To evaluate the quality of watercourses in the Western part of Carpathians from a hydro-chemical perspective, a systematic approach is required. This involves gradually excluding factors that contribute to the washing, mixing, and transportation of contaminants in the watercourse pathway. The model that considers spatial dependencies by autoregression was implemented in this study to determine the correlation between hydrodynamic and physico-chemical characteristics of waters at surface in different groups and forms of catchment use. The surface water at forested areas had the maximum average shear stress of 0.178 N∙m-2. The watercourse at sustained grassland had the maximum average Reynolds number (Re) of 23,654 and the minimum number of 0.426 at arable lands. Spatial autoregression analysis revealed space-time relations in various measurement points. When constructing the space-physical model, it is important to consider the influence of hydraulic characteristic parameters on the generation of physicochemical indicators in the flysch basin. Specifically, it may be beneficial to take into account the turbulent diffusion coefficient. The autoregression analysis demonstrated that for the ions P-PO4 3- and K+ in surface water on cropland and for total iron and the cation K+ on grassland (p < 0.05), the turbulent diffusion coefficient proved to be of great importance. The study did not identify any physicochemical dependency for woodland surface waters. The findings can be utilised to create an erosion model that considers the contribution of material supply in a catchment area, specifically from weathered Carpathian flysch or surface runoff, to the alimentation of alluvial deposits.
In the work there were presented results of investigations of physico-water properties and water retention ability of chosen post industrial waste in the aspect of natural management. Soil water characteristic curves were determined in pressure chambers with porous ceramic plate and parametrized to the van Genuchten equation. The obtained results show, that the less advantageous retention ability has flotation waste and coal mud, the medium one metallurgical and soda waste. The best retention properties have energetic and heat energetic waste. The determined soil water characteristic curves can be the base for evaluation possibilities of natural management of the investigated waste. The carried out investigations, supplemented by examination of chemical properties enable to choose optimal methods of biological reclamation of landfills where are deposited.
The costs of fertilising the soil with sewage sludge were reduced to the operating time of the equipment and the working time of the labourers operating the equipment in the two main operations (manure spreading and ploughing), for three sewage sludge application doses, namely 50, 100 and 200 Mg·ha-1. The costs were calculated using the Katalog Nakładów Rzeczowych nr 2-21: Tereny zielone/Ministerstwo Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Budownictwa (2009) and the current prices from Sekocendbud (2023). The effectiveness of fertilisation was assessed by studying the level and change in heavy metal content after the soil was fertilised with sewage sludge at three proportional doses, namely 50, 100 and 200 Mg·kg-1. The sewage sludge used for fertilisation complied with the sanitary requirements for sludge to be utilised for natural purposes (Regulation, 2015). The estimated total cost of sludge application ranged from PLN 12646.19 to PLN 20456.73 per 1 ha for doses from 50 to 200 Mg per 1 ha. The results of the estimation confirmed the hypothesis that the unit cost of fertilisation with stabilised sewage sludge increases with the dose of sludge in relation to the area of fertilised soil and decreases with the increase of the mass of sludge deposited in the soil. Optimising fertiliser costs, therefore, requires selection - increasing the sludge dose per unit area. No contamination of the soil with copper, cadmium, lead and zinc was found despite an obvious increase in the content of these metals when mixed into the soil. The application of sewage sludge, even in multiple doses, did not result in exceeding the permissible limit for the content of these elements in the soil, as defined in the Minister of the Environment Regulation of 2015 (Regulation, 2015).
Celem artykułu było określenie zawartości metali ciężkich w glebach po aplikacji do nich osadu ściekowego jako źródła i sposobu nawożenia oraz próba oszacowania kosztów tego procesu. Koszty związane z nawożeniem gleby osadami ściekowymi, sprowadzono do czasu pracy sprzętu oraz robotników obsługujących sprzęt w dwóch podstawowych etapach prac (rozrzucanie obornika i orka), dla trzech wysokości dawek osadów ściekowych: 50, 100 oraz 200 Mg·ha-1. Kalkulacja kosztów została wykonana na podstawie Katalogu Nakładów Rzeczowych nr 2-21: Tereny zielone / Ministerstwo Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Budownictwa (2009) oraz aktualnych cen z bazy danych Sekocendbud (2023). Skuteczność nawożenia została oceniona przez zbadanie poziomu i zmiany zawartości metali ciężkich po zasileniu gleby osadami ściekowymi w proporcjonalnych, trzech dawkach: 50, 100, 200 Mg·ha-1. Zastosowane do nawożenia osady spełniały wymagania sanitarne stawiane osadom, które mają być wykorzystane w celach przyrodniczych (Regulation, 2015). Oszacowane koszty całkowite aplikacji osadu, wyniosły od 12646,19zł do 20456,73zł na 1 ha, odpowiednio dla dawek od 50 do 200 Mg na 1 ha. Wyniki szacunku potwierdziły założoną tezę, a mianowicie: koszty jednostkowe nawożenia ustabilizowanymi osadami ściekowymi rosną wraz z dawką osadu w odniesieniu do powierzchni nawożonej gleby a maleją wraz ze wzrostem masy zdeponowanych w glebie osadów. Optymalizacja kosztów nawożenia wymaga zatem doboru – zwiększania dawki osadu na jednostkę powierzchni. Nie stwierdzono skażenia gleby miedzią, kadmem, ołowiem i cynkiem pomimo oczywistego zwiększenia zawartości tych metali po ich zmieszaniu z glebą. Stosowanie osadu, nawet dawki wielokrotnej, nie wpłynęło na przekroczenie dopuszczalnego progu zawartości tych pierwiastków w glebie, określonej w Rozporządzeniu Ministra Środowiska z 2015 r. (Regulation, 2015).
The result of geomechanical and hydrological degradation caused by the underground extraction of hard coal are the transformations of the environmentally managed terrains and high variability of soil properties occurring in these areas. The analysis of selected soil properties of spatial variability in the post-mining area conducted by means of the kriging technique was presented in the paper. The determined points of empirical semivariogram were described by means of mathematical functions and theoretical semivariograms were plotted. The conducted analysis allowed to plot the maps of variability isolines, which my provide a basis to delineate the boundaries of areas most susceptible to the hydrological degradation of soils. The obtained research results indicate that the applied kriging technique may prove to be a useful tool for determining spatial variability of soils in the areas of hard coal mining operations and allow to delineate the boundaries of the areas most susceptible to soil degradation.
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