Adaptation to climate change often aims to increase the ability of cities to retain water. In recent years, there has been a shift in the approach to managing storm water from traditional methods to nature-based methods, which view storm water as a valuable resource. This study conducted a systematic analysis of eleven contemporary housing estates that are commonly considered sustainable. The study aimed to identify the elements of rainwater management and determine whether these elements form a system. The research found that, in most cases, not all elements of a rainwater management system (RMS) were present. The housing estates in Gdańsk and Gdynia demonstrated some features of an RMS but were still incomplete due to missing elements such as channels and gaps in curbs that guide rainwater. The results suggest that the implementation of some elements of an RMS does not necessarily create a fully functional system. A fully effective RMS requires the integration of all necessary elements to allow water to flow between them.
Zwiększenie pojemności retencyjnej miast jest jednym z głównych celów adaptacji do zmian klimatu. Analiza systemu gospodarowania wodami opadowymi powinna zacząć się od tego, co się dzieje z wodą deszczową: czy ulega spływowi powierzchniowemu, czy jest infiltrowana, czy jest retencjonowana tymczasowo albo stale. Jednak zastosowanie elementów systemu nie tworzy samego systemu, a tym samym zamiast prezentować idee zrównoważonego rozwoju, mogą być one przykładem greenwashingu. Analizie zostało poddane osiedle mieszkaniowe we Wrocławiu. Praca skupia się na rozpoznaniu elementów służących gospodarowaniu wodą deszczową, przedstawia schemat ich działania oraz poddaje weryfikacji, czy dane elementy tworzą system. Badania dowodzą, że w większości przypadków rozpoznaje się pojedyncze elementy, nieujęte w system zagospodarowania terenu. Zaobserwowano nieliczne przykłady przedstawiające cechy systemu.
Increasing the storage capacity of cities is one of the main goals of adaptation to climate change. The analysis of the rainwater management system should start with what is happening to the rainwater: whether it is subject to surface runoff, is it infiltrated, is it temporarily or permanently retained. However, the use of system elements does not create the system itself, and thus, instead of presenting the ideas of sustainable development, they can be an example of greenwashing. A housing estate in Wrocław was analyzed. The work focuses on identifying the elements for rainwater management, presents a diagram of their operation and verifies whether the elements constitute a system. Research proves that in most cases individual elements are recognized, not included in the land development system. Few examples showing the features of the system have been observed.
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