Efficiently utilizing the rapidly increasing concurrency of multi-petaflop computing systems is a significant programming challenge. One approach is to structure applications with an upper layer of many loosely coupled coarse-grained tasks, each comprising a tightly-coupled parallel function or program. “Many-task” programming models such as functional parallel dataflow may be used at the upper layer to generate massive numbers of tasks, each of which generates significant tightly coupled parallelism at the lower level through multithreading, message passing, and/or partitioned global address spaces. At large scales, however, the management of task distribution, data dependencies, and intertask data movement is a significant performance challenge. In this work, we describe Turbine, a new highly scalable and distributed many-task dataflow engine. Turbine executes a generalized many-task intermediate representation with automated self-distribution and is scalable to multi-petaflop infrastructures. We present here the architecture of Turbine and its performance on highly concurrent systems.
Przedstawiono prototypowy system ciągłej obserwacji technicznej zainstalowany w hali "Olivia" w Gdańsku i oddany do użytku 16 marca 2009 r. System składa się z czterech modułów: pomiarowego, analiz, systemu eksperckiego i powiadamiania. Został zaprojektowany i wykonany w celu zapewnienia wczesnego wykrywania dwóch prawdopodobnych scenariuszy awarii hali.
A system for monitoring of basic structural parameters for Sports-Performance Hall "0livia" is presented. The system has been completed on March 16"', 2009. The system has been designed to improve the safety of the hall and to ensure earlier detections of two possible options of the hall failure.
The present paper proposes a simple model for the calculation of a time series to control the horizontal motion of the piston of a wavemaker. It is assumed that the initial conditions correspond to water at rest. It is assumed that parameters of kinematics of the fluid (displacement, velocity and acceleration fields) at the initial time are equal to zero. In the first interval the amplitudes grow to an asymptote that corresponds to a regular monochromatic wave. In the second interval the waves decay. Calculated time series were fed in to the control system of our wavemaker and the measured horizontal displacements of the piston compared. The control series was supplemented by terms corresponding to the Stokes type solution by addition of terms with multiples of the basic frequency.
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