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Content available remote Success factors and future trends in mass customization
At first, this paper focuses on the market-oriented challenges associated with the necessity to continuously update product offers in order to serve today’s markets and remain competitive. Subsequently, some success factors for mass customization (MC) are identified in this study. Then, a generic model of a mass customization system for manufacturing companies is proposed. Additionally, chosen problems concerning the mass customization implementation are highlighted. Finally, the work provides a summary of the features and trends of MC and offers new views on the subject.
Na początku niniejsza praca koncentruje się na wyzwaniach rynkowych związanych z koniecznością ciągłego aktualizowania ofert produktów w celu obsługi dzisiejszych rynków i utrzymania konkurencyjności. Zidentyfikowano również wybrane czynniki sukcesu dotyczące masowej indywidualizacji (MC). Następnie zaproponowano ogólny model systemu dotyczącego masowej indywidualizacji dla firm produkcyjnych. Dodatkowo wskazano na wybrane problemy dotyczące wdrażania masowej indywidualizacji. Na końcu, praca zawiera podsumowanie cech i trendów MC i przedstawia nowe spojrzenie na poruszony temat.
Currently, companies must change and evolve to keep pace with the changing environment, customers’ requirements and to be better than their competitors. The changes result from the need to adapt the products to new customers’ requirements as well as to maintain competitive prices of their products. Therefore, companies should be flexible to guarantee short lead time and minimalize their costs to offer a good price for the customers. At the same time, companies should create good work environment for their employees in order to get them involved in improvement processes. In order to survive and develop companies should motivate and involve their employees into a continuous improvement process in different areas of the company. Unfortunately, as based on the companies’ practice and previous research, in many cases employees are not willing to engage in the company development. Continuous improvement is the basis of the philosophy of Quality Management and Lean Manufacturing, which come from Toyota Production System (TPS). The TPS eventually spread throughout the world, and it is held up as an example of the proper management of a production system. The assumptions of TPS system were used to build systems in other companies, but not always with the same success as it was in Toyota. For this reason, the authors of this paper seek to answer the question of whether there are differences in engagement in a continuous improvement process between employees in a Japanese company and a Polish company operating in the same industry and realizing the similar manufacturing. In order to verify this, the research was conducted in two manufacturing companies which operate in the automotive industry. The results of the study and their analysis are presented in the work.
Content available remote Zastosowanie metody FMEA do poprawy konstrukcji mieszalnika
Metoda FMEA stosowana na etapie projektowania wyrobu pozwala na uniknięcie wad i problemów jakościowych, jakie mogą się pojawić w trakcie użytkowania wyrobu. Metoda FMEA stosowana jest głównie w branży motoryzacyjnej oraz lotniczej, ale i w innych branżach jest coraz lepiej znana. W artykule przedstawiono metodę analizy FMEA w zastosowaniu do projektu mieszalnika. Zidentyfikowano krytyczne elementy wyrobu i wskazano działania, które powinny być podjęte, aby zapobiec pojawieniu się wad w wyrobie.
FMEA method used in the stage of a product design lets to avoid defects and problems with quality in the stage of product’s use. FMEA method is mainly use in automotive and aviation industries but also in other industries is known better and better. In the paper the FMEA methodology is implemented in a mixer design. Critical elements of the mixer are identified and actions, which should be undertaken to prevent defects in the product are indicated.
Content available Setup analysis: combining SMED with other tools
The purpose of this paper is to propose the methodology for the setup analysis, which can be implemented mainly in small and medium enterprises which are not convinced to implement the setups development. The methodology was developed after the research which determined the problem. Companies still have difficulties with a long setup time. Many of them do nothing to decrease this time. A long setup is not a sufficient reason for companies to undertake any actions towards the setup time reduction. To encourage companies to implement SMED it is essential to make some analyses of changeovers in order to discover problems. The methodology proposed can really encourage the management to take a decision about the SMED implementation, and that was verified in a production company. The setup analysis methodology is made up of seven steps. Four of them concern a setups analysis in a chosen area of a company, such as a work stand which is a bottleneck with many setups. The goal is to convince the management to begin actions concerning the setups improvement. The last three steps are related to a certain setup and, there, the goal is to reduce a setup time and the risk of problems which can appear during the setup. In this paper, the tools such as SMED, Pareto analysis, statistical analysis, FMEA and other were used. Implementing the proposed methodology can change the attitude of the management. The risk analysis helps to prevent problems with a setup. This methodology can be used in production companies which make changeovers, particularly, in the companies where SMED hasn’t been introduced yet.
Maintaining a proper productivity and efficiency level of a technical infrastructure of an enterprise requires, above all, the use of appropriate managing methods and tools as well as an appropriate organization of services responsible for their management. Using a variety of measures is indispensable to evaluate the effectiveness of these practices as well as of the machine performance in any enterprise. The data obtained from measuring particular indicators are a primary source of information on the necessity of taking particular actions. Large companies are particularly willing to implement appropriate indicators of effectiveness evaluation because of a large number of machines and a vast range of their technical maintenance. Different indicators presented in the references are said to be efficient and willingly used by enterprises. The aim of the study, of which the results are presented in this article, was to identify the real actions taken by the surveyed enterprises concerning the use of the machine effectiveness evaluation metrics. Apart from that, the study also intended to obtain the information on which indicators are actually applied by enterprises. The study was carried out in large production enterprises of different industries on a specified area.
Utrzymanie infrastruktury technicznej przedsiębiorstwa na odpowiednim poziomie produktywności i wydajności wymaga przede wszystkim stosowania właściwych metod i narzędzi zarządzania oraz właściwej organizacji służb odpowiedzialnych za jego realizację. Nieodłącznym elementem oceny efektywności tych działań oraz funkcjonowania maszyn w przedsiębiorstwie jest stosowanie różnorodnych mierników. Dane uzyskiwane z pomiarów określonych wskaźników są podstawowym źródłem informacji o konieczności podejmowania działań określonego rodzaju. Szczególnie duże firmy są chętne, aby wdrożyć odpowiednie wskaźniki oceny efektywności maszyn ze względu na dużą liczbę maszyn i duży zakres prac związanych z ich obsługą techniczną. W literaturze przedmiotu prezentowane są różne wskaźniki wskazywane, jako skuteczne i chętnie stosowane przez przedsiębiorstwa. Celem badań, których wyniki przedstawiono w niniejszej pracy, było zidentyfikowanie rzeczywistych działań realizowanych przez badane przedsiębiorstwa w zakresie stosowania mierników oceny skuteczności maszyn oraz pozyskanie informacji o tym, jakie wskaźniki są przez firmy stosowane w praktyce. Badania przeprowadzono w dużych przedsiębiorstwach produkcyjnych funkcjonujących w różnych branżach przemysłu na określonym obszarze.
Content available remote Implementation of augmented reality in welding processes
Welding processes are special processes and special attention should be put on them when we are talking about the quality assurance problems. Standard quality management systems based on ISO standards indicate areas on which this special attention should be put, in order to obtain results which will meet the requirements. Thus, it is necessary to ensure the adequate employees’ preparation, adequate control of equipment used in a welding process, adequate work methods and systems supporting a welder in the error-free welding process realization. In this paper, applying augmented reality in order to support a spot welding process is described. The solution presented is simple and makes use of low cost devices. At the same time, a welder training time can be shortened through the use of the proposed solution. The tests of work performed with the use of the proposed solution gave good results allowing an operator to avoid mistakes during a welding process performing. Simultaneously, shortening of the process realization time is obtained.
Na procesy spawania, które są procesami specjalnymi, należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę, jeżeli rozpatrujemy problem zapewnienia jakości. Standardowe systemy zarządzania jakością oparte na normach ISO wskazują na obszary, na które powinna być zwrócona szczególna uwaga, aby wyniki procesu spawania spełniały postawione im wymagania. Należy więc przede wszystkim zapewnić odpowiednie przygotowanie pracowników, odpowiedni nadzór nad urządzeniami wykorzystywanymi w procesie spawania, odpowiednie metody pracy i systemy wspomagające spawacza w bezbłędnej realizacji procesu spawania. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie rzeczywistości rozszerzonej do wspierania spawacza w realizacji procesu spawania punktowego. Zaprezentowane rozwiązanie jest proste i nie wiąże się z koniecznością ponoszenia dużych kosztów wdrożenia. Jednocześnie spawacz może być w krótkim czasie przeszkolony do stosowania zaproponowanego rozwiązania. Przeprowadzone próby pracy z wykorzystywaniem zaproponowanego rozwiązania dały dobre wyniki, pozwalając operatorowi unikać błędów w realizacji procesu spawania. Jednocześnie uzyskano skrócenie czasu realizacji procesu.
Content available remote Ocena systemu pomiarowego
Jeżeli chcemy być pewni, że wyniki naszej kontroli są wiarygodne, to po pierwsze, musimy zadbać o system pomiarowy. Ale skąd mamy wiedzieć, że nasz system pomiarowy jest skuteczny? Jak to można sprawdzić? W artykule przedstawione zostaną dwie metody oceny systemu pomiarowego. Pierwszą z nich można wykorzystać do oceny systemu, który pracuje na danych ciągłych (metoda R&R). Druga metoda ma zastosowanie do oceny systemu wykorzystującego dane atrybutowe.
Content available remote Czy potrafimy stosować metodę FMEA?
Metoda FMEA jest znana i stosowana od wielu lat w przedsiębiorstwach, które rozumieją potrzebę zapobiegania błędom w procesach i wadom w wyrobach. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono, skąd wywodzi się metoda, a następnie zaprezentowano metodykę prowadzenia analizy FMEA i zilustrowano ją przykładem.
Działania realizowane w zakresie nadzoru nad infrastrukturą techniczną są szczególnie istotne dla dużych przedsiębiorstw. Powszechnie panuje przekonanie, że w dużych przedsiębiorstwach istnieje duży zakres zadań realizowanych w ramach nadzoru nad infrastrukturą techniczną. Dotychczas przeprowadzone badania wskazują jedynie na stosowane w przedsiębiorstwach strategie nadzoru nad maszynami, jednakże nie wskazuje się, jakie działania są konkretnie realizowane. W rzeczywistości mimo zasad przyjętych dla każdej strategii w praktyce nie są one tak do końca stosowane. Celem badań, których wyniki przedstawiono w niniejszej pracy, było zidentyfikowanie rzeczywistych działań, które są prowadzone w przedsiębiorstwach w zakresie nadzoru nad infrastrukturą techniczną w dużych przedsiębiorstwach. Badania dotyczyły przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych funkcjonujących w różnych branżach przemysłu na określonym obszarze. Wyniki badań opracowano i przedstawiono w postaci graficznej. Wyniki badań wskazują zarówno na te działania, które są powszechnie realizowane, jak i na te, które rzadko występują w tej grupie przedsiębiorstw.
The activities realized within the technical infrastructure supervision are particularly important for large enterprises. It’s commonly believed that in large enterprises there is a wide range of tasks realized within the technical infrastructure supervision. The studies done so far indicate only the machine supervision strategies used in enterprises, yet it doesn’t indicate what activities are specifically realized. In fact, in spite of the rules adopted for each strategy, they are not used entirely in practice. The aim of the survey, of which the results are presented in this paper, was to identify the real activities conducted in enterprises within the technical infrastructure supervision in large enterprises. The survey concerned production enterprises functioning in different industries on a specified area. The results were drawn up and presented graphically. The results indicate both the activities which are commonly realized and those which are rare in this group of enterprises.
W pracy przedstawiono metodykę DMAIC w realizacji projektów Six Sigma, a następnie zastosowano ją do analizy procesu spawania łopatek turbin niskiego ciśnienia. W ramach pracy zidentyfikowano czynniki, które potencjalnie mogą mieć wpływ na realizację procesu, zidentyfikowano punkty kontrolne, dokonano oceny systemu pomiarowego, a następnie przeprowadzono analizę danych zebranych z realizacji procesu spawania. Dane przeanalizowano, stosując analizy statystyczne w celu identyfikacji tych czynników, które mają rzeczywisty wpływ na proces. Przedstawiono również działania, które zostały wprowadzone dla poprawy procesu spawania oraz ich efekty.
The article presents the DMAIC methodology in Six Sigma projects. The methodology is used in a welding process analysis of low-pressure turbine blades. Processes that might have an influence on the welding process and control points are identified in this work; furthermore, assessment of control systems and analysis of data gathered from welding process is presented too. The gathered data is analyzed with the use of statistical method to identify influential factors for this process. All actions that were implemented to improve welding process are described and their results are presented in this article.
This article analyses a production organization, which is a branch of one of the production lines in the company that manufactures pallets. On the production organization analysis there are used a chosen lean tools for manufacturing. Lean tools are for example, a value stream mapping, operators work balance, a spaghetti diagram. The authors presented proposals for improvement.
Content available remote Symulacyjna linia montażowa do nauczania narzędzi lean manufacturing
In the article the concept of simulation assembly line developed in Lean Learning Academy is presented. Simulation line is going to be use in learning lean manufacturing tools students and company employees. The article includes an example of a simulation results for simulation, which has been done with employees of two production companies.
Content available remote Symulacja pracy linii produkcyjnej na przykładzie praktycznym
The article focuses on the problems concerning production line capacity. The example of a certain problem concerning a line, on which the axles for grass mower are producing, is analyzed in the paper. To solve the problem authors used lean tools such as value stream mapping and ProModel program for simulation of the production line working. After gathering information about production line and processes realizing on the line, the current state of the value stream map was drawn. On the base of the map analysis and talks with employees and management the improvements, which could improve production line working and its capacity, were proposed. Improvements were discussed and chosen of them were indicated to check in simulations. Then a first version of future state of value stream map with the indicated improvements was prepared. To do simulations a plan was developed. As variables are taken: frequency of delivery, effective working time, number of simultaneously assembled products, number of lathes in the line and number of products in batch. Next a model of the production line in ProModel program was build. With the use of the model, in the range of the analysis, 144 simulations were done. Obtained data are analyzed and proposals for line developing are presented. To increase production line capacity an additional lathe has to be introduced into the line. Authors also indicate that morning break should be cut down to 5 min. Another solution, which has to be introduced, is changing a frequency of delivery. The frequency should equal 8 hours and it is enough. More often deliveries are not cost effective, although they could give even better capacity. It was impossible to double capacity by introducing only other improvements avoiding costs concerning with necessity of buying a new lathe. The proposals are shown in the second version of future state of value stream map. Authors also indicate the further possible development and analysis.
Content available remote Symulacyjna linia montażowa w Lean Learning Academy
The article presents the concept of simulation assembly line developed in Lean Learning Academy (LLA). In LLA students and companies' employees learn philosophy of lean manufacturing and how to use lean tools. They have an opportunity to practice lean tools in ball pens assembly line. The article includes an example of simulation results for simulation, which has been done with employees of production companies.
In the work the conception of VSM (Value Streain Mapping), its advantages and basics are presented. The steps of VSM using are shown. An example of a products family, which are produced in a middle enterprise are described. During the mapping process the certain graphical symbols were used. The symbols represent process's actors, information, which are needed in the process and a flow of the information and materials. In the article actual state map and future state map for described process are shown. Actions for process developing are proposed. The potential advantages, which can be achieved after actions introduction, are also presented.
Content available remote Wdrożenie pełnego rachunku kosztów jakości w dużym przedsiębiorstwie
Implementation of the quality costs account is a difficult process. Companies realize that quality costs are important element of costs in general. But most of firms register only chosen quality costs. The main goal of costs accounting is finding which processes, activities and cells generate maximum costs to know where developing should be introduce. In the work the chosen models of quality costs are presented. Next, the authors presents a model of quality costs account, which one of the company has chosen to introduce. In the model four groups of cost are distinguished. These are costs of preventing actions, costs of inspections and quality assessment, costs of internal nonconformities and costs of external nonconformities. In the article elements of each group are presented. The authors also presents a schedule of quality costs account implementation. The phases of implementation process are described. The article specifies costs, which were registered earlier in the company and these are costs of nonconformities, especially costs of defective products, costs of repairs and costs of corrections. Causes of nonconformities identified in the company are enumerated in the article. The procedure for quality costs account leading are presented and connections with SAP R/ 3 system are indicated. Finally methods of costs counting are presented. The work also indicates advantages and difficulties concerning full quality costs account leading.
There is presented the conception of VSM (Value Stream Mapping). The steps of VSM using are shown. An example of a products family, which are produced in a middle enterprise are described. During the mapping process the certain graphical symbols were used. The symbols represent process's actors information, which are needed in the process and a flow of the information and materials. In the article are shown actual state map and future state map for described process, and are proposed actions for process developing. Also are presented the potential advantages, which can be achieved after actions introduction.
One of the quality management rule requires from organizations keeping good relations and cooperation with suppliers. To have a possibility to do that, first we should choose these suppliers who are able to meet company's requirements. Next we can assess a risk concerning cooperation with a certain supplier and evaluate an influence, which bad cooperation can have on our organization. In the paper authors present requirements and guidelines concerning purchasing process and cooperation with suppliers of quality standards such as ISO 9001, EN 9100 and ISO 9004. The authors also describes methods for suppliers evaluation and examples of indicators, which can be used to assess suppliers. Suppliers are usually assessed in respect of quality and price of products, and supplies punctuality. Next, authors propose a method for a risk assessment of cooperation with suppliers. The method gives consideration to probability of appearing negative results in future and influence on organization's functioning. The information specified in the article are taken into consideration to assess a risk. The method was worked out for a big company and tested in this company. Using the method 41 company's actual suppliers were evaluated to find out what is the risk concerning cooperation with these suppliers. The method is flexible and can be easy adapted to different organizations. To facilitate using the method we can use a spreadsheet program, like in this case.
In the work the chosen methods for evaluation of a significance of controllable parameters in technological process results are compared. The task was realized on the basis of roller burnishing process of turned shaft made of 1.503 steel. The methods, which are compared are: a 23 full factorial design and a Shainin method. Considered controllable parameters were: rate of feed, force of roller pressure and spindle rotation speed. Experiments conducted to minimize roughness (Ra parameter) after treatment, in case of the 23 full factorial design, enable to obtain a formula after relatively labor-intensive calculations. In case of the Shainin method it was possible to obtain faster approximate results comparable with these obtained using the 23 full factorial design.
Content available remote Wdrażanie TPM w praktyce dużego przedsiębiorstwa
In the work the conception of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance), its advantages and basics are presented. Stages of TPM implementation are described too. The results of equipment functioning analysis made for a chosen department in a large enterprise is shown. The article indicates the actions, which should be done to develop production equipment management process.
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