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The carried-out experiment aimed to assess the influence of ash derived from the thermochemical conversion of feathers (AGF) as a soil amendment, and Dactylis glomerata L. as a test plant in aided phytostabilization of soil strongly contaminated by Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn. The influence of AHG on the chemical properties of soil (pH as well as total and CaCl2-extracted heavy metals) as well as the plant yield and concentration of heavy metals in the roots and shoots. The applied soil amendment influenced an increase in the pH values of soil (by 0.4 units) and a reduction in CaCl2-extractable forms of Zn (25%), Cu (23%), Cd (20%) and Pb (12%), as well as total forms of Cu (35%), Zn (35%), Pb (20%) and Cd (17%) in the soil. The plant yield of the shoots of Dactylis glomerata L. following the application of AGF was 31% higher when compared to the control series. The roots of the tested plant in the AGF series contained higher values of the analyzed heavy metals in relation to the shoots, which was especially visible in the case of Pb (more than twice as high) and Cd (37%).
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