The aim of the article was to study the impact of various real-life factors determining the container train loading process duration. Various strategies of the crane operation were considered. Among the factors influencing the train loading duration, railcar hitching pin configuration, container weight, railcar capacity, and arrangement of containers in the storage yard were considered. The FlexSim simulation model of the container terminal was developed, covering the storage yard and the railway track. The analysis shows that the number of containers collected directly from the storage yard has the greatest impact on the train loading duration.
The article presents the issues of land intermodal transport, taking into account their impact on the natural environment. The subject of the research is the use of the ELECTRE I method as a decision support tool in the assessment of various variants of transport, taking into account intermodal transport, i.e., transport on the initial and final sections of the route with the use of road transport and transport in the middle longest section by rail transport. This significantly reduces the emission of harmful compounds emitted into the atmosphere by the transport industry. In connection with the above, research on the possibility of choosing transport routes using mixed modes of land transport has been presented. The analyzed transport from point A to destination B considers two reloading operations at the land intermodal terminals. For each of the variants, indicators related to emissions from fuel consumption, the total time and cost of the process, the share of rail transport in the entire process, and the distance of road transport were calculated. The final analysis of the results shows that the following parameters had the most significant impact on the course of the research: the level of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and the total cost of the process for a given variant. Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that the variant of transporting cargo from Rybnik to Świdnik with reloading at the PCC Intermodal terminals in Gliwice and the Lublin Container Terminal turned out to be the most advantageous solution.
The article presents the issue of assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of a logistics process with the use of a simulation model and queue theory. The process that has been analyzed is the process of goods’ delivery at the technical object. Firstly, a literature review was carried out. Next, the authors described the process using the QT (Queueing Theory). This was possible due to the fact that QT is widely used in the analysis of systems as well as the assessment of their effectiveness, maintenance, and reliability. The description, characteristics and graphic presentation of the system in which the process is carried out have been included in the study too. Then the process was implemented in the computer simulation environment. Simulations were carried out and four variants of the system operation were analyzed. The comparison of the operating parameters of the system for each variant allowed for a detailed analysis of its operation and the influence of selected factors on the implementation of the process as well as it effectiveness or reliability.
Product-Service System (PSS) has been perceived since the 90s as a concept supporting enterprises of various industries in creating a competitive advantage and generating new value for customers by expanding the offer with additional services related to the product. Product-Service System (PSS) draws attention to the life cycle of products and services and the circular economy, which supports sustainable development. All the time, practitioners and theorists report the need to develop new Product-Service System (PSS) for other industries. Until now, a number of practical and methodological aspects related to design remain unresolved. The paper presents issues related to the Product-Service System (PSS) and PSS design. A literature review and gaps in available methods are presented. A conceptual framework for Product-Service System (PSS) design that has been used in the logistics industry is presented. By referring to the design of a selected process from the logistics industry, it was presented how to analyze the process during design and what methods of design support to use. Reference is made to mathematical modeling based on the optimization function and computer modeling with the use of a simulation model. Attention was also paid to the importance of knowledge of the industry and having expert knowledge about the designed processes in the systems. It is also extremely important to have the appropriate data set for a given case. In addition to the general mathematical and computer model, reference was also made to a chosen element of Product-Service System (PSS). The mathematical and simulation model included in the study refer to the process of completing customer orders in a logistics company. It is one of the most laborious and time-consuming processes. The FlexSim simulation environment was used to perform the computer simulation. A total of 15 variants were considered, which differ in terms of the scope of services provided during the process. The scope of services significantly affects the cost, time and profit. The purpose of the constructed model is to find a variant for the adopted data in which the profits will be maximized while maintaining the constraints imposed on the system.
The use of popular brain–computer interfaces (BCI) to analyze signals and the behavior of brain activity is a very current problem that is often undertaken in various aspects by many researchers. This comparison turns out to be particularly useful when studying the flows of information and signals in the human-machine-environment system, especially in the field of transportation sciences. This article presents the results of a pilot study of driver behavior with the use of a pro-prietary simulator based on Virtual Reality technology. The study uses the technology of studying signals emitted by the human mind and its specific zones in response to given environmental factors. A solution based on virtual reality with the limitation of external stimuli emitted by the real world was proposed, and computational analysis of the obtained data was performed. The research focused on traffic situations and how they affect the subject. The test was attended by representatives of various age groups, both with and without a driving license. This study presents an original functional model of a research stand in VR technology that we designed and built. Testing in VR conditions allows to limit the influence of undesirable external stimuli that may distort the results of readings. At the same time, it increases the range of road events that can be simulated without generating any risk for the participant. In the presented studies, the BCI was used to assess the driver's behavior, which allows for the activity of selected brain waves of the examined person to be registered. Electro-encephalogram (EEG) was used to study the activity of brain and its response to stimuli coming from the Virtual Reality created environment. Electrical activity detection is possible thanks to the use of electrodes placed on the skin in selected areas of the skull. The structure of the proprietary test-stand for signal and information flow simulation tests, which allows for the selection of measured signals and the method of parameter recording, is presented. An important part of this study is the presentation of the results of pilot studies obtained in the course of real research on the behavior of a car driver.
The article presents the issues of a container train loading at the land intermodal terminal. This issue was considered from the point of view of the distance covered by the loading devices and the duration of loading works, which was influenced by the arrangement of containers on the storage yard and the configuration of pins on the wagons. The conducted research was dictated by the small number of publications on loading an intermodal train, especially from the point of view of pin configuration on wagons. The vast majority of the literature is devoted in this field to marine intermodal terminals, which operating characteristics are different from inland terminals. The importance of this problem resulting from the growing turnover of containers transported by rail transport was also pointed out. The systematic increase of this type of transport and the depletion of the intermodal services' operating capability makes it necessary to improve the train loading process. For the purposes of the research, the issues of containers of various sizes loading onto wagons planning with various pin configurations were presented. A literature review was carried out in the field of train loading methods and strategies. A mathematical model was developed for the decision situation under consideration. The equations defining the most important elements of the considered problem were presented in the general form. This model was implemented in the FlexSim simulation environment. The constructed simulation model was used to develop 12 variants of the approach to an intermodal train loading. The train loading tests were performed both for the random arrangement of containers on the storage yard and for the random arrangement of pins on the wagons. The obtained results made it possible to determine how the knowledge of the arrangement of pins on the wagons influences the planning of train loading and increases the efficiency of loading devices.
The article presents the issue of container handling processes at a rail-road intermodal terminal. In the article, we have focused on the problem of a terminal layout design from the point of view of parking lots for external trucks. The main purpose of this article is the assessment of the necessary parking lots for the trucks considering daily turnover of containers and the trucks appointment time windows. We analyze how the length of the truck’s appointment time windows as well as the difficulties in containers loading operations and a number of handling equipment influence the necessary parking lots for trucks in the intermodal terminal. The trucks planned for loading of import containers may arrive at the terminal before the loading moment that is specified in crane operations schedule. The container handling time is given by a probability distribution. The equations defining the most important elements of the considered problem were presented in the general form. The special case of this model has been developed in the FlexSim simulation software. Based on the simulation research and calculations we pointed out that right truck’s appointment time windows can significantly reduce necessary parking lots at the yard. The literature analysis presented in the article indicates that most of the research in the field of intermodal terminal is focused on operations in container ports. There is lack of literature considering rail-road terminal layout planning in terms of the necessary parking lots and truck’s appointment time windows.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie procesów obsługi kontenerów w kolejowo-drogowym terminalu intermodalnym. W artykule skupiono się na problemie projektowania układu terminali z punktu widzenia niezbędnych parkingów dla pojazdów ciężarowych dowożących/odwożących kontenery do/z terminala. Głównym celem artykułu jest wyznaczenie niezbędnej liczby miejsc parkingowych dla ciężarówek, biorąc pod uwagę dzienny obrót kontenerów, a także okna czasowe awizacji pojazdów ciężarowych. Analizowano, w jaki sposób szerokość okien czasowych awizacji pojazdów ciężarowych a także trudności w operacjach załadunku kontenerów i liczba urządzeń przeładunkowych wpłyną na niezbędną liczbę miejsc parkingowych dla pojazdów ciężarowych na placu terminala intermodalnego. Założono, że ciężarówki planowane do załadunku kontenerów importowych mogą przybyć do terminalu przed momentem załadunku określonym w harmonogramie pracy suwnicy. Założono również, że czas przeładunku kontenera wynika z rozkładu prawdopodobieństwa. Równania definiujące najważniejsze elementy rozważanego problemu zostały przedstawione w formie ogólnej. Badane problem zamodelowano w narzędziu symulacyjnym FlexSim. Na podstawie badań symulacyjnych i przedstawionych obliczeń wskazano, że właściwe ustalenie okien czasowych awizacji pojazdów ciężarowych może znacznie zmniejszyć liczbę potrzebnych miejsc parkingowych na terminalu. Analiza literatury przedstawiona w artykule wskazuje, że większość badań w obszarze terminali intermodalnych koncentruje się na optymalizacji operacji w portach kontenerowych. Brakuje literatury na temat układu terminali intermodalnych z punktu widzenia liczby niezbędnych miejsc parkingowych dla pojazdów ciężarowych.
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