctuation parameters. We also analyzed trends, dispersion and nighttime fuctuation which gave us possible precursors to these earthquakes. Possible perturbations due to other factors were fltered. Moreover, the fndings of these two earthquakes were compared to Central Italy EQ on August 24, 2016, and Tuscany EQ on June 21, 2013. Therefore, this manuscript is the overall analysis of four earthquakes, out of which two were already published before. As our TRGCP path is North–South, the sunrise and sunset times in transmitter and receiver places match making a pathway for VLF/LF smoother and therefore hoping to obtain more natural data. We found many clear anomalies (as precursors) in terminator times 5 days to 16 days before the earthquakes. Moreover, using nighttime fuctuation method, we found clear anomalies 5–13 days prior to main earthquakes. This exactly correlates with the fndings of previous authors that ionospheric perturbations are seen from few days to few weeks before the seismic activity. In addition to this, we observed an unexpected decrease in dispersion on certain anomalies where it was supposed to increase, thereby not supporting our fnding to some extent. To resolve this problem, we devised a new parameter called dispersion nighttime (dispersion*). On analyzing, this parameter decreases signifcantly on days of nighttime anomalies, thereby supporting our precursors to much extent.
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