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The soils of agricultural lands of Ukraine have different features of use for growing agricultural crops. In particular, under the conditions of homesteads in urbanized areas, the use of soils is observed mainly for monoculture (extensive agriculture). Usually, such soils are used primarily for the cultivation of potatoes and a small amount of vegetable crops: beets, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, parsley, dill, etc. Organic fertilizers and a small amount of mineral fertilizers are used to fertilize the soils of homestead plots. Polycultures (intensive agriculture) such as: sunflower, winter rapeseed, winter wheat, corn, barley, sugar beet, peas, etc. are grown under the conditions of field crop rotation. With the creation of conditions for obtaining the maximum yield, mainly mineral fertilizers and a small amount of organic fertilizers are used. That is, these features of soil use can be reflected to one degree or another in the level of accumulation of heavy metals and trace elements in them. The content of heavy metals and trace elements in black soil typical medium loamy, sod-podzolic sandy loamy and gray medium loamy soils were investigated for their use in homestead plots and field crop rotation for growing various agricultural crops. A higher content of mercury, lead, cadmium, zinc and copper was found in black soil typical medium loamy, gray forest medium loamy and sod-podzolic sandy loamy soils under the conditions of homesteads compared to the soils of field crop rotations. The highest difference in the content of Pb, Hg, Cd, Zn, and Cu in the soils of homestead plots and field crop rotations was found in sod-podzolic sandy soil.
Today, energy crops that are undemanding to soil fertility are increasingly used for the production of biofuel, electricity, and heat. Favorable climate, large areas of agricultural lands of Ukraine create the necessary conditions for growing the most popular energy crops, which will be able to supply the domestic market, as well as export. The article is aimed at studying the accumulation of chemical elements phosphorus (Р), potassium (K), copper (Сu), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) in the vegetative mass of Miscanthus, Silphium perfoliatum L. and Sida hermaphrodita L. Rusby for their cultivation in the conditions of the Western Forest Steppe of Ukraine on gray forest soils. The article presents the results of own field and laboratory research.
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