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Celem publikacji jest zaproponowanie i zaprezentowanie metodyki w pełni zautomatyzowanego tworzenia grafowego modelu topologicznego wybranych struktur katastralnych. Utworzono aplikację umożliwiającą zapis grafowych struktur katastralnych w bazie danych NoSQL. Poprzez zaproponowaną metodykę zaimplementowaną w prezentowanej aplikacji, przetworzono dane katastralne do nowych form, w których topologia ma istotne znaczenie. Jest zapisana w bazie grafowej, a jak wiadomo grafy są wizualizacją topologii. Automatyczne generowanie grafowego modelu struktur katastralnych opiera się na relacjach topologicznych danych geometrycznych. W narzędziach GIS (Esri) topologia jest tworzona i wykorzystywana w procesach analitycznych, ale nie jest ujawniona użytkownikom. W proponowanej aplikacji dostęp do topologii danych katastralnych stwarza nowe możliwości prezentacji, na przykład sąsiedztwa. W aplikacji zaimplementowano algorytmy importu danych, procesu konstrukcji topologii i zapisu w grafowej bazie danych. Dodatkowo zastosowano formę eksportu przechowywanych danych do formatu odczytywanego przez większość aplikacji GIS (pliki typu Shapefile). Prezentowane wyniki zapisu w postaci grafowej, umożliwiają dostrzeżenie sąsiedztwa działek pod różnym kątem. Grafowy modelu struktur katastralnych pozwala na ujawnianie dobrych i złych praktyk katastralnych oraz może być wykorzystany w procesie scalania gruntów.
The aim of this paper is to propose and present an automatic topographic modelling methodology for selected cadastral structures. An application has been created that enables to store graph cadastral data in a NoSQL database. The proposed structure created by the application allows cadastral data conversion into a graph, maintaining the neighbourhood topology. In other GIS tools (Esri) the topology is created and used in analytical processes, but it is not disclosed to users. The access to the topology of cadastral data creates new presentation possibilities, such as the neighbourhood. The discussed application uses algorithms for data importing, topology construction and recording in the graph database. Additionally, the algorithm which enables to export stored data to the format readable for most GIS applications (Shapefile files) was developed. The presented results of the graph recordings enable to see the neighbourhood of parcels from different perspectives. The graph model of cadastral structures allows to identify good and bad cadastral practices and can be used in land consolidation processes.
Dane katastralne są podstawą analiz przestrzennych w wielu dziedzinach badań. Przekształcając je do nowych form, można uzyskać nowe modele danych katastralnych. Celem podjętych badań było przekształcenie zbioru danych przestrzennych – działek ewidencyjnych, do modeli sieci drogowych. W pierwszym etapie badań wykonano różne segmentacje działek pasa drogowego, zwiększając rozdzielczość danych. W drugim etapie, zaprezentowano wygenerowany model sieci drogowej. Zbudowano go w oparciu o związki topologiczno-semantyczne. Wyniki wskazują, że można automatycznie uzyskać modele sieci drogowej z danych katastralnych, które nadają się do analiz sieciowych. Jakość modeli zależy od regularności struktur katastralnych. Prezentowaną metodykę można wykorzystać do uzupełniania sieci ciągów komunikacyjnych w terenach niedostępnych, a zinwentaryzowanych w katastrze. Powinna być ona także stosowana do generowania osi innych obiektów powierzchniowych o wydłużonych kształtach, na przykład ciągów pieszych, zapisanych za pomocą poligonów.
Cadastral data is the basic data for spatial analyses in many areas of research. Converting this data to new forms, one can obtain new models of cadastral data. The aim of this publication is to transform the set of cadastral parcel data into road network models. During the first stage of research works different segmentations of road parcels were performed and data resolution was improved. At the second stage the generated model of the road network was presented. It was based on topologicaland-semantic relations. The results indicate that road network models can be automatically obtained from cadastral data and may be used for network analyses. The quality of models depends on regularity of cadastral structures. The presented methodology can be used to supplement the network of road routes in inaccessible areas, and inventoried in the cadastre. It should also be used to generate axes of other elongated, surface features, such as walking routes saved as polygons.
Zbiór danych katastralnych stanowi bazowe dane przestrzenne, na których opierają się procesy związane z zarządzaniem gruntami. Jest on także istotnym rejestrem, na podstawie którego prowadzi się analizy przestrzenne w procesach decyzyjnych. W tych działaniach ważny jest zapis struktur katastralnych w modelu matematyczno-topologicznym. Podjęto się takich prac na podstawie istniejących zbiorów danych, głównie geometrycznych i wybranych zbiorów atrybutów. Przy realizacji tego zadania wykreował się cel niniejszej publikacji związany z oceną topologiczną struktur katastralnych wybranego obiektu badawczego. Badania wiązały się z zapisem relacji sąsiedztwa wybranych obiektów katastralnych w modelu grafowym. Grafowy model struktur katastralnych pozwala na ocenę wizualną rozdrobnienia działek. Model topologiczny tych struktur jest niejednorodny i utrudnia jednoznaczną ocenę analityczną zbiorów. Wyniki wykazały różnorodność w strukturze działek ewidencyjnych pasów drogowych. Model stworzono w grafowej bazie danych. Wyniki pozwalają na znalezienie miejsc o szczególnym rozdrobnieniu działek pasa drogowego. Są to miejsca, które powstały w procesach tworzenia pasów drogowych lub ich modernizacji – poszerzania. Wnioski z wykonanych badań wskazują na konieczność scaleń działek, których właścicielami są gminy, powiaty, województwa czy Skarb Państwa (Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad). Analiza zbiorów katastralnych w innych regionach kraju, w oparciu o dane wizualizowane w Geopotralu, potwierdza istnienie nieuzasadnionego rozdrobienia działek na terenach nowo wybudowanych ciągów komunikacyjnych. Istniejąca sytuacja zmusza do poszukiwań przyczyn zaistnienia takiego rozdrobienia i szukania rozwiązań w celu ich uporządkowania. Wnioski końcowe wskazują na konieczność przeprowadzania scaleń w tych obszarach. Po uporządkowaniu tych struktur prostsza będzie interpretacja wyników analiz przestrzennych, opartych o bazowe zbiory katastralne, a także obraz mapy katastralnej będzie czytelniejszy.
The collection of cadastral data is basic spatial data on the basis of which processes associated with land management are conducted. In these activities, it is important that the cadastral structures are in the mathematical-topological model. Such works were being done on the basis of existing geometric data sets and selected sets of attributes. The aim of the present publication was created during these works, concerning the assessment of topological structures of the selected object. The research was associated with the records of neighborhood relationships of selected cadastral objects in the graph model. The graph model of cadastral structures enables the visual assessment of parcel fragmentation. The topological model of these structures is heterogeneous; therefore, it is difficult to clearly and analytically evaluate the sets. The results showed diversity in the structure of the cadastral road parcels. The model was created in the graph database. The results enabled us to find places with a particularly high fragmentation of road parcels. These are places that have arisen in the process of creating roads or their modernization – widening. The conclusions from the research indicate the need of merging parcels owned by municipalities, counties, provinces, or the Treasury (Directorate for National Roads and Motorways). An analysis of cadastral data sets in other Polish regions based on the data visualized in Geopotrals confirms the existence of unjustified parcel fragmentation in areas of newly built roads. The existing situation forces us to search for the causes for the occurrence of such fragmentation and seek solutions to organize them. Our final conclusions indicate the need to perform mergers in these parcels. After arranging these structures, it is easier to interpret the results of a spatial analysis based on the underlying cadastral data; also, a cadastral map would be clearer.
Istnieje zapotrzebowanie na rozwiązania aplikacyjne wykorzystujące narzędzia GIS i grafowe umożliwiające przetwarzanie danych przestrzennych w celach analitycznych. Celem publikacji jest zaproponowanie i zaprezentowanie metodyki wykorzystania tych narzędzi do reprezentacji sąsiedztwa działek ewidencyjnych w ujęciu grafowym. Utworzono własne algorytmy do przetwarzania topologicznych danych przestrzennych w struktury grafowe i zapisu ich w bazie danych NoSQL. Proponowane rozwiązanie wiąże się z integracją platformy ArcGIS z platformą grafową. Umożliwia to szersze wykorzystanie przyjętych algorytmów przez większą liczbę odbiorców. Budowana struktura topologiczna jest zapisana w formie grafu zwykłego, a przez integrację z platformą GIS węzły i krawędzie opisane są współrzędnymi związanymi z lokalizacją w przestrzeni. Prezentowane wyniki analizy są wstępne, opierają się na relacjach topologicznych przy minimalnej liczbie atrybutów. Pomimo to, uzyskane wyniki stwarzają możliwości manipulowania danymi.
There is a need for application solutions using GIS and graph tools enabling processing of spatial data for analytical purposes. The aim of the publication is to propose and present the methodology to use these tools to represent the neighbourhood of cadastral parcels in terms of graphs. A study was conducted to create original algorithms to process the topological structure of spatial data in graphs and to store them in the NoSQL database. The proposed solution involves integration of the ArcGIS platform with the graph database platform. It enables the wider use of adopted algorithms by a broader audience. Designed topological structure is stored in the form of a plain graph, and through integration with the GIS platform, nodes and edges are described by coordinates associated with a spatial location. The results of the analysis are based on topological relations with the minimum number of attributes. However, they provide opportunities for data manipulation.
Content available Graph representation of geological stratum
Geology, geophysics and environmental protection sciences provide large amounts of data. These data can be stored in various structures. Most of them are stored in files. It is possible to store these data in databases. One example of databases for earth sciences is a Geokarpat database (Kotlarczyk et al. 1997). This database was developed over many years (Piórkowski & Gajda 2009). Other geological databases are, for example, database MIDAS (MIDAS 2015) and central database of the geological data (CBDG 2015). Solutions listed above are based on the relational data model. This model is not perfect for data analysis, as there are a lot of complicated relationships between the entities (Dominguez-Sal et al. 2010). A typical use of SQL in this case requires the creation of multiple joins and a large amount of calculations. Graph data model is gaining popularity because it allows representation similar to the natural network model of relationships between data (Horzyk 2013). Applications of this model within the earth sciences are extensive, including solutions for GIS systems. One of example graph application is the creation of a virtual generator of the city using database Neo4j (Płuciennik & Płuciennik-Psota 2014). Graph structure reproduces biological structure of memory well (Horzyk 2013). Based on this advantage, there are new opportunities to store and analyze geological data. The use of graphs to record those data enables data analyses in similar manner like in associative neural networks (Horzyk 2013). Geological stratum often has a complex structure, for example: around area of tectonic faults (often multiple faults in history), intrusive rocks in stratum. Possibilities of using graph databases for storing geological data were checked. This study focuses on proposing a graph representation of geological stratum. The proposed graph structure was implemented in the graph database. Presentation of the history of geological stratum in relational databases is difficult. Studies show an example of stratum graph model, which enables data mining of stratum history in easy method, because graph database systems are designed to make search queries to find similarity in data. Additionally, the results of this study demonstrated useful query. Moreover, software and possible methods of construction of graph models were studied. As shown by the results, an analysis of complex models of geological stratum can be less complicated. Research shows that finding dependences in the graph representation of the geological layers can be beneficial in geological analyses.
Content available remote Tools to store information about the environment
Earth Science provide large amounts of data. The available information can be stored and then analysed in different systems. For disciplines such as: geology, geophysics and environmental protection are created database. One of the first databases that contain information about the environment was a database for the Polish Carpathian mountains called GeoKarpaty (Kotlarczyk et al. 1997). This database has been developed over the years (Piórkowski 2009). The environment is understood as the sum of natural elements. Elements of the environment are, among others: the surface of the Earth, minerals, water (Ustawa z dnia 27 kwietnia 2001 r. ...). The need to protect these elements due to the need to conserve nature in the same state. For this purpose, are constructed themed data-base. They inform about the state of the environment, the risks affecting the surface of the earth. At the request of the Ministry of the Environment was established portal containing a record of such databases (Ekoportal 2015). There are a number of databases that can be classified into several groups. An important group of geological database. These include: data bank of groundwater classified mineral “MINERAL” (MINERALNE, 2015), the database MIDAS (MIDAS 2015), the central database of the geological data (CBDG 2015). Another group of databases is about the natural environment. One of them is a central register of forms of nature protection t hat contains records of the forms of nature protection (CRFOP 2015). Equally important are the records on the processing and storage of waste. The group includes eg.: a record of applications and decisions in the field of international shipments of waste (RZiDZMPO 2015), database about asbestosis (Baza Azbestowa 2015). This work focuses on the analysis of environmental databases. The study analysed opportunities offer such systems. The result of the study is to find the ability to access these databases such as for example: WMS, WFS. The next result is to compare the ability to access stored data. The final stage was the verification of environmental databases for environmental analysis. The issue of access to information from such systems plays a crucial role for further analysis, and it is not a trivial task.
The main goal of this study is an analysis of vertical displacements in Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB) using two satellite radar interferometry methods: Differential Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) and Persistent Scatterer Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PSInSAR) (Ferretti et al. 2007). To detect ground deformations using the PSInSAR method many satellite images (even tens) are needed, while using the DInSAR method, a pair of satellite images is needed. Satellite images are provided inter alia by European Space Agency and were obtained between 1990-2001 (PSInSAR) and 1996-2001 (DIn-SAR) by ERS-2 satellite. The USCB is located in south-western Poland and is highly industrialized and densely inhabited region, because of the presence of many active underground stone coal mines. Vertical displacements presented in work are conducted by underground mining exploitation and neotectonic movements. In the main, the DIn-SAR method allows detecting big (a few or several centimeters) and intensive (formed in a few days, 35–140 days) vertical displacements on a big area in the same time. The PSInSAR method in the main allows detecting small and permanent vertical displacements (Leśniak & Porzycka 2008), which are correlated with neotectonic movements. It is note-worthy that results obtained using the PSInSAR method have low coherence in the areas of vertical displacements detected by using the DInSAR method. Big and intensive vertical displacements are not detected while using the PSInSAR method. Only using both methods (DInSAR and PSInSAR) allows generating a complex map of vertical displacements, which is essential for the realization of local zoning plans in the USCB area. Obtained in this work map of vertical displacements is collated with: (1) seismic data from Główny Instytut Geologiczny (GIG), (2) locations of mines in the USCB, (3) borders of coal deposits, (4) tectonics map (Jureczka & Kotas 1995), (5) mining extraction data from Kompania Węglowa S.A.
Content available remote Applying image mining to the analysis of rock structure images
Obtaining, storing and sharing geological digital data in a form of images have been influenced by the dynamic development of information technology. Due to the fact that the multimedia data is not connected with a give PC or storage medium any more, but it is widely available as databases stored on network servers and accessed simultaneously by a number of users this suggests that data should be analyzed also in a new, for example parallel form. It necessitates defining the way in which the data in question is organized and interpreted efficiently. The aim of this discussion is to present the possibility to define image mining method for understanding and analyzing large image sets based on the methods of image analysis. The Authors present the concept of IT system developed to search for the images of particular rock structures in multimedia databases. Up till now, the use of databases in the image analysis process has been reduced to storing large amounts of data in form of images. However, all transformations and the analysis of such sets are performed on the user’s PC. On the one hand, this requires a large data set (images) to be sent by network each time, but on the other hand this may also pose problems resulting from managing such large amounts of analyzed images on a PC. A solution for image exploration, which is based on any attributes extracted with computer image analysis with the use of extensions for server-side operations is proposed. The proposed approach eliminates these problems completely by moving all transformations of image analysis onto a database server platform. For this purpose, a set of routines realizing transformations of image analysis and mathematical morphology were developed. The proposed approach allows the unification of the image processing and analysis area as well as advanced statistical analysis of obtained parameters describing geometrical sized of the objects and images. The methodology is based exclusively on an image request, to which the system’s response is a set of images presenting visually similar rocks (Ładniak & Młynarczuk 2015). The search is based only on the query in the form of the image, while the system in response returns a collection of photographs representing the same structure of the rock. The proposed method is based on the methods of image analysis and the artificial intelligence, in particular, on the methods of data clustering and data classification. Decisions concerning the classification were based on six different methods of clustering and classification of data. As a result of the study showed that methods such as MEC, and based on the naive Bayes classifier and the method of the k-nearest neighbors have a very good classification results reaching for some of the studied rocks up to 100% correct decisions. To detect the similarity it is required to apply Determination of the characteristics identifying photographs (using image analysis algorithms), then verification of feature representativeness – to reduce considerable correlation between the measure of particular features in the representations of particular features, and apply decision making methods (in form of methods of cluster analysis). As a results, the proposed methodology was illustrated by practical realization of measurement types for a simple structure of copper concentrate, from the point of view of image analysis, structures such as dolomites from, for example, Rędziny and Laskowa Góra and sandstones from Tumlin and Wiśniówka and also from the point of view of method where the purpose is to enable effective search of images of a given rock in multimedia databases. The research material was microscope images of thin sections of 19 rock types. The analyzed rocks came from the southern regions of the Polish (Carpathian and Sudeten) Mountains. From these rocks thin sections were made. The photos were taken with a polarized light optical microscope, at the optimum illumination and magnification which was the same for all the photos registered for a given type of rock. For each rock type, 250 photos were taken. The collection of images that were used in the process of performing measurements encompassed 5,250 digital images presenting 21 rock types. The discussed system concept, based on a feature space defined by the authors, successfully matches up images with the reference standard. The effectiveness rate of that process is very high (very often, it is 100%). Failed classifications concern only the images which differ visually in a considerable way from the rest of the images within a given group. As a conclusion authors would like to show that the main purpose of proposed solution is to facilitate the decision-making process involved in determining the measurements of the stereological parameters of rocks and the similarity of investigated objects. The proposed method of image mining is based on the application of database technologies, image processing, and image analysis and artificial intelligence concepts. The authors demonstrate that these may turn out to be effective mathematical methods, successfully applied to the problem of image understanding, performed with imagings presenting rock textures. In the opinion of the authors, it meets the requirements and, as such it can be applied to the problem of searching for images in databases, searching discs in order to find images of a given rocks and automatic information gain based on video sequences, e.g. in order to find frames presenting particular rock structures.
W ostatnich latach obserwuje się ciągły wzrost zapotrzebowania na przechowywanie i analizy wektorowych danych 3D. Dostępne systemy baz danych przestrzennych oferują możliwości składowania tego rodzaju informacji. Dostarczają one narzędzi pozwalających na otrzymywanie podstawowych informacji o obiektach oraz funkcjonalności analiz przestrzennych. Niniejszy artykuł przybliża możliwości wybranych systemów baz danych przestrzennych jako narzędzi dla danych 3D. Na potrzeby pracy skupiono się na przeglądzie PostGIS oraz SpatiaLite. Wymienione systemy są obecnie najbardziej popularnymi narzędziami udostępnianymi na licencji wolnego oprogramowania, jednocześnie spełniającymi standardy branżowe.
In recent years there has been observed a continuous increase in demand for storage and analysis of 3D vector data. Available spatial database systems offer a possibilities to store such information. These systems provide tools to obtain basic information about objects. Moreover spatial analysis is availabe. This paper introduces the possibility of some spatial database systems as a tool for 3D data analysis. Our work has focused on a review of PostGIS and SpatiaLite. These systems are currently the most popular tools provided on the free software license.
Spatial databases are commonly used to generate 2-dimensional (2D) and 3-dimensional (3D) topographic models. Mentioned models sometimes also contain information about geological layers. In that case, analysing data provides extra benefits and facilities that are desirable in presentation of complex and multilayer data (Chrobak 2009, Gotlib 2009). The possibility of storing and processing the geometry, which is saved in a standardized vector form, is the greatest advantage of spatial databases. The standards (technical documents that detail interfaces or encodings) were presented by Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) (Open Geospatial Consortium 2014). Geometry of the objects is presented as points, lines, polygons and theirs collections. The standards also include specification about 3D data representation.Those data could be used to describe and create geological models. Another advantage of spatial databases is the possibility of adding own extensions without recompilation of all database source code. The extensions are added as a compiled library with functions, which could be written in a selected programming language (Bac-Bronowicz 2010, Lupa 2012, Lisowski et al. 2013). This paper focuses on the possibility to extend PostgreSQL database using functions that are written on the base of open source Computational Geometry Algorithms Libary (CGAL) project (Aptekorz et al. 2012, CGAL 2014). The extension library contains algorithms that are used in computer graphic and visualization of geometric data. The library was written in C++ language according to the objective-programming paradigm. Presented solution adds function of Delaunay triangulation, which is not implemented in PostGIS (Lisowski et al. 2013). This tool allows to generate Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) surfaces of geological layers in a simple and functional way. 3D terrain model is created using information from spatial database (2D and 3D objects). In the next step, TIN model is generated, which approximates the modelled geological layers by a network of the triangles (tangent edges). Interoperability and unified data edition was achieved due to using of triangles (represented by triangles which are polygon type, vanished points and lines objects). Nevertheless, generating of 3D models from 2D data with parameter, which would properly represent a surface and terrain layers, is not a trivial task.
System PostGIS wykorzystywany jest nie tylko do magazynowania i udostępniania danych, ale także dostarcza podstawowe narzędzia do ich analizy i przetwarzania. Przeprowadzanie bardziej zaawansowanych analiz wymaga jednak wykonania obliczeń poza bazą danych. Celem projektu jest poszerzenie możliwości przetwarzania danych przestrzennych po stronie bazy danych, poprzez wykorzystanie funkcji udostępnianych przez bibliotekę CGAL. W pracy zaproponowana została konstrukcja takiego rozwiązania na przykładzie implementacji metody triangulacji Delaunay.
The PostGIS is used not only for the storage and sharing of data but also it enables basic analysis of spatial data. Unfortunately performing more sophisticated analysis requires calculations outside the database. The presented project is aimed at the extension of the functionalities for spatial data in the database using the functions provided by the CGAL library. The construction of such solution was proposed on the basis of the implementation of the Delaunay triangulation.
Mikroprzepływowe, urządzenia analityczne na bazie papieru (microfluidic paper-based analytical devices; μPADs) są relatywnie nową grupą urządzeń analitycznych. Ich początków możemy się doszukiwać w technikach chromatograficznych a w szczególności chromatografii planarnej. Możliwości zastosowania tych urządzeń, głównie do celów tanich, przesiewowych analiz biochemicznych, kryminalistycznych i środowiskowych są obecnie przedmiotem intensywnych badań. W niniejszej pracy dokonaliśmy podsumowania, które obejmuje historię powstania, podstawowe techniki wytwarzania, zastosowania praktyczne oraz potencjalne możliwości rozwoju takich urządzeń.
Microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (μPADs) are relatively new group of analytical tools. Work principles of such devices partially evolved from chromatographic techniques, particularly planar chromatography. Recently, analytical devices based on paper are subject of extensive research, mostly focused on fast and non-expensive biochemical analysis but also for screening of medical and environmental samples. Attempts are being made for their applications in forensic - to organic explosives detection and in medicine - to diseases diagnosis. In this short review we presented a recent advances in area of μPADs technology.
The paper provides an overview of the causes of disturbances occurring in the operation of line-interactive uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). The focus of the paper is on the inrush current of a UPS unit and the delayed reaction of the main relay. A modification of the UPS unit has been proposed, consisting in introducing an additional fast circuit breaker connected in series which will enable inrush current of the main transformer to be reduced while changing operation modes and during switch-on.
Omówiono potencjalne przyczyny przerw w zasilaniu chronionych odbiorników spowodowane zmianą stanu zasilacza UPS małej mocy. Zwrócono uwagę na zjawiska występujące podczas zmiany stanu zasilacza UPS z podstawowego w autonomiczny na skutek awarii sieci zasilającej. Przedyskutowano efekty prądu włączenia transformatora głównego oraz opóźnioną reakcję rozłącznika głównego w stanach przejściowych. Zaproponowano działania zmierzające do wyeliminowania potencjalnych przyczyn przerw w zasilaniu odbiorników.
The paper provides an overview of the possible causes of interruptions in the power supply of equipment caused by change in operation modę of the UPS unit. Phenomena occurring while the UPS unit changes from basie to autonomous operation because of power failure are pointed out. In particular the effects of the magnetizing inrush current of the main transformer and delayed reaction of the main relay during transient states are discussed. Actions aimed to eliminate of the possible causes of interruptions in the power supply of equipment are proposed.
Omówiono czynniki wpływające na konstrukcję popularnych zasilaczy awaryjnych małej mocy "line interactive" stosowanych w miejscach dostępnych dla operatora i przeznaczonych do ochrony komputerów osobistych PC. Opisano budowę tych zasilaczy, wskazano potencjalne problemy występujące przy ich konstruowaniu oraz określono trendy rozwoju konstrukcji powyższych zasilaczy.
Factors influencing the construction of low power line interactive UPS designed for PCs, used in operator accessed areas are discussed. Construction of popular UPS is described. Problems encountered in design process and development trends in UPS's design are pointed out.
W XXI w. nie ma już chyba nikogo, kto nie wiedziałby, jak istotna jest ochrona danych przetwarzanych przez komputery stosowane we wszystkich dziedzinach życia. Większość użytkowników komputerów wie, że należy sporządzać kopie bezpieczeństwa zgromadzonych na komputerze danych i prowadzić profilaktykę antywirusową. Często jednak użytkownicy komputerów zapominają, że, aby prowadzić wyżej wymienione działania, niezbędne jest gwarantowane, ciągłe zasilanie komputera, na którym pracują.
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