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Ochrona bezpieczeństwa i porządku ruchu drogowego stanowi przedmiot uprawnień wielu różnych organów państwowych funkcjonujących w oparciu o konstytucyjną zasadę działania na podstawie prawa i w granicach prawa. Przedmiotową ochronę państwo realizuje poprzez działalność ustawodawczą, wykonawczą oraz wymiar sprawiedliwości. Zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa i porządku ruchu drogowego – zgodnie z Konstytucją RP – należy do władzy ustawodawczej, Prezydenta RP, administracji rządowej, samorządowej oraz organizacji społecznych. W artykule wskazano organy administracji publicznej oraz wykorzystywane przez te organy narzędzia do walki z zagrożeniami bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego, których skutkiem są zdarzenia drogowe w szerszych lub węższych rozmiarach, ofiary śmiertelne, osoby ranne oraz straty materialne na różną skalę.
Protection of road traffic safety and order is the subject of powers of many different state bodies functioning on the basis of the constitutional principle of operation on the basis of the law and within the limits of the law. This protection is carried out by the state through legislative, executive and judicial activities. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, road traffic safety and order is ensured by the legislative authority, the President of the Republic of Poland, government administration, self-government administration and social organizations. The paper indicates public administration authorities and tools used by these authorities to fight against threats to road traffic safety, which result in wider or narrower road accidents, fatalities, injured persons and material losses on a different scale.
Content available Search and rescue system in Poland
On the 25th of January 2018, the Civil and Military Aeronautical Rescue Coordination Centre (ARCC) commenced operations in the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PANSA). PANSA significantly increased its contribution in the domain of coordination of search and rescue activities in ASAR service in the Polish area of responsibility. Before this date, all tasks of ARCC Centre were conducted mainly by the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, which performed the coordination function in ASAR (Aeronautical Search and Rescue) service. The bodies responsible were the Aeronautical Search and Rescue Centre located in the Air Operations Centre – Air Component Headquarter in Warsaw and the sub-centre in Gdynia, part of the Naval Operations Centre of Naval Component Headquarter. According to international commitments resulting mainly from the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed on 7th of December 1944 in Chicago and ratified by Poland together with Annex 12 “Search And Rescue”, Poland committed to establishing aeronautical search and rescue service called ASAR within the Polish region to assure its operation. ASAR service is the only service in Poland for rescue purposes and is designated for the search and rescue of aircraft in distress, provision of help for aircraft crews and passengers and other victims of aeronautical accidents (regardless of the nationality of the aircraft and persons). ASAR service tasks include search of the designated area to locate aircraft and victims of aeronautical accidents, determine their status and commence rescue actions at the location using dedicated forces and measures as well as forces and measures of other systems, mainly from the State Medical Rescue and the National Firefighting and Rescue System and the Maritime Search and Rescue Service. ASAR services consists of: commanding element – Civil- Military Aeronautical Rescue and Coordination Centre, executive elements – Aeronautical Search and Rescue Teams (LZPR), and supporting elements – alerting points (air traffic services units operating in the framework of alerting service).
Content available remote Search and rescue system in Poland
On 25th of January 2018 Civil and Military Aeronautical Rescue Coordination Centre (ARCC) commenced operations in Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PANSA). PANSA increased significantly its contribution in the domain of coordination of search and rescue activities in ASAR service in the Polish area of responsibility. Up to this date all tasks of ARCC Centre were conducted mainly by Armed Forces of Republic of Poland, which performed coordination function in ASAR (Aeronautical Search and Rescue) service. The bodies responsible were Aeronautical Search And Rescue Centre located in Air Operations Centre – Air Component Headquarter in Warsaw and sub-centre in Gdynia, part of Naval Operations Centre of Naval Component Headquarter. According to international commitments resulting mainly from Convention on International Civil Aviation signed on 7th of December 1944 in Chicago and ratified by Poland together with Annex 12 “Search And Rescue”, Poland committed to establish aeronautical search and rescue service called ASAR within Polish region and to assure its operation. ASAR service is the only service in Poland for rescue purposes and is designated to search and rescue of aircraft in distress, provision of help for aircraft crews and passengers and other victims of aeronautical accidents (regardless to nationality of these aircraft and persons). ASAR service tasks include search of designated area to find location of aircraft and victims of aeronautical accidents, determination of their status and commencement of rescue actions at the location using dedicated forces and measures as well as forces and measures of another systems, mainly from State Medical Rescue, National Firefighting and Rescue System and Maritime Search and Rescue Service. ASAR service consists of: a) commanding element – Civil-Military Aeronautical Rescue and Coordination Centre, b) executive elements – Aeronautical Search and Rescue Teams (LZPR), and c) supporting elements – alerting points (air traffic services units operating in the framework of alerting service).
Content available Wypadki drogowe w Polsce i ich skutki
Wypadki drogowe to wiele tragedii ludzkich pociągających za sobą ogromne straty społeczne i materialne. We współczesnym świecie motoryzacja – oprócz tego, że jest silnym czynnikiem rozwoju społecznego – rodzi wiele problemów społeczno-ekonomicznych, medycznych, prawnych, organizacyjnych itd. Sposób ich rozwiązania w szerszym pojęciu rzutuje na stan bezpieczeństwa i porządku publicznego, a w ujęciu węższym na bezpieczeństwo ruchu na drogach publicznych, strefach zamieszkania i strefach ruchu. Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest wypadkom drogowym i ich skutkom w ujęciu statystycznym oraz analizie powstania zdarzeń na drogach i ich sprawstwa.
Road accidents are many human tragedies with huge social and material losses. In the modern world, apart from being a strong factor of social development, automotive industry raises many social and economic, medical, legal, organizational and other problems. The way they are solved in a broader sense affects the state of safety and public order, and in a narrower sense - the safety of traffic on public roads, residential areas and traffic zones. This paper is devoted to road accidents and their consequences in statistical terms and the analysis of the occurrence and cause of events on the roads.
Bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego jest problemem złożonym badawczym, a ze względu na różne przyczyny i okoliczności – zagadnieniem interdyscyplinarnym. Istota jego tkwi w intensyfikacji motoryzacji, która obok wielu korzyści, jest także źródłem negatywnych zjawisk i niebezpiecznych zagrożeń. Ich najistotniejszym skutkiem są wypadki drogowe, których liczba, rodzaje oraz następstwa dla uczestników ruchu uzależnione są od wielu odmiennych czynników. Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest problematyce bezpieczeństwa i porządku w ruchu drogowym oraz zdarzeniom drogowym i ich skutkom w Polsce.
Road safety is a complex research problem and, due to different causes and circumstances, an interdisciplinary issue. Its essence lies in the intensification of the automotive industry, which, apart from many benefits, is also a source of negative phenomena and dangerous threats. The most important consequences are road accidents, whose number, types and consequences for traffic participants depend on many different factors. This paper is devoted to the issues of safety and order in road traffic as well as road incidents and their consequences in Poland.
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