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Państwowy Rejestr Nazw Geograficznych (PRNG) jest oficjalnym wykazem, zawierającym dwieście tysięcy toponimów. Wiele spośród nich opisuje obszary leśne lub obiekty związane z gospodarką leśną. Od paru lat PRNG jest systematycznie uzupełniany, dzięki czemu stał się najbardziej wartościowym źródłem informacji o nazwach geograficznych na obszarze Polski. W niniejszym artykule materiał badawczy stanowiły wojskowe mapy topograficzne 1:25000 oraz 1:50000 wydawane w okresie PRL. Analizowano, w jakim stopniu mogą stanowić one materiał uzupełniający PRNG w zakresie nazw obszarów leśnych. Poszukiwania wybranych kategorii toponimów objęły 480 arkuszy mapy 1:25000 i odpowiadające im 120 arkuszy mapy 1:50000 z obszaru Mazowsza. Okazało się, że rozmieszczenie toponimów leśnych w PRNG oraz na badanych mapach nie jest równomierne. Chociaż PRNG zawiera znacznie więcej toponimów leśnych, to nie uwzględniono w nim aż 60% nazw przedstawionych na mapach wojskowych. Potwierdzono ponadto, że jako materiał badawczy lepiej wykorzystywać mapę 1:25000, gdyż nazwy obszarów leśnych na mapie 1:50000 są bardzo zgeneralizowane.
The Polish National Register of Geographical Names (PRNG) contains two hundred thousands of toponyms. Many of them describe forested areas or objects associated with silviculture. For several years, PRNG was regularly complemented and thus became the most valuable source of geographic names information on the Polish territory. The military topographic maps of 1:25000 and 1:50000 published in the period 1945-1989 were used as a research material for this paper. The possibilities of using these maps as supplementary material for PRNG with regard to the names of forest areas were analyzed. The search of selected categories of toponyms included 480 sheets of 1:25000 maps and corresponding 120 sheets of 1:50000 maps of the Mazowsze region. It was found that the location of forest toponyms in PRNG and on the studied maps is uneven. The PRNG contains significantly more forest toponyms, but it does not include as much as 60% of names shown on military maps. Moreover, the map of 1:25000 is a better research material, as the names of forest areas on the 1:50000 maps are very generalized.
Content available remote Niezawodna metoda wizualizacji ilościowych cech przestrzeni leśnej
W niniejszym artykule, przedmiotem badań nie będą mapy opracowywane przez profesjonalistów (np. pracowników biura urządzania lasu i geodezji leśnej), według zasad określonych w Instrukcji Urządzania Lasu, lecz mapy wykonywane okazyjnie, dla doraźnych, przede wszystkim wewnętrznych potrzeb, przez osoby na codzień zajmujące się innymi niż geomatyka sprawami, pracujące w szeroko rozumianym leśnictwie lub ochronie przyrody. Problemy związane z redagowaniem takich map przedstawione zostaną na przykładzie kartogramu, czyli mapy (tak nazywana jest także kartograficzna metoda prezentacji) przedstawiającej, za pomocą barwy lub desenia (szrafu), natężenie cechy lub zjawiska o charakterze ilościowym w odniesieniu do przyjętych pól podstawowych. W dalszej części artykułu dokonano analizy 25 map wykonanych przez uczestników Studium w latach 2003-2008. Rezultaty przedstawione zostały w zasadzie w zgodzie z kolejnymi etapami redakcji kartogramu polegającymi na wyborze: 1) zasięgu terytorialnego mapy, 2) pól podstawowych, 3) danych statystycznych, 4) przedziałów, 5) skali barwnej, 6) legendy, 7) innych elementów treści mapy ( opisów).
The paper presents results of examination of 25 choropleth maps visualizing different features of forests. The maps were prepared by students of postgraduate study .Application of spatial information systems in forestry and nature conservation. at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. The selection by the map authors of such elements as map extent, statistical data, classes, color range, legend and other elements of a map (e.g. texts) were examined. There are relatively many editorial problems with preparation of choropleth maps. It turned out that almost all analyzed maps contain mistakes. However, only in few cases these mistakes made the use of map significantly difficult. Most of the solutions applied by the authors may be assessed as satisfactory. Therefore, choropleth maps may be considered as a quite reliable method of visualization of quantitative features of forests. It is advisable to continue popularization of choropleth maps. The point is that new better versions of software need to be produced and popular textbooks have to be complemented with more practical examples. Textbooks for foresters should contain specific features of forest cartography, because some of these features are important from the point of view of cartographic methods of presentation.
Content available remote Problematyka kształcenia w zakresie geoinformacji na kierunku leśnictwo
Geoinformation is a vital element in education process of forestry students. Educational standards on Engineer.s and Master.s degree studies provide for subject content within course modules of geomatics in forestry. In the Forestry Department of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences there is specialization .Geoinformation techniques in assessment of natural environment.. Lectures in geoinformation are also conducted in doctoral and post-graduate studies. Geomatic methods are applied in scientific research by specialist in various areas of forestry.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy standardów nauczania na kierunku gospodarka przestrzenna, treści podstawowych podręczników oraz programów studiów realizowanych w Szkole Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego. Celem była ocena miejsca nauk przyrodniczych w kształceniu studentów na tym kierunku studiów. Udział tych zagadnień w standardach oraz podręcznikach jest nieznaczny. Uczelnie mają jednak możliwość, według uznania, znacznego zwiększenia liczby przedmiotów powiązanych z tą tematyką. Za przykład mogą służyć programy studiów realizowane na Międzywydziałowym Studium Gospodarki Przestrzennej w SGGW.
In the paper the results of analyze teaching standards in the topic of regional planning are presented. The content of basic textbooks and study programs performed in Warsaw University of Life Sciences were analyzed too. The goal of work was determination of role of natural sciences in student's education within this study program. The share of such problems is rather small in teaching standards. The Universities are authorized, optionally, to enlarge the number of given lectures concerning to this subject. An example of such resolving could be the study program taught at Interdisciplinary Department of Regional Planning and Management WUoLS (SGGW).
Content available Problemy współczesnej polskiej kartografii leśnej
We wstępie przedstawiono ogólną charakterystykę map leśnych oraz propozycję ich podziału. Podstawową część artykułu stanowi opis problemów współczesnej kartografii leśnej na przykładzie map wykorzystywanych w nadleśnictwach. Autor podjął się próby wyjaśnienia zasadności wielu nietypowych rozwiązań, charakterystycznych dla tego działu kartografii tematycznej. W końcowej części tekstu dokonano ogólnej charakterystyki literatury związanej z kartografią leśną.
The term of forest cartography has not been finally defined yet. In the past it used to mean cartographic presentations prepared for forestries. Growing demand for new types of maps, resulting from the development of the idea of multi-functional forests, together with new technologies of their preparation widened the range of meaning of forest cartography. The author concentrates on maps used by the staff of ,,State Forest" National Forest Holding: attachments to arrangement statements and maps prepared by forest authorities basing on digital maps that they use. Some of the problems mentioned in the title concern editing issues: selection of contents of forest maps according to the requirements of their users, map updating, cartographic generalization, application of particular methods of presentation and marking of geographical coordinates on maps. Other deal with more general issues: map availability, used terminology and education in the field of forest map elaboration. Only a small fraction of the issues mentioned in the text specially generalization has been more exhaustively discussed in literature, most need further research and analyses. Generally, forest cartography uses traditional graphic solutions. Despite significant technical development in the area of map production it is their contents that improves rather than the presentation method. Many characteristic solutions typical for forest cartography result from particular conditions. Those maps are prepared almost exclusively for internal use, therefore their development is more resistant to general trends. However they fulfill their role well - they are highly evaluated by their users.
Content available remote Kształcenie w zakresie geomatyki na wydziałach leśnych
In the paper, basic elements of education in geomatics are discussed. It is emphasized that education in this field, particularly taking into account spatial information systems (SIS), is carried out at different levels both in the stale and other universities. Interdepartamental nature of geomatics is stressed and the resulting need to include it into curriculum of various faculties, which were divided into three groups. These are: l) geodesy, cartography and geography, 2) spatial planning, landscape architecture, environment protection and forestry, 3) architecture and urban planning, construction, geology, mining, environmental engineering, information technology, navigation. The paper contains information on annual nationwide conferences of department and divison of geodesy in non-geodesy faculties devoted to research and educational problems in the area of geomatics and its role in the development of technical, natural and economic sciences. The paper contains information on annual nationwide conferences of department and divison of geodesy in non-geodesy faculties devoted to research and educational problems in the area of geomatics and its role in the development of technical, natural and economic sciences. The problems connected with education in SIS on forestry faculties is presented on the example of the Faculty of Forestry of the Warsaw Agricultural University - one of the three forestry faculties in Poland. Short history of the Faculty is presented highlighting the following events: the lecture of the president of ESRI on 6 July 1990; signing of an agreement between ESRl and Warsaw Agricultural University concerning the use of PCARC/INFO LAB KITPackage . 29 November 1990; introduction of the subject .Fundamentals of photogrametry and spatial information systems . to the curriculum . 1992; beginning of specialization .Application of SIS in forestry . 1994. Obligatory minimum of the course schedule for 5-year master degree studies introduced in the Faculty of Forestry in 1966 as well obligatory and optional courses on different study programs are discussed. The curriculum covered i.a. lectures and exercises in two subjects - forest geodesy and fundamentals of photogrametry and spatial information systems, seminars and 10 optional courses . construction of SIS in a forest district office, geodetic and cartographic methods of evaluating the state of natural environment, photogrametry in forest management, numerical methods in photogrametry and remote sensing, the use of SIS in forest district office, construction of SIS on regional and national level, cadastre in forestry, methods of data analysis in raster SIS, digital terrain models in forest management. Attention is drawn to a number of problems connected with the need to adopt the study programs of new two-stage studies 3.5-year engineering (bachelor degree) and 1.5-year or 2-year master.s degree studies to the old program minimum. The role of the Division of Spatial Information Systems and Forest Geodesy of the Faculty of Forestry at the Warsaw Agricultural University is highlighted. The employees of this Division hold course in many subjects at various types of studies in various faculties - forestry, spatial management, landscape architecture, environment protection, tourism and recreation, and information technology. Study programs in the area of geomatics in forestry faculty and spatial planning faculty are compared. As regards the number of hours of obligatory classes the result is definitely to the disadvantage of the Faculty of Forestry. The attractiveness of the a/m specialization is emphasized. In the years 1994.2003, 151 master`s thesis out of the total number of 254 in the whole postwar were related to this specialization. Also, doctoral studies, both regular and extramural, are of great importance, including the study of application of SIS in forestry and protection of nature. At the end, broadly understood public education in the field of geomatics is proposed.
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