Praca jest podsumowaniem wieloletnich florystycznych i fitosocjologicznych badań (1992–1999), dotyczących zmian szaty roślinnej mokradeł Pomorza Zachodniego w określonych warunkach geomorfologicznych. Stwierdzono znaczną synantropizację i zubożenie szaty roślinnej, przedstawiono zagrożenia wynikające z zaniechania użytkowania łąk położonych na zmeliorowanych (zwłaszcza w systemie polderowym) torfowiskach niskich.
The paper summarises the long-term (1992-1999) floristic and phytosociological studies on changes of Western Pomeranian plant communities in relation to the geomorphology of the region. Western Pomerania, an area with the largest number of peat deposits in the country, features all types of peatlands, i.e. fens, raised and transitional bogs, spring-fed mires and the distinctive kettle-bogs. The substantial concentration of fens can be found in the Szczecin Lowland in the area featuring the one of the largest reophilous peatland in Europe - Międzyodrze. Fens occupy the flood terrace of Dębskie Lake extending northwards to the mouth of the Odra River. Elsewhere, fens occupy areas of the ground moraine along the Baltic coast, especially valleys of the rivers Ina, Parseta and Leba. The largest associations of globeflower Trollius europeus are located on Pomerania. Considerable synanthropization and impoverishment of plant communities has been found on Western Pomerania resulting from abandoned utilisation of grasslands, especially those situated on the drained low moor. At present, the extensive grassland complexes are dominated by communities of Deschampsia caespitosa. A new element of the agricultural landscape are hectars of monoculture of Urtica diolca, Cirsiwn arvense or Anthriscus sylvestris.
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